Biden to ban US sales of Kaspersky software over ties to Russia, source says (
from to on 20 Jun 14:29


threaded - newest on 20 Jun 14:37 next collapse

Isn’t this a little late? on 20 Jun 19:44 collapse

Username checks out on 20 Jun 14:43 next collapse

Didn’t they do this in like 2014… More softball politics as usual… on 20 Jun 15:59 collapse

In 2017, the US government banned Kaspersky on government systems, if that’s what you’re thinking of. This new ban sounds to me like the recent TikTok ban, where it would affect the US population at-large and not just government systems. on 20 Jun 16:05 collapse

That looks about right, thanks for showing me that. on 20 Jun 15:53 next collapse

Oh man, that’s really gonna show em. There aren’t anymore sanctions they can do. So ban Kaspersky I guess? Putin doesn’t give a crap. He’s got plenty of oil, friends with China. on 20 Jun 17:00 next collapse

He can do this but nothing about letting women get abortions or forgiving student loans? on 20 Jun 17:57 next collapse

In all three cases, he can do it as long as Congress gives him that power. In this case it’s unlikely Congress will push back on banning Russian software, in the other two the republicans have promised to block any executive effort on 20 Jun 18:20 collapse

Well, let’s get all three branches of government solidly blue. Then you can complain about things not getting done. on 20 Jun 22:57 collapse

We’ve heard that before on 21 Jun 01:24 collapse

And proceeded to actually fucking go do it for a grand total of a couple of months since 1990

Don’t bitch about work you ain’t been doin’ twit. on 20 Jun 20:08 next collapse

bIDeN sECUrITy ExPeRt on 21 Jun 00:06 collapse

I have to admit, it’s funny seeing all the gEnOciDe Joe folks cry “it’s not enough!” every time he does something even slightly on the side of positive.

If he did everything they ever wanted, they’d complain that it didn’t happen soon enough and still help Trump win November. on 21 Jun 01:26 collapse

Because it hurts Russia even slightly and these people weren’t ever for anything except clearing the way of the antidemocratic world order. on 21 Jun 01:27 collapse
