What are some must have web extensions or TamperMonkey scripts for Fediverse social medias (like Mastodon, Lemmy, Kbin ect ect).
from Hyperi0n@lemm.ee to fediverse@lemmy.ml on 18 Jun 2023 06:37

Right now I’m using the Lemmy Modern UI extension from the Firefox WebStore. What are some others I should get as well?


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underscores@lemmy.dbzer0.com on 18 Jun 2023 10:30 collapse

For Mastodon there’s FediAct or Mastodon - Simplified Federation.

Hyperi0n@lemm.ee on 19 Jun 2023 02:20 collapse

What does FediAct do?

underscores@lemmy.dbzer0.com on 19 Jun 2023 04:55 collapse

They both do try to do roughly the same thing. If you go to another Mastodon website and try to follow, reply, etc. it will redirect you to do that on your mastodon instance.