Cat Poop Coffe; delicacy from Jakarta (
from to on 20 Aug 2023 04:55


threaded - newest on 20 Aug 2023 05:27 collapse

A fellow James Hoffman enjoyer! You should check out his kopi luwak video, where he concludes (unfortunately) that any kopi luwak you get is probably a scam, either completely because it’s just something else that has been fraudulently sold as kopi luwak, or partially because it is made using caged civets that are fed an all-coffee diet which isn’t good for them and likely wouldn’t replicate the gut conditions of wild civets.

He leaves the question of whether hypothetical wild civet coffee would have any merit open, because he can’t be sure of the provenance of the kopi luwak that he has tasted, but his tasting notes for what he was given as kopi luwak are very similar to yours. on 20 Aug 2023 06:28 collapse

Ah I watched it now and that’s interesting that he also describes it simmilar to me.