What's Your Least Favorite From the Past Week
from 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub to espresso@infosec.pub on 11 Jul 2023 17:01

I though it could be fun to list our least favorite roasts from the past week, maybe with a description on why you disliked it. This way we could round out the “what are you brewing” posts with a sort of “I won’t be brewing that again” type of end cap.

Personally, I find it fun sometimes to try the black sheep. After all, my least favorite could be your favorite.

Feel free to downvote the post if you don’t think this would benefit the community. If we get to an overall point value in the negatives, I will unpin the post and we can move forward with it in the rearview.


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Mastema@infosec.pub on 29 Dec 2023 01:46 next collapse

I’d like to say that I like the thought behind this post, even though I don’t have anything to contribute on the negative side. I’m currently firmly entrenched with Deeper Roots, Alchemy blend and don’t see myself branching out for at least a while longer.

redfox@infosec.pub on 10 Mar 2024 14:02 collapse

This might not be popular, but I don’t care for any Columbian blends. I’ve even tried local stuff, or different brands, nope. All terrible to me now.

I can however drink mass produced like lavazza espresso and crema aroma.

01189998819991197253@infosec.pub on 11 Mar 2024 18:55 collapse

I wasn’t a fan of Columbian coffee, either, until I roasted it myself. As it turns out, I like medium-light Columbian coffee enough to not just roast-and-gift. I think the standard medium-dark to dark Columbian coffees, which seems to be the norm, are just too… boring (is that the right word?).

redfox@infosec.pub on 11 Mar 2024 23:35 collapse



I have been ruined by crap American swil 😆

Don’t get me started on Starbucks…

01189998819991197253@infosec.pub on 12 Mar 2024 01:55 collapse

I prefer the headache to Starbucks. I understand, and respect, that some people like it. I do not. It’s burnt and smokey. Two flavor notes I don’t look for in my coffee.

Which American swill are you referring to? I have my list of coffees I won’t drink. I’m curious of yours haha

redfox@infosec.pub on 12 Mar 2024 09:25 collapse

Im thinking of the usual suspects like Folgers, Maxwell, etc that every cheap dinner and gas station serve.

01189998819991197253@infosec.pub on 13 Mar 2024 02:23 collapse

While diner coffee tastes horrible, it’s somehow comforting. It’s the only crap coffee I can actually enjoy. Maybe ‘enjoy’ isn’t the right word for it. I’m also not really considering the cheap diners that use Maxwell or Folgers. I visited the US South, and there was some diner (can’t remember the name), and they served their brand diner coffee. It wasn’t great, but it was the diner coffee I remembered as a kid, so it was comforting. But, the others on your list are on the top of mine, too haha

Edit: cracker’s barrel? Something like that.

Edit: hahahahaha Cracker Barrel. That makes a lot more sense than cracker’s barrel. I was close, though.

redfox@infosec.pub on 14 Mar 2024 00:14 collapse

This I completely understand. Relatable human experience.

I love cracker barrel, even though it’s a chain. It makes me want to do the amount of manual farm labor that would warrant that many calories. And I can’t help wanting to eat all the food. I mean all the food they have in the store. youtu.be/HrIeP798hiQ?si=OjYmUmoaNg0fPnhs

01189998819991197253@infosec.pub on 14 Mar 2024 01:54 collapse

One of the best scenes of that entire show! The confusion and stifled fear on the employee’s face hahahaha