Apple's 2026 Foldable iPhone Has No Visible Display Crease – Report (
from to on 25 Feb 11:40


threaded - newest on 25 Feb 12:17 next collapse

Apple has decided to eliminate the crease at all costs, regardless of price

Apple Vision Pro V2

The display crease has been one of the biggest challenges in foldable technology

My understanding is that the crease is basically a non issue. You can only see it if you look at your phone in a specific way. And for most applications, you’re not running your finger over it. on 25 Feb 12:57 next collapse

This is cool enough not to have budged me one Planck length from my original position of “fuck that”. on 25 Feb 17:40 collapse

I’ve been using folding phones for the last 4 years and it’s awesome. There’s no downside and a lot of benefits

  • yo screen dont break
  • you can clip it onto your shirt with the flashlight on
  • it fits into weird little pockets
  • you can use it as a stand for another phone to watch youtubes on 25 Feb 19:07 next collapse

Longevity is worse than non-folding phones, simply because the hinge and folding screen are wear parts.

Camera is worse, because there’s less z-distance for lens depth. If they push it with a bigger camera bump, you wind up with a maximum thickness of easily over 15mm very quickly, even if the rest of the phone is thin, that hurts.

Battery life is worse, because two separate batteries with puncture protection, folding screen, digitizer, etc in between are heavier and less power-dense than a single large battery.

And the price is higher because there’s more screen, more batteries, more materials, and more R&D to pay back in the hinge and fold mech.

The Z flip is the most tempting to me simply because the height and width are far more attractive than current monster-sized phones. But it’s disingenuous to pretend the plastic inner screen (yes, that’s literally what that top layer is, not glass), the cost, the inferior battery, and the inferior camera aren’t serious compromises.

And all for what? So I can have a giant inner screen? I think my (smaller than any modern phone) phone is already too large, too addicting, and too tough to use with one hand. For serious tasks and videos I use my laptop.

I believe it is awesome for you. But there are downsides. on 25 Feb 23:20 collapse

  • my screen don’t break irregardless, as they say.
  • why the fuck would i want to do that? If I’m doing plumbing or some shit, i need a real light.
  • can’t say I’ve ever wished my phone would fit in a pocket other than those in my clothes.
  • you can use any number of small items as a stand.

I ain’t downvote you, btw. on 25 Feb 13:18 next collapse

And when people inevitably point to the crease, Apple will say, “You’re folding it wrong.” on 25 Feb 13:18 collapse

Apple has decided to eliminate the crease at all costs, regardless of price

So, for the price of a nice iPhone and a nice iPad, I could have… a smaller phone and a smaller iPad. on 25 Feb 13:28 collapse

Could have said the same thing about first iPhone and digital cameras and mp3 players. But this doesn’t necessarily mean they will charge a ton more for it. This is more about R&D.