macOS Sequoia may require weekly permissions for screen recording apps (
from to on 07 Aug 2024 02:07


threaded - newest on 07 Aug 2024 02:21 next collapse

Please no! I shouldn’t need to constantly re-grant permissions unless an app has maybe had a major update where it may warrant review.

I am already annoyed how often iOS asks me am I sure I want an app to run in background etc when that is the point of said app. on 07 Aug 2024 07:24 next collapse

Apple needs a toggle for “I’m not a total noob” to disable some of these things. Well, Microsoft does too but for different things.

This will probably be a large net benefit since most users are not, uh, proficient and likely grant permissions a little too often. I guess I’d rather click yes repeatedly if it means depriving some corpo from monetizing user screen content. But if they’re adding it, they may as well make it optional. on 08 Aug 2024 06:13 collapse

Apple needs a toggle for “I’m not a total noob” to disable some of these things. Well, Microsoft does too but for different things.

It’s really getting on my nerves that the big tech corps all assume their users are stupid and they don’t even offer advanced menus for the rest of us. on 07 Aug 2024 16:46 collapse

Android turned off AirGuard permissions and background usage because I didn’t open it in a while. Thanks for saving like 1% battery and making me vulnerable to stalkers tracking me with AirTags and Tiles 🤩 Wow, a great trade! on 07 Aug 2024 03:12 next collapse

As a beta user, they pop up everyday which is extremely annoying…. on 07 Aug 2024 17:48 collapse

Yeah, seems to have gone from daily to weekly in the latest beta, which will still be annoying, but far less so than it had been lately. I legit thought it was a bug because I shouldn’t need to authorize app permissions on a daily (or even weekly) basis. on 07 Aug 2024 03:16 next collapse

You know, I remember when macOS made fun of Windows Vista’s gen1 UAC asking for permission to do anything.

It seems now the turns have tabled. on 07 Aug 2024 03:44 next collapse

Geez Microsoft is so terrible about this. It doesn’t help that certain apps are coded like shit as well. Ubisoft Connect literally asks 3 TIMESEVERY TIME YOU OPEN IT for UAC permissions. Once a week would be absolutely a joy in comparison. on 07 Aug 2024 04:08 next collapse

That’s not a Microsoft problem… Ubisoft Connect should not need admin permissions to do anything tbh on 11 Aug 2024 06:18 collapse

Microsoft didn’t provide a way for fine grained control of things. Oftentimes apps need UAC permission for ridiculous stuff that should be available to provide access to once and never again. I’ve written shitty windows apps before and I remember thinking it was dumb then. It’s just even worse now. on 07 Aug 2024 04:36 next collapse

If you hold down the escape button, it will deny all the UAC requests as they come in. It’s pretty satisfying to watch, actually on 07 Aug 2024 16:45 collapse

Nvidia GeForce Experience asks once you install driver updates but not right away lol. It’s gotta think about whether it needs it first I guess. Really ponder whether it should ask. So you gotta wait for it to ask before you walk away to do something else. on 07 Aug 2024 10:00 next collapse

Windows: clicks reboot ah shit I’ve hit reboot instead of shutdown. dies of waiting

MacOS: clicks shutdown “are you sure?” yes “are you reeeeaaallly sure?” yes on 08 Aug 2024 12:16 collapse on 07 Aug 2024 04:54 next collapse

Do you have a minute to talk about our savior Linux? on 07 Aug 2024 05:00 next collapse

c/all enters the c/apple_enthusiast thread on 07 Aug 2024 08:39 collapse

You got downvoted for this? Literally 1984 /s on 07 Aug 2024 16:10 next collapse

You don’t mess with the cult of apple :)

I had a MacBook for a while. It’s a great laptop. But I prefer Linux. on 07 Aug 2024 23:12 collapse

It’s a non-relevant unoriginal comment.

Everyone on Lemmy already knows. Because some people can’t seem to shut up about it. on 07 Aug 2024 06:54 next collapse

If this happens I’ll consider switching back to a Linux machine next time a hardware upgrade is due.

Hope there are some rapid developments in non-Apple ARM Chips by then :') on 07 Aug 2024 10:22 next collapse

This is going to be a bit annoying for those of us who do remote tech support for family members. on 07 Aug 2024 12:23 next collapse

Okay Dad, now click allow. The “allow” button. There is a button on your screen that says “allow”. Yes, it allows me to vi-- no I can’t until you cli-- yes, the window in the middle of the screen, there is a “allow” and “don’t allow” button— the one on the left, the left one, click that. No, you just sent me another blank email. There should be something in the middle of the scr— yes! That’s it! Click that! … Why did you click “don’t allow”? on 07 Aug 2024 13:05 next collapse

I’m tech support for my family and this comment gave me Pre-Tramautic Stress Syndrome. on 07 Aug 2024 15:19 collapse

Is your dad an idiot or something? on 08 Aug 2024 08:20 collapse

He has Alzheimer’s, so maybe yes if that’s the label you want to use, but he can’t help it.

Within a year we’ll probably have to take his driving license away, that will really hurt as he values his independence greatly. Within the next couple of years he’ll be in a care home. I’d say a year after that he won’t even remember who I am. He won’t remember any of the family, or any of his friends.

Eventually he’ll have brief moments of lucidity but for the majority of the time he’ll just be talking gibberish and not having a clue what is going on around him.

Then he’ll not want to eat or drink and he’ll slowly starve himself to death. The staff at the care home will do their best but he’s on a one way trip to a miserable confusing lonely existence and a slow death that we all have to watch as his immune system attacks what is left of his brain and his body eventually gives way, long after “dad” is no longer our “dad” anymore.

It’s a horrible disease which robs you of your very soul before eventually killing you. As my Mum put it when I explained it to her: “fucking hell… I think I’d rather have cancer”.

In the meantime, I am trying my best to give technical support for the occasional times that he needs it. Even at his best he wasn’t really “tech savvy” but he did well in his prime, running a local business that allowed about 20 staff to pay their mortgages and have a good life.

He did well by us and everyone around him, so a little tech support and frustration, whilst also producing a funny anecdote for this little community, isn’t really a big deal. on 08 Aug 2024 15:54 collapse

Oh fuck off. You didn’t imply or even suggest that anyone had Alzheimer’s and you made a joke out of it. You suggested that he sent you an email instead of hitting “Allow”. That’s not something that people with Alzheimer’s do. People with Alzheimer’s have memory issues not an inability to read. on 08 Aug 2024 19:29 collapse

Alzheimer’s is a lot more than “memory loss” and categorically affects comprehension on every level. Way to show you have no clue what you’re talking about.

I was making the point that my dad is not an idiot, but is actually quite ill and your dumb insulting comment was not needed.

But I guess insulting others helps your self esteem. So I was probably expecting too much for you to have a tiny bit of self reflection.

Edit: just had a quick look through your other comments. You’re a toxic individual and don’t seem to have a kind word for anyone.

I’m not going to lower myself to responding to you any further. So I’m going to block you now so I never have to read another thing you have to say. I’m sure you won’t be able to help yourself and will respond with more bile, but I won’t be reading it. Good luck. on 07 Aug 2024 14:16 collapse

Fuck that. It’ll be hell for people who do remote support for commercial businesses. If they do this, I see companies strongly evaluating switching platforms. This is super user-hostile. This opinion is coming to you from an Apple platform user. on 07 Aug 2024 15:58 collapse

MDMs already allow business to manage security permissions for apps. I don’t see why this would be any different. If the company has an MDM, this change should have no impact on their users. If they don’t have an MDM, they really need to get one, not just for this, but a lot of other security and usability reasons.

This will really suck for users of personal devices, though. on 07 Aug 2024 13:15 next collapse

the last good os x was snow leopard i said what i said on 07 Aug 2024 16:18 next collapse

If this requires admin rights to enable every week this is going to suck major ass for company MDM MacBooks on 07 Aug 2024 20:01 next collapse

God. As if giving x permissions on first launch and still somehow not having the needed permissions wasn’t enough hassle. on 08 Aug 2024 06:00 next collapse

Wonder how this is going to impact remoting-in to my office computer from home.

If it can’t happen I’ll be rethinking having a Mac in my office. on 08 Aug 2024 11:17 next collapse

Apple 2014: “it just works”

Apple 2024: it “just” works on 08 Aug 2024 17:19 next collapse

I wish they’d just do what iOS does for apps with location tracking. Every couple months, check in with the user and let them know an App still has access to something, and ask if you want to continue or revoke access.

Sometimes Apple gets a too aggressive with privacy and it hurts the user experience. on 08 Aug 2024 17:34 collapse

Oh hilarious. I still have to use a display link driver because the laptop can’t drive multiple external displays. It technically is a screen sharing driver. So in order for me to use my monitors I’m going to be constantly re approving my display drivers.