What is this obnoxious s*#% in the new (iOS 18.3.1) Photos text recognition and translation feature?
from ccunning@lemmy.world to apple_enthusiast@lemmy.world on 18 Feb 12:37


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Mbourgon@lemmy.world on 18 Feb 18:57 next collapse

Beta? Could it be making a chart from the data provided? How did you get it to provide that? Screenshot of data then clicking the 3 lines? That could be freaking cool if you’re asking for it.

ccunning@lemmy.world on 18 Feb 19:05 collapse

It’s not a beta; it’s the latest version.

I took a photo of text in another language, went to the photo in the photos app and clicked the text recognition icon. After that I got both the translate button (which I’ve tapped in this screenshot) and that weird monstrosity.

Prontomomo@lemmy.world on 19 Feb 04:31 collapse

Looks like it’s recognizing math, which is just the ranges shown in the document, like 20-60