Question for other MacBook Pro owners
from to on 14 Feb 00:06

I’ve had my MacBook Pro a few years now. It’s an M1 with 16gb ram. It’s been acting weird when it comes to the screensaver activating. As in, it never comes on. I’ve adjusted my settings, and it still won’t work. The only thing that makes the screensaver act normal is a reboot, but it’ll only work once.

Anyone have any idea?


threaded - newest on 14 Feb 00:41 next collapse

Have you checked the system log in and/or run EtreCheck?

I haven’t had that issue on my M1 MBP, although I have had fast user switching go to a beachball and require a force reboot. on 14 Feb 00:58 collapse

No, I’m fairly new to the Mac. This is my first one after 20ish years on PC.

Can you direct me to a how-to or something online so I can follow it tomorrow? on 14 Feb 01:03 collapse

Ah; best thing to do is drop a note in the Apple Support Forum.

Personally, I haven’t used a screensaver in over a decade; I just have energy saver settings set to turn the screen off after 3 minutes of inactivity; separately, I set it to require login after 5 minutes. on 14 Feb 01:05 collapse

Oooh ok! I’ll do that.

Well, my display won’t turn off like it used to either. on 14 Feb 01:22 next collapse

Hmm… that’s odd. Definitely worth checking the system log, but you may not be able to tell much from that. on 14 Feb 03:50 collapse

Are you using the new huge built in Screensavers that you have to download first, and if so which one? on 14 Feb 03:53 next collapse

Yeah, the old school Mac one. Looks like e-ink. on 14 Feb 03:58 collapse

That one fails constantly on my M4 Pro Mini. Honestly glad it’s not just me. on 14 Feb 03:59 collapse

Oh wow, that’s good to know. I’ll change up my screensaver and see if that fixes my issue. on 14 Feb 20:16 collapse

That was the issue! I changed it to a basic SS and it’s working again! Thank you :) on 14 Feb 20:59 collapse

I wonder what could possibly be up with that one. They haven’t fixed it yet because apple, but what is wrong with it? on 15 Feb 00:21 collapse

I wish they fix it, it’s such a cool screensaver. on 14 Feb 00:54 next collapse

Create a new user profile, log in to this test user and see if the issue still happens. This can help you with the troubleshooting. on 14 Feb 00:58 collapse

Ah, ok will do! Thanks! on 14 Feb 01:39 collapse

A lot of Windows users moving to macOS leave apps running due to just clicking on the red button to close the window.

Check to make sure you don’t have an app running that is keeping the computer active, even in the background.

e.g. some data syncing apps, navigation device connections, wake-on-lan enabled with an active network-reliant app running

Use Activity Monitor in the /applications/utilities folder to explore all the stuff running. on 14 Feb 01:41 collapse

Interesting! Thank you, I will check that. on 14 Feb 16:05 collapse

There is also this app, if you prefer to make clicking on the red x file quit a program: