Apple is reportedly bringing live translation to AirPods (
from to on 13 Mar 21:50


threaded - newest on 13 Mar 21:52 collapse

Hopefully not “powered by AI” on 13 Mar 22:25 next collapse

Translation is one of the more useful capabilities of AI, actually. It is far more likely to catch the nuance or slang than more literal translation software.

I know there’s a lot of blanket hate for AI, but this really is the perfect use case for it. on 13 Mar 22:37 collapse

Fair enough. And yes, lots of hate here! But if AI is actually a solution for a real world problem, i can make an exception! on 13 Mar 23:06 next collapse

Don’t worry Apple is just paying a team of Indian linguists to listen to all your conversations and translate them in real time. on 14 Mar 03:04 collapse

In all fairness, Apple using AI to transcribe podcasts has been a tremendous success. Like, making four or five mistakes across an hour of casual speech. And those mistakes are usually contextual blind spots (like writing “lift” when someone said “Lyft” the company.)