Netflix says its brief Apple TV app integration was a mistake (
from to on 14 Feb 19:46


threaded - newest on 14 Feb 19:56 next collapse

Enshitification continues unabated. on 14 Feb 20:26 next collapse

As time goes on, I hate Netflix more and more. on 14 Feb 21:35 collapse

As time goes by, I hate capitalism more and more. on 15 Feb 00:18 collapse

That too! on 14 Feb 20:29 next collapse

This is not a “mistake”. This clearly proves they have Apple TV app integration implemented (just turned off). And someone accidentally turned it on.

But they have clearly put in effort and work into adding this functionality.

New functionality doesn’t just happen by mistake. on 14 Feb 20:34 next collapse

I know on 14 Feb 22:10 next collapse

Sure it was a mistake. Someone mistakenly enabled a feature flag :p on 14 Feb 22:10 next collapse

New functionality doesn’t just happen by mistake.

It was a rogue AI!! on 15 Feb 14:34 collapse

Let’s hope that it was a mistake because it wasn’t ready and it will roll out later on 14 Feb 20:47 next collapse

I can understand why’d they’d feel this way. Apple is mostly a closed platform with overpriced hardware. I’m surprised Apple hasn’t started packaging bottles of air yet while claiming it is premium air. Apple cultist would pay for it. on 14 Feb 20:51 next collapse

bUt ThE paCKaGiNg Iz BEautIfUl!!! on 14 Feb 20:55 collapse

The icons make me ballz tickle on 14 Feb 21:23 next collapse

How many Apple cultists have you actually met in reality? on 14 Feb 21:57 next collapse

As an Apple and Linux user, all the people I know that will"throw money" at new apple hardware have enough to not care. They’re not power users, they just want something simple and reliable, and apple hardware checks those boxes. The actual apple fans I know are buying refurb, using oclp to keep old machines going longer, or just wait until there’s some form of price drop.

I think it’s also worth noting to this person that the apple tv hardware costs LESS than a shield tv. But that head is likely so firmly rooted in their own ass that it’d take an auger to remove it. on 14 Feb 22:06 collapse

I’m thinking about buying an Apple TV because I don’t like the built-in software on my TV, and “big corp that isn’t Google” sounds like a reasonable compromise between privacy and integration with big media providers. on 14 Feb 22:10 next collapse

They’re pretty solid honestly. I chose a shield over one bc at the time I wanted some apps that required side loading, but now that I have an emby server that’s moot. The only thing I’m not a fan of is the touch remote, but they still have a remote app so I can just use my phone instead. on 15 Feb 14:07 collapse

you can still buy and use the classic remotes too! here’s the first one i found on ebay: on 15 Feb 15:03 collapse

Good to know the current boxes still work with the old remotes, thanks for sharing! on 16 Feb 00:55 collapse

They switched from the touch remotes years ago. I have a 4k ATV and it has a physical directional pad. on 16 Feb 07:16 collapse

Also good to know! The only one I have much exposure to has that remote. I’m glad they came to their senses on the remote! I’ll definitely have to grab one when my shield kicks its bucket on 15 Feb 00:35 next collapse

It’s the best available option. Which IMO describes almost all apple products. They are FAR from perfect. They are absolutely overpriced. The support has gone WAY downhill. But for privacy, durability, build quality, longevity, performance, reliability, ease of use, interoperability, and yes; support, they are the best thing out there. on 15 Feb 01:30 next collapse

Apple TV is currently the best streaming box available and has been for a while. It’s also cheaper than other high-end options while providing excellent functionality. on 15 Feb 02:25 next collapse

PS5 (or 4 or even 3) is quite a bit more money, but it’s also a very capable media device that also happens to play video games. on 15 Feb 11:14 next collapse

It’s not at all a bad option, but the streaming apps don’t seem to pay much attention to keeping their console apps updated with support for the latest and best Audio and video formats and codecs etc. on 15 Feb 14:03 collapse

I could see that. We have a pretty old TV, so we don’t have a need for things like HDR. on 15 Feb 15:04 collapse

Unfortunately the PlayStations are terrible picks if you run your own Plex or Emby. Sony doesn’t really open up their app space for the developers to provide client apps on 15 Feb 23:37 collapse

Years ago, I ran a universal media server that my PS3 interacted with fine. Granted, the UI was a bit clunky (folder and file based) but it worked. I haven’t locally hosted any media in a while. Does the PS5 no longer support this type of solution? on 16 Feb 07:20 collapse

I can’t speak toward all the options out there but when I added someone to my emby server and they asked if there was a playstation app, I looked into if one was available. From what I recall finding on the emby forums, Sony was basically just not responding to their expressed interest to make a client app for the platform(s). This applied to PS4/5 though, not 3 on 16 Feb 13:56 collapse

In the case of the universal media server there wasn’t a need for an app. The PS3 found it on the network and it showed up under the media UI thing. on 15 Feb 04:58 collapse

Yeah, I just got 2 cheap used ones for that reason. It’s pretty good.

Also because it works way better as a Steam Link than my (surprisingly still being updated) Steam Links, or than on any of the many shitty Chrome/GoogleTV boxes.

Otherwise I have almost no Apple stuff anymore. Heck, not for 5+ years. on 15 Feb 00:29 collapse

Have you never been to a Genius Bar? My overall perception of Apple fans are people that they drink $8 lattes daily & write a couple blog posts per month while drinking wine & feel accomplished as a result. on 15 Feb 11:11 collapse

I used to work at the Genius bar on 14 Feb 21:54 next collapse

They refuse to integrate with any universal search on tv boxes. on 15 Feb 02:04 collapse

@timewarp @misk a walled garden it is but frankly, Apple equipment just works. I’ve never had trouble with my Apple devices like I did with my PCs. on 15 Feb 03:45 collapse

I’m not saying their OS sucks. If it were not tied to their hardware, I’d prob use it too. But because they bundle them & upcharge their hardware a lot, it just isn’t worth it IMO. I’d rather move towards an open-source OS or at least one not tied to hardware. on 15 Feb 10:52 collapse

@timewarp it’s probably because it’s so well integrated with their hardware, which is superior, that it works so well. My problem is the walled garden aspect their apps. If you don’t use standardized formats e.g. odf, it’s really useless for widespread adoption. on 15 Feb 11:10 collapse

Yep. OS is hugely optimized to run best on Apple hardware. on 15 Feb 00:03 next collapse

Is this a feature of the TV box only or can it be done on a phone? on 15 Feb 00:12 next collapse

Set top box only as far as I know. on 15 Feb 04:04 collapse

The TV app on my iPhone also shows content from Hulu so I think it’s across all Apple platforms on 15 Feb 08:13 collapse

I think it might be country specific since I don’t have an option to enable it. I remember that Prime didn’t integrate with TV+ for years here while it did in other countries. on 15 Feb 00:32 collapse

For the services that aren’t as big of an asshole, it does work on phones and iPads as well. on 15 Feb 05:54 next collapse

Netflix doesn’t want you to browse it’s library for free … because you’ll realize it’s 98% shit on 17 Feb 07:51 collapse

98%? You’re being generous. on 17 Feb 14:22 collapse

I’m talking about shows like Squid Game. Arcane, Stranger Things, The Umbrella Academy (minus S4), Love Death and Robots and Castlevania…

…that’s the 2% on 15 Feb 12:28 collapse

Top tip: you can have all your shows in one place if you use Jellyfin. ☠️