Threat Thursday - CTI, vulnerabilities and discussions
from to on 14 Dec 2023 14:31

Weekly thread for highlighting and discussing the past week’s notable threats, vulnerabilities, breaches and more!

Feel free to comment on what I’ve collected or share things you have found useful or interesting!


threaded - newest on 15 Dec 2023 13:56 collapse

We’ve got a threat briefing on all the recent PLA activity. I’m going on vacation, so I’ll miss it which is a bummer.

The hospital my partner works for had a ransomware attack. They haven’t publicly disclosed, so I’m hoping that means they had actual back ups and nothing was compromised.

Personal anecdote: so many things were breached lately. I have an extreme uptick of calls from my “best friend” Scam Likely. I get more calls from Scam Likely than anyone else, hence the “best friend” designation.