Is Lemmy becoming too ideologically homogeneous? Thoughts on political diversity in the Fediverse.
from to on 12 Jan 05:29
from to on 12 Jan 05:29
I’ve been using Lemmy for a while now, and I’ve noticed something that I was hoping to potentially discuss with the community.
As a leftist myself (communist), I generally enjoy the content and discussions on Lemmy.
However, I’ve been wondering if we might be facing an issue with ideological diversity.
From my observations:
- Most Lemmy Instances, news articles, posts, comments, etc. seem to come from a distinctly leftist perspective.
- There appears to be a lack of “centrist”, non-political, or right-wing voices (and I don’t mean extreme MAGA-type views, but rather more moderate conservative positions).
- Discussions often feel like they’re happening within an ideological bubble.
My questions to the community are:
- Have others noticed this trend?
- Do you think Lemmy is at risk of becoming an echo chamber for leftist views, a sort of Truth Social, Parler, Gab, etc., esque platform, but for Leftists?
- Is this a problem we should be concerned about, or is it a natural result of Lemmy’s community-driven nature?
- How might we encourage more diverse political perspectives while still maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment?
- What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of having a more politically diverse user base on Lemmy?
As much as I align with many of the views expressed here, I wonder if we’re missing out on valuable dialogue and perspective by not having a more diverse range of political opinions represented.
I’m genuinely curious to hear your thoughts on this.
threaded - newest
Conservative and/or right wing, authoritarian, reactionary (feel free to pick your favorite analogous label) views are ethically wrong and lack evidence to add a worthy perspective to discussions. Capitalism is a belief and should be discussed as other religions.
I think you provide the perfect example of what OP is talking about. In my experience this kind of comments and “far left” views are the norm on Lemmy. I think that in this regard Reddit had (I have not been there since the API shutdown) a much more balanced and wide spectra of political views. Not to mention that everything wasn’t political there. Here I feel like everything takes a “far left”/Marxist turn. To me, this homogenous political environment turns me off and is one of the primary factors behind me not really using Lemmy that much.
To be clear I do not think that your views should be silenced and whatnot. Just agreeing that this is indeed a “far left” echo chamber.
redditors (like most americans) proved that they believe a genocide is acceptable political collateral damage and that facism is okay; that’s fucked and not at all balanced in any way.
Yeah. Why go through all the effort to cover up the true nature of your actions if your beliefs and views are so much more balanced. While the speech here may be more absolutist, I don’t think other people who don’t factor in these untruths or use them to make their points have much to add to the conversation. It’s just talking points.
Can anyone translate this vaguepost?
I just saw a revised death toll in Gaza. Lots of people have been downplaying this. This is only one example.
I’m not talking about whether the content of an opinion is balanced or not. I’m talking about that if you take into consideration all the different views; are there just a few vs many, are the views leaning heavily in a specific direction (right/left), etc.
And you continue to prove the point that Lemmy has a “far left” overweight. I’ll remind you again that I’m not talking about whether I think you are right or wrong, just that it’s an echo chamber for opinions like this.
genocide is never acceptable and facism is never okay; these are facts, not opinions.
I never alluded to these being ok? I agree with you here
They’re big parts of the American Overton window now; yet you called their consideration
Not sure what you mean to be honest. What do you mean by “yet you called their consideration”?
What I meant earlier was that the way that you express
is (in this case left?) misrepresentation what others (or most other) believe. I don’t know if this is in bad faith or if its because of “echo chamber radicalization”. I do have a hard time believing that “most americans” or “redditors” (as in most redditors?) approve of genocide or facism. They might have other/more nuanced ideas on some issues than you. But for the record I’m not American.
I do believe that you will be able to provide examples of crazy comments on some issues. But in my experience, when you leave the internet and talk to people in real life - most people are sane, moderate and do not hold far left/right opinions on most of the issues discussed like this on the internet.
Reddit is an American website and the Americans mainstream disregarded a genocide to vote for fascism.
Lemmy was invented by and built for leftists and others who reject this sort of mainstream perspective.
You’re advocating for a reddit like perspective on Lemmy and both the moderate American & reddit perspective is unpalatable and immoral; Lemmy is better of wo this perspective.
The people on your primary instance have qualms about genocide and fascism but believe neither are important enough to change; it would probably help you to focus your feed on your instance.
you’re on the wrong instance
We, just like you, have been bombarded incessantly from birth with the hegemonic bourgeois ideology. It is inescapable. Most people don’t even realize they’re soaking in it, because they’ve never been outside of it. For most people it’s just “common sense.” It’s literally impossible for us to escape to a “‘far left’ echo chamber.”
Who is really in an “echo chamber”: those who have investigated outside of our hegemonic liberal/capitalist/imperialist culture, or those who never have?
We don’t cite Gramsci here
If a view isn’t based on truth, it just simply doesn’t matter. It’s not a matter of silencing, which there is no need for
This post appeared in my timeline yesterday. Thought I would share it with you.
That’s exactly the point. “Conservative” most of the time means rollback to segregation and discrimination whereas the only chance of humanity lies within compassion and cooperation.
I think there are some conservative opinions that are worth discussing. For one example, I’ve seen conservatives talk frequently about protecting children from an increasingly secular world. Comparitvely, that topic rarely comes up in normal lemmy topics.
Truth be told, I generally am progressive on this, but I sometimes wish I could discuss this with someone whom I may disagree with, so I could better understand where I would stand
Protecting them from what now? Exactly what are we protecting them from in a ‘secular world’?
The phrase “are ethically wrong” is hilarious. According to whose code of ethics? How are their ethics more moral than someone else’s set of ethics?
There’s literally entire branches of philosophy dedicated to the concept of morals and the concepts of good and evil.
Edit: Also, to add on to this, something can be ethically right but morally wrong, or ethically wrong but morally right.
Liberals are not leftists.
yeah, liberals are conservative scum lol.
liberals are literally on the left wing of the spectrum, but apparently that’s not good enough for ‘arbitrary decider of who’s a leftist’ here
You have to be at least anti-capitalist to be a leftist. That’s the bare minimum.
Lemmy liberals are centrists. They favor capitalism with regulations and social welfare.
oh I must have missed the “YOU MUST BE AT LEAST THIS ANARCHO-MARXIST TO RIDE THE LEFTIST LABEL” sign at the front of the line.
damn is this really how you think? are these really the thoughts that just bubble up in that grey matter?
way too much time on your hands if so
you’re so fucking busy delineating who’s not a good leftist that the conservatives are going to destroy you all and you’ll be quibbling about who was a real one and who’s faking being in the concentration camp.
The liberal wants to preserve some parts of the capitalist tradition while enacting some social reforms. That puts them in the center.
You want to talk about concentration camps? The US has the largest incarcerated population in the world, and it has my entire life, since Clinton introduced the Crime Bill. The prison population almost doubled from 1990 to 2000. That’s liberalism.
Yeah, in the interest of not having a bloody, civil war, I’d rather try to correct the economic paradigm that we have rather than instill a new one that will have its own set of unique and terrible problems (for example, see nomenklatura).
The chaos that will arise from the transition will be deadly, terrifying, and profound. It is not something I wish my children to have to go through. So, yeah…of course I’d rather work to fix the system that we have.
Okay, but that’s why you aren’t a leftist.
Personally, the reason I have an .ml account instead of an account on one of the farther left instances which aren’t federated with .world is because I want to argue with people like you. I welcome the diversity of opinion between leftists and liberals, I deliberately expose myself to it. Liberals keep me sharp without being emotionally exhausting the way people farther to the right are.
We have nomencultura at home, in the Professional Managerial Class: the college educated labor aristocracy that serves the capitalist class.
These are well established political definitions, not something we just up and decided a few days ago. Political position along a left and right axis, defined in the context of the economic present, with a pro- or anti-capitalist stance on either side. “The Left” has more or less been defined by an anti-capitalism - pro-socialism stance for a long time, despite whatever labels some news outlets choose to use to demonize liberals and Democrats. They restrict definitions to the Overton window, just a sliver of the full political spectrum, which is firmly planted rightward, and promote the idea that the left side of the window is “The Left”. It isn’t. Many iberals and the democratic party are firmly pro-capitalist. It isn’t that they are good or bad leftists, they just aren’t leftists at all. We aren’t too busy figuring this out, we’ve been clear with these definitions for forever.
But literally, you do need to be anticapitalist to be a leftist.
Where did you learn your stance from? Its wild.
This is the result of a century of communist/socialist purges and of cold war propaganda in the US. Most Burgerstanians haven’t known their asses from their elbows politically for generations.
That's the problem with labels. They often mean different things to different people.
Yeah, there’s the academic record and then there’s random forum posters. Different meanings, sure: with one worth discarding.
No, liberals just aren’t leftists.
It isn’t a purity test, anticapitalism starts at some form of Socislism.
Leftists are socialists. Liberals are not socialists, they are liberals. Liberalism is founded on the right to private property, otherwise known as private ownership of the means of production, while socialists call for the abolition of private property (not to be confused with personal property).
They literally aren’t
Liberals are auth right on the political compass.
Leftism is anti-capitalist.
The Political Compass is generally a terrible way to view politics, I wouldn’t put any stock in it.
It’s an oversimplification and has its limitations but that’s often what’s needed to reach mass appeal and be useful in discourse.
On the contrary, it makes little sense at all. Ideologies can’t be put on a compass like that.
On the contrary, it’s is a useful heuristic, even if it’s not perfect. While ideologies are complex and multifaceted, it provides a framework to map tendencies. It simplifies ideologies, sure- but that’s precisely its value & the social/cultural dimension and is harder to map
When you simplify ideology too much, you ceate more confusion, like elsewhere in the thread when you categorize Marxist means as auth left and ends as lib left, despite Marxism being consistent in means and ends. There are far more issues with it than it solves.
But that’s just it - it’s not a useful heuristic, it’s a delusional framework, even more than the geocentric model was. We were mapping the planets onto that, but that didn’t make it useful.
No, the political compass is an oversimplification of political ideologies that is extremely biased towards liberal viewpoints of the world. It is not useful and only actually harms political discussion.
Everything wrong with the Political Compass
Liberals support capitalism, ergo they are on the right.
They hang out in /modlog.
so you’re suggesting, what, exactly?
say I’d observed this trend as well, and agreed there was a risk (I don’t but let’s follow your chain of thinking) - what then?
Because I’m sure there’s a desire for conservatives to have alternatives to reddit, but I as they can federate their own instances and have damn near free reign over whatever communities they want to create, I don’t really understand what’s to be gained from any actions that might be taken. We won’t convince them it’s a conservative haven, and that’s genuinely what they want, a safe space where no one questions their conservatism.
so what is it you’re thinking?
The thing which I really dislike with a bubble is that people inside of it get more and more radical and ban even their allies because they're not radical enough.
MAGA is a perfect example. On a national stage even! Hey, where’s that Pence guy?
“Progressive” liberals in fact the centrists—they’re center-left at best—and there are plenty of them here.
These people are liberals as well, but because they usually break Lemmy’s code of conduct regarding various bigotries, they get usually quickly the boot.
Everything social is political, and the fediverse is social media.
Linking to the general page for liberalism instead of classical liberalism when talking about right wingers… huh sloppy
Given how likely right wing conservatives tends to spread misinformation and cite low quality sources, I honestly don't mind the lack of right wingers.
Yeah, it’s not necessarily bad but it affects my point of view
Some might deny it, some might agree but decide it’s for the best and apparently, others will just denote the least left of the leftists as conservative scum
Given the recent right wing takeover of other social media sites and the glorification of hate speech I am fine not seeing that bullshit spread here.
This is bad for the health of lemmy though, I think. A discussion board/framework should be politically neutral, while still employing rules on hate speech based on the voice of the masses.
If you want to talk hate speech, I’ve seen numerous accounts on lemmy instances of people advocating for murder or other violence against “billionaires” or anyone with a significant wealth. Or same with right-wing ideals, I’ve seen users advocating similar broad calls for violence based on pretty poor assumptions against the entire right-wing USA block.
there’s no such thing as politically neutral
Considering the Overton window, there’s also the fact that what is left and right varies from country to country and culture to culture. For example, a centerist in America would be considered right wing when compared to a centrist from Vietnam or Cuba.
If someone wanted to make a well-formed right wing argument I doubt they’d get too much backlash. But it’s all bigotry and lies and conspiracy theories at this point so they get shitcanned.
Fighting back against the ultra wealthy who are killing our people and our planet is not the same as punching down on minorities who are just trying to exist.
Yes it’s very important to accommodate genocide and climate denialism. 🙄
Have you spent any time at other places on the Internet?
That’s just the left, lol
While this can be true for some communities, I find that users here do still engage with other viewpoints when the discussions are in good faith.
I think the reason why a lot of users lean in a certain political direction is because of
I feel like we’re getting more politically diverse over time. It’s only a risk if we force a certain political leaning through moderation.
Worth keeping an eye on to see how it changes over time
Mainly moderation. If a community or space is intended for a particular group, it’s perfectly fine to moderate how you see fit. If it is meant to be a general space, try to limit political biases when moderating and focus on bad faith comments.
If a post/comment was in good faith, it’s more effective to let someone explain why it is wrong rather than removing it. Chances are that others can learn from the explanation (or that they were correct to begin with, and you’ll learn something)
The benefits are easy, I can’t think of many drawbacks. Maybe:
Not counting lemmygrad and hexbear most of lemmy instances is completely liberal, at best radical liberal. I seriously doubt your statement about being communist if you call for more centrism and think we need more rightwing info.
You want more rightwing? Go anywhere else in the internet, there’s full of it everywhere. What is lacking everywhere else, is communist point of view.
I am an independent and politically nonbinary, but people like assuming, almost always incorrectly, what I am thinking. The people on the right think I am left, and the people on the left think I am right. Apparently it is all relative, and the attitude of "if you disagree with me, you must be evil" is way too prominent, both on the left and the right.
I like listening to a variety of viewpoints because I can learn something new about human nature, even if I disagree with their opinion. It allows me to spot patterns that others don't see.
It also allows me to better understand and respond to flawed thinking and dangerous ideas. For example, giving power to someone who is power-hungry is dangerous, no matter what propaganda they are spouting. And there are opportunists and snakes in the grass all over the political spectrum. Just because they say the right things does not mean they do the right things. People don't always like it when that is pointed out. They confuse the leader for the cause.
The problem with remaining in an information bubble surrounded by like-minded people is that you start assuming that everyone thinks like you, which is usually not true at all. Both the right and the left fall into this trap sometimes. And people who have not experienced other cultures also fall into this trap. It creates an unrealistic and inaccurate view of the world. It also results in a shock when they realize that people on the other side of the world or from a different background think completely differently than they do.
It is one of the reasons why the Democrats lost the election in the U.S. They assumed they were the majority because they surrounded themselves with people who agreed with them and they repeatedly blocked or canceled anyone who disagreed. As a result, they shifted further and further away from what the people wanted, abandoned the working class, embraced unpopular views, and then wondered why they lost the swing voters, thereby giving the election to their arch enemies.
Cultivating and remaining in an information bubble is like shooting yourself in the foot and blaming the other side. The more you isolate yourself, the less reach your ideas have, and the less influence you have over society.
To be frank, some people are actually hoping both the far left and the far right becomes increasingly isolationist. It would mean they disappear from the mainstream consciousness since they silence themselves by blocking anyone who disagrees with them. That way they talk to themselves instead of bothering the mainstream middle, who are the actual majority.
The fact is, you don't hear much from the people in the middle because they get attacked from both the right and the left, and most people don't like the drama. Instead, they just go to the ballot box and vote against the politicians they don't like.
In an idea world, we could talk about the issues and come up with some non-partisan solutions. But society has become so polarized, I am not sure that is even possible anymore.
This is everything I wanted to say and it’s why I’ve started going back to reddit to get some different viewpoints. This echo chamber is intellectually unhealthy.
This sounds like some kind of an enlightened centrist take.
Educate me though, can you briefly describe your political philosophy?
@mortemtyrannis It is pretty simple, really. Don't screw over other people.
So that means I am against big business, monopolies, unfair trade practices, surveillance capitalism, hoarding wealth, etc.
I am also against big government, corrupt officials, police brutality, law enforcement overreach, government surveillance, tyranny, and dictators.
I think we should have free speech, but at the same time, I don't think we should allow harassment, doxing, slander, libel, or intimidation.
I think that people should get paid fairly based on what they contribute. Contribute more, get paid more. I also think that there should be a safety net for people who are struggling.
I think that we should have health care reform, but I don't like the choices that are being presented. Option 1: big business and big health care. Option 2: a government monopoly on health care. There is a middle route where you get rid of both big government and big business in health care. It would require some fundamental changes on how we handle health care, however.
I think we need less big business and less big government, and more small cooperatives, small businesses, and small non-profits. Smaller entities means it is closer to the people and they can chose who they want to deal with. Regardless of whether it is private, non-profit, or government-run, if you only have 5 choices or less, you really don't have much of a choice at all. Because if you have less than 5 major players, they all start to collude to keep policies and practices in place that benefit them and not the consumers or taxpayers.
I can go on. I may be an independent and politically non-binary, but I do have principles.
You sound (mostly) libertarian.
Thanks for the explanation though.
I dunno. I’m fairly far left, and moderately radicalized, and I get plenty of pushback. And from both those further left, and those that are US left (which is more centric overall).
Yeah, you don’t get as many right wingers, but they do exist, and they tend to be willing to speak up. On the less crazy instances, they don’t even get shut down by admins/mods, though they’ll get down voted all to hell.
But I can’t say that lemmy as a whole is that echoey. It just leans more left than any other form of social media.
I think the idea that all viewpoints are equally valuable and need to be given equal weight or volume in discussions is incredibly fallacious. Left wing ideals are backed by a multitude of research as well as ethical and moral philosophies. I don’t know how you could be a leftist and say “what this place really needs is more right-wing voices” with a straight face. The whole “im just asking questions, everyone deserves to be heard, i just want to hear both sides of the argument” is a common tactic the right uses to try to seem reasonable and propagandize more people. Some ideas aren’t worth hearing out and can only do damage to those who listen.
I hope you're not being serious but if you are try to get out your bubble while you still can
I absolutely am. Im happy to discuss and debunk any right wing viewpoint thats brought up, but beyond that, having it repeated ad nauseum is in no way useful. Some opinions are not valid and don’t deserve the space for argument beyond potentially educating people.
The idea that every left wing viewpoint is perfectly aligned with science and critical thought is over reaching
I didn’t say that, and im open to discussion on any viewpoint to an extent. Theres a lot of things i dont agree with even my most leftist friends about. But constantly giving voice to ideas that have been proven wrong, either scientifically or historically, is not helpful in any way. For some things there is a ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ answer. Gender science, economics, racial discrimination, the predominant roght wing ideas about these topics are just false, scientifically. And they shouldnt have to be disproven constantly in a public forum when that work has been done elsewhere.
I would argue that wider community cohesion and thus tolerance of other viewpoints is important. Without hearing and understanding why these other points of view exist, understanding and accepting these people is hard.
Branding someone’s point of view as inherently or even ‘factually’ wrong is pretty blunt, alienating and invalidating IMO. I prefer a left-wing world view that tolerates people who don’t have the same understanding as me.
Patience and willingness to educate people is necessary in any community, as is a certain amount of tolerance for disagreement, in topics that aren’t harming anyone or restricting anyones roghts. In our current political environment, the predominent viewpoints of many people are outright dangerous and violent towards dissenters or outsiders, and those views do not deserve to be platformed. This is all based on context obviously, as everything is. If my neighbor is adamant that an unregulated free market society benefits everyone and is the best option despite all evidence to the contrary, and won’t be swayed by any argument or proof i offer, then fine. I just wont talk about the economy with them. But if my neighbor starts to say that trans people are mentally ill, and mexicans are subhuman, and palestinians deserve to be eradicated just for being born, thats a whole other matter. In the world we live in now we have to be very careful about what information is being propagated and consumed and absorbed by people who may lack the skills or understanding to resist it. As i said, some ideas are not worthy of repetition.
Yeah but this thread was supposed to be about whether ideological diversity is important, not whether hate speech is important.
It was about a lack of right wing viewpoints being problematic. Can you give me an example of a right wing viewpoint that is worth discussing, not scientifically unsound, not hateful, and is currently missing from lemmy? Cause if there is value in these ideas being discussed you must be able to give at least one example right?
The value is in being accepting that other people don’t see the world in the same way as you, and treating them with respect.
The value is having a society that is tolerant of diversity of opinion.
Yes and for some topics thats valid, and for some it absolutely is not. Like this discussion isnt even about being tolerant about other viewpoints, its about a lack of other views being problematic, and i dont consider a lack of hateful bile to be a problem in any way. I also dont consider those hateful ideals to be worthy of tolerating. I asked you for an example of a specifically right wing viewpoint thats not false, is worthy of discussion, and not hateful, and you gave none, so what is the point youre trying to make? And why should we make an effort to platform more right wing views when they are basically all hateful?
I think you’re missing my point.
This is not an universal truth.
Nazism is explicitly deemed unworthy of respect in some legal systems, like Germany or the UK. MAGAs, white supremacists, and alt-righters are objectively too close to nazism, therefore their opinions are unworthy of respect to start with.
There is also the paradox of intolerance. If you let these people in, to respect their opinion, they will take over and deprive people of the right to live. They don’t play by tolerant society’s rules, so they they don’t get tolerated.
Here is the opinion of the scientific consensus on transgender people, which is have been so for years, if not decades.
We have been harassed, bullied, doxxed, and banned for bringing those up in all major social media platforms. TERFs, white supremacists, misogynists, racists, have always gotten away in these platforms with punching down on leftists, African and Caribbean reparations activists, feminists, and queer people. They were protected by equally bigoted moderators under the guise of entitlement to their opinion, at the same time that all these other opinions are bashed and framed as “overstepping”.
This is in line with what the EFF and Techdirt, which are both vocal First Amendment absolutists, have already said that what X and Facebook do now is in fact amplifying hate speech and effectively suppressing the free speech of gender and sexual minorities.
And this has been the situation for years, take for example the online harassment of feminists .
It is a deeply systemic bias, due to centrist indoctrination in broader society, that it is the leftist and inclusive spaces that are called out for lack of diversity for responding to harassment and bigotry, when the voices and lives of people are simply dominated and evacuated in major platforms without an iota of moderation and responsiveness to punch-down harassment.
Let alone that in the light of the most recent developments, which consolidates the above tendencies, makes the timing of the tolerance argument even more ironic and dishonest.
Do you not see the irony here of op being intolerant of sharing lemmy with people who do not share their viewpoint? You’ll note from my other comments here that I’m explicitly not arguing for hate speech. IMO this thread was actually about the lack of moderate alternative views on Lemmy, not about encouraging extremist narratives to take over the federation.
What I am arguing for here is to drop the unhelpful us-versus-them narrative and to argue that Lemmy could well learn to tolerate a wider range of opinions. This is not to say extreme and intolerant views such as the ones you have described should be permitted.
What is it exactly that you’re proposing lemmy mods do differently then? Do you believe that moderate alternative views are being broadly censored across lemmy? If not, and it’s just downvotes and “groupthink” you’re complaining about, then just state your “reasonable and moderate” disagreements and let the votes fall where they may. Your alternative views are not entitled to approval, and downvotes are not censorship.
Ah, the arguments for the defence of the status quo. How disturbingly ironic.
Yep, I’m a total hypocrite for defending a left-wing social media platform from your sealioning and concern trolling while the majority of platforms are undergoing a fascist takeover. If you want more diversity of opinion on lemmy then let it grow and the diversity will grow with it. Just don’t be surprised when a consensus forms among those who are fleeing fascist platforms.
Whatever is going on in this part of lemmy, it doesn’t bear any relationship to the left wing principals that I am familiar with. It appears to be a parody, and although I have previously wanted to deny such accusations, authoritarian and intolerant.
Then that would be an issue with, not lemmy as a whole, no?
Lmaoooo, because people downvote conservatives? Okay bud
If only you understood.
@emeralddawn45 It depends on whether we are talking about the hateful far right or conservatives.
Some things frequently talked about by conservatives, classic liberals, and centrists include:
1. Limitations on government power, including how to prevent a politician from becoming a dictator. This includes checks and balances on power, separation of power, and the dynamic between the states and the federal government.
2. Protecting peoples civil rights, including the rights of minorities. Opposing police brutality, protecting free speech, protecting the right of association, protections against illegal search and seizures, etc.
3. The right of people to own firearms, as allowed by the second amendment. This includes minorities and black people, who have the same rights under the Constitution as everyone else.
4. Health care reform. They want health care reform as much as the left does, but they usually disagree on how to reform the health care system. For example, the left usually wants to create a government monopoly, while the right usually wants to break up monopolies and distrusts the government.
5. How to give the power back to the people, since corporations and the elite seem to have taken over this country. Like #4, they agree that things need to change, but often have different ideas on how to change it.
I could go on.
Don't confuse the hateful right with the moderate centrists and right-leaning voters. Most people have the same concerns the left does, but have a different perspective on it. And most people aren't hateful. Maybe misinformed, but not hateful.
Remember that they asked for things that are currently missing from Lemmy. Do you think any of those are?
Yeah, this is it. There is no moderate conservative anymore. The moderate conservative has become the moderate democrat. The only way republicans win is by strangling human rights and stirring discord.
Try going into a conservative subreddit and argue for any of the things above. You’ll get downvoted to hell or even banned.
Very well put. The general summaries are spot on.
Too frequently are the concepts overlooked and some specific detail (often trivial) becomes the focus and divisive point preventing discussion or understanding.
Anarchists discuss basically all of that and aren’t right wing
If your goal is to solve society's problems, you have to listen to everyone, even people you disagree with, in order to identity the underlying problems.
And sometimes you have to read between the lines because they are not politically and economically literate. And unfortunately, that means people often latch onto ideas that sound good to them, but may or may not be a good idea in real life.
For example, some people may blame immigration for their problems. But that is not the real problem. That is just a scapegoat that the politicians use. The real problem is that they are struggling financially, and don't know how to fix it, most likely because someone is taking advantage of them and/or they don't have what they need to be successful.
If you fix their economic problems, and educate them on what the real problems are, they will realize that the immigrants were never the problem. This will reduce the tension and hate, and expose the propaganda for what it is.
But you can't change anyone's minds if you label them as enemies and refuse to listen to them. And you can't solve problems if you can't identify the underlying issues people are concerned with.
A lack of opposing viewpoints is a fast-track to a closed-minded approach to interactions. I see far too many people, of all backgrounds, enter into engagements with a “you’re wrong and I’m right” mindset born from only entertaining their own ideals. Day after day of “other side bad” comments that entirely miss why that other side believes what they do in the first place. I don’t see how that helps anyone unless your goal is to pat each other on the back while the country drifts farther apart. Personally speaking, reading entire threads like this gets tiresome and while I am glad we don’t have the same level of bad faith right-wing spam that other platforms do, I wish we had a more open atmosphere.
I like this comment most.
Casualy defined leftist as brainwashed lol. You guys seem to love the “How to hate freespeech 101” course.
I think a lot of the responses you’re getting (and their upvotes) are pretty good reflections of the problem you’re addressing.
I imagine the user base is a bit more diverse than the comments etc let on. It is just exhausting to even try to explain a conservative perspective viewpoint t here so I think a lot of folks just keep their heads down on anything political.
While a lot of folks have zero interest in venturing outside of their ideological comfort zones, I wonder if there sre enough of us that we could make some /community work. There were a few on reddit that were private or super tightly moderated that were pretty interesting for stuff like that…
This guy clearly hates lgbtq
I’m not sure if there are any socially rightwing people in Lemmy (they would have to be very accepting of things they hate to remain) but there are definitely moderates in the economic stance
Even then, it’s only 10% v. 90% from what I’ve seen, most are fully against private establishments within generally government ran departments
Even if someone did it, it would take a lot of people to move there and for what? I definitely wouldn’t go, and I don’t really care my opinions about the economy is hated
I’m saying moderates instead of rightwing because fuck you if you want vital government departments privatised (health, electric grid, rail, education, news)
The thing about the right wing is that it always boils down to the cruelty being the point. People play it up -just- being a difference of opinion like we’re talking about whether or not pineapple is good on pizza; when the opinions in question are that brown people are inferior, trans people people don’t deserve rights, a woman’s life is worth less than a fetus, etc: there’s no valuable dialogue to be had. Ban the fucker and don’t look back.
The closest thing to valuable dialogue you’re going to get with that garbage is the bullshit veneer they slap onto their vitriol to make it easier to sell - the whole white knight bit about protecting babies or bathrooms or some other nonsense that conveniently lands the same outgroups into a bind every single time. If you think any of that shit is in good faith, you’ve fallen for a trap before the conversation even starts.
Diversity of thought is great, up until we start turning to hatred/bigotry for a fresh perspective. Those are not welcome here, nor should they be anywhere else.
I’d say rightwing is inherently egoistic, far right is what you are talking about.
Both are tiresome when it comes to discussions, one is full of hate, the other lacks compassion.
So yes, what is there to discuss? What “viewpoint” is there to see?
Being egoistic or even egocentric isn’t self care.
It is caring about oneself. Exclusively.
Like a banana is a fruit, but fruit isn’t “a banana”.
Sure. Banana is the favourite fruit, and all the others are set aside.
Two big problems are
, when you talk with the Right, you don’t have to dig very deep before you encounter dishonesty.
When you talk with Liberals, they are not politically aware at all
There is enough variance between and within authleft and libleft.
‘Centrist’ and right wing voices belong in the gulag.
Gulag is not a death camp bro, death camp is what nazis made for jews, now support genocide in gaza🤡
No, instead of putting them to death, they worked them to death. If they survived, they might get their freedom... and be watched by the KGB for the rest of their lives.
Also, to be fair, you have to look at specific time periods in Soviet and Russian history. Under some leaders, it was a very harsh prison sentence. Under other leaders, it was much worse.
It must be so nice being an anti-communist, you can just say what ever made up bullshit comes into your head and expect people to believe you.
My comment above was a cheeky joke but USSR had camps and people were worked to death in them.
Sucks to suck being an ethnic minority and or being labeled an enemy of the "people"
Thanks for demonstrating my point.
You are denying historical facts about the regime ran by the Communist party of the Soviet union
It was brutal
Was the gulag system under the Soviet regime a "what ever made up bullshit"?
The one you’re describing (death camps where ethnic minorities are sent) is made up bullshit, yes. Also getting into Double Genocide theory.
It is not made up. Read about Stalin. A lot of things happened when he was in power. And a lot of things changed after he was no longer in power.
I have, that’s why I know it’s made up.
I’m LibLeft it was a joke you blouse
The GULAGs were not “death camps.” The misconception of them being as such largely stems from WWII, when the Nazis stormed the Ukranian SSR and in taking it cut off the bulk of food production from the rest of the USSR. This led to prisoners getting less food than citizens, and many starving to death. Outside of wartime, prisons in the GULAG system were not especially deadly. Consider reading Russian Justice to learn more.
Secondly, fascism and Communism are polar opposites and in no way comparable. I recommend reading Blackshirts and Reds to read a critical overview of the USSR and how fascism and Communism are entirely antagonistic, and served different classes.
Where are you getting “1 in 5?” That number far exceeds any historian’s numbers for incarceration rates for Soviet prisons by a factor of 10 for the highest estimates, both while the GULAG administration existed and the post-GULAG system.
Secondly, again, Communism and fascism are in no way comparable. Communism ultimately served the Proletariat, who enjoyed free healthcare, education, a doubling of life expectancy, over tripling of literacy rates to near 100% (higher than the US and Western Europe), ended famine, democratized the economy, and more. Fascism on the other hand developed systems of industrialized murder, destroyed working class organization, and found vast riches for the Bourgeoisie. They are entirely incomparable, and to do so is actually fascist apologia. Equating the two originated as a form of intentional holocaust minimization, a form of genocide denial.
No, no Communist system has been perfect, but to compare them to the Nazis is clearly wrong to the highest order. Again, read Blackshirts and Reds, the entire purpose is to debunk such a notion. As for Soviet prisons, read Russian Justice.
Not fun fact: at the same time nazis were murdering so many people in USSR that comparing to the gulags: USSR lost nearly 14% of population and the average gulag mortality rate during the war was probably around 10%. Meaning being in the gulag was statistically safer than being outside during the war (statistically because for example people in Siberia were safe from nazis while Belarussian SSR lost one third of entire population).
Also yet another comparison, in Russian Empire before revolution katorga (forced labour) had usually over 40% mortality.
That wasn’t a “fun” fact at all, comrade… but thank you for sharing. It’s important.
Yes, that’s horrible, that’s why i wrote it as a “Not fun fact”
I find it interesting that some people are saying "the right is this" and "conservatives are that" and then saying horrible things most people would be opposed to. How would you know if you never talk to them and just assume what they think?
I think most people assume the extreme right is the entire right, just like most people assume the extreme left is the entire left. It's actually a spectrum. Or more accurately, a Nolan chart.
Most people I know are in the center, and they oppose racial segregation, oppose racism, oppose oppression, oppose monopolies, and oppose corrupt officials. But since they are not communists or socialists, some people on the left lump them in with the far right, which the center doesn't like either.
And if you attack the people in the center by falsely accusing them of being the right, all you are doing is alienating people who might agree with you on a lot of things.
I have spoken to them all, for years. In all shapes and sizes.
They are all driven by fear and tribe mentally. Reality does not matter to them only emotions.
I’m not a communist or socialist btw.
As opposed to you because you are not tribal and never make emotional decisions.
Reducing people like this is itself an emotional defense mechanism. We are fallible to the things you describe. All political bubbles have people who make this same exact claim about all the other bubbles.
There intelligence in recognizing this. Neither you nor I are in the one true bubble.
I’m not tribal at all and non-conformist to a fault. Of course I make emotional decisions - but when presented with clear evidence I can adjust my views as neccessary. I love to be wrong, the entire concept of how right-wingers react to information is so foreign to me I’ve spent years trying to figure out if they’re lying or are they actually believe it. Unfortunately it’s the latter. Giving those eejits air-space only pushes the centrist NPCs who have the same inherent flaws in how they process information to the right.
NPCs? Yikes.
It’s okay they can’t hear us.
Listen to yourself speak and tweak a couple of words to make it a right winger saying it. Perhaps you might realise how similar you sound.
Sounds exactly like what I’d read on r/conservative.
Well yeah they’re right into projection but doesn’t make it not true does it?
Is the concept not foreign to you? I’m all ears if so please. How do you deny that your guy tried to steal the election when his own VP came out and said it. Ignoring the fact he done it all out in the open blatant af.
You probably have not talked to moderates much. They don't like talking about politics because they get attacked by both the left and the right. But they are the swing voters, and they oppose the hate they hear everyday.
Moderate conservatives? You’re right they’re normally older techno phobes so I don’t. But I know they didn’t put up much resistance to trumps antics. And many were happy to sacrifice reality to own the libs.
I’ve seen the radicalisation of anti authoritarian spaces by the right wing hate machine in real time though. Ancaps in 2006 terms would be leftists today. Classic liberals with economic backgrounds jumping on the MAGA train after being fed the right fake news memes.
All subconsciously which is the worst thing about it.
I said moderates. This includes left-leaning centrists.
My comment was about conservatives so wasn’t clear. Spoken to plenty of moderates.
Seems like already provides plenty of right wing perspectives, we really don’t need me.
.world is modded to be that way... ESP news and politics
Modded, and federated/defederated. They intentionally defed from the Marxist dominated instances because they wanted to erase any real Marxist presence.
“Oh no theyre bRiGaDiNg us!!!11” being extremely broadly federated but removing rule-breaking comments: scary and bad defederating Marxist-aligned instances so no one on those instances can ever offer input: wholesome and liberal
I really wish we took some more precautions before the reddit exodus. We saw it coming but I definitely didn’t do anything to plan for it. I guess I’d just not been there for such a long time that I forgot just how bad that userbase had gotten.
Hindsight is 20/20, we know more now than we did then and can better prepare for next time.
I like science. Science has shown that communism (for proletariat) and neoliberalism (for bourgies) are most effective and I dont see a lot of bourgies here.
Liberalism and stuff are like miasma theory or newton physics, outdated and incorrect.
(I think the left-right stuff is a distraction. Where is communism? On the left with the radlibs? No. On the right with the monarchists? No. There is no sliding scale between liberalism and communism as they are completely incompatible with each other.)
Communism as the praxis (marixism, etc) it’s auth-left whereas the end goal is lib-left (stateless).
Liberalism is auth-centre-right.
They are incompatible because leftism is anti capitalist.
This is actually misleading, you’re getting how statelessness functions for Marxists and inserting the Anarchist goal. That’s why you see a misalignment between theory and practice.
The foundations of the Marxist analysis of Capitalism are in its centralizing and socializing character over time through competition. The Marxists want to take this to a higher level, public ownership and central planning. This is not supposed to go away, but continue developing.
The State, for Marxists, is separate from governance. The State are elements of Class Oppression, like “special bodies of armed men” and things like Private Property rights. When all classes are gone, and they will all be gone when all property is in the public sector, the state ceases to have a reason to exist and withers away. This is a global process, you can have socialism in one country but Communism is global.
Marxism in practice operates on these ideas.
Anarchists have a similar critique of capitalism but see it being solved through horizontal and voluntary means so I’m not sure how it’s misleading.
It’s misleading because you call the “end goal” of Communism “lib-left,” when it would have full public ownership among the entire world and economic planning. The means of Marxism isn’t to get more “authoritarian,” but to turn the balance of power on its head so that the Working Class is on top. In this manner, the means are not “authoritarian” either, compared to Capitalism. Authoritarianism and Libertarianism are misleading at best and distractions at worst, which is why it’s important to judge based on actual policies and ideological frameworks.
Goal is to get less authoritarian over time though?
See, this is why the political compass is ruining your own perception of ideology. The goal is not to get “less authoritarian.” The goal is to collectivize all Private Property globally, this is the purpose. By folding all property into the public sector, there is the abolition of classes, and the state as a special mechanism of class oppression withers away, ie no private property rights because of no more private property.
Communism, a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless society, is a fully centralized system where everything is controlled by a democratic administration. This is the most centralized possible, yet also the most democratic. It doesn’t fit on the political compass. The goal isn’t to abolish authoritarianism, but classes.
Well goal is maybe the wrong word but objectively it does get less authoritarian over time if it goes as planned.
In what manner? What does “authoritarian” mean to you?
Enforcing obedience at the expense of personal liberty.
Of who? Just the ruling class, or everyone? Because if you are talking about oppressing the ruling class, revolution is the most authoritarian act there is. By your definition, Marxism is lib-left the whole way through.
Everyone. How do you keep the working class capitalist simps in line until classes are abolished?
A counter-economic revolution could be anti-authoritarian. The creation of parallel institutions that bypass and outcompete existing structures.
Marxists are ideologically liblefts the whole way, sure. But through an auth praxis
Anarchism, “libleft” if you want to call it that, can be seen as more auth than Marxism as it demands immediate ends to any hierarchy whatsoever. They have more “auth” praxis than Marxists.
Seondly, I have no idea what you mean by 'counter-economic," the latter part of that statement describes the Dual Power method employed by the Bolsheviks in creating the first Socialist state though. You called that “authoritarian” though.
See why the compass is worthless?
It doesn’t demand an end to hierarchy not sure what you mean.
Counter economics in the agorist sense.
The very core of Anarchism is individualism taken to the maximum. The purpose is to eliminate hierarchy, the means, ending formalized hierarchy, aka the state. The core of Marxism is collectivism, and the abolition of classes.
What you describe with agorism is quite “authoritarian.” You seek to turn the economic structure inside out and oppress the ruling class. I won’t shed any tears, but this is the same mechanism as building dual power with the implementation of Soviet Democracy.
What is it about Marxism that has more “auth” praxis than Anarchism? The Anarchists employed labor camps in Revolutionary Spain, after all, and while the victims were largely fascists and thus deserved it, the fact remains that that fits your definition of authoritarian.
I am telling you to abandon such a method and describe ideologies by what they actually are.
That sounds more like the ancaps. Anarchists want to dismantle all hierarchy not just the state. With various different flavours of solutions of voluntary collectivism.
Agorism is not authoritarian because it doesn’t rely on coercion or centralized power. The goal is to undermine the state and oppressive hierarchies through voluntary counter-economics, not to seize or reverse the mechanisms of control like Soviet Democracy does. It’s about opting out of their system entirely, not “oppressing” the ruling class…any harm they face is the result of losing their ability to coerce others so I’m not sure why you think it’s authoritarian.
Marxist praxis depends on centralized authority, party structures, and coercion to achieve its goals. Historical Marxist revolutions institutionalized these mechanisms long after their revolutions, whereas anarchist praxis, even in Revolutionary Spain, aimed for decentralized power. The labor camps you mentioned were temporary measures during wartime, not inherent. But yeah it’s a spectrum not binary ‘auth or not’, some types of anarchists are more likely to resort to authoritarian measures during the transition. Agorism aims to side-step most of that by building parallel systems.
No, I mean Anarchists. The commune structure is individualist, not collectivist, it seeks absolute freedom of association and not full collectivization. I am not making a moral case here, this is the fundamental divide between Anachists and Marxists. In order to create such a system, authoritarian means are required, ie revolution regardless of how you coat it. No ruling class will give up authority voluntarily.
Marxists seek to create a fully centralized and democratic structure devoid of classes. This is more democratic than Anarchism, as Anarchists only have influence over their immediate sphere, not the whole globe. Anarchism however offers more direct control over their surroundings, usually.
Put another way, why are you an Anarchist, and not a Marxist?
It’s not ‘full collectivisation’ in the Marxist sense. But many branches like anarcho-communism and anarcho-syndicalism are pretty explicitly collectivist in nature. And most types of anarchism rely on voluntary collectivism to work. Mutual cooperation based on a set of logical accepted principles. Individuals can’t dismantle hierarchy. So I reject the notion it’s individualism to the extreme. It simply rejects enforced collectivisation. Instead emphasising voluntary and decentralised participation.
Anarchists seek to create a fully decentralised and democratic structure devoid of classes. Centralised structures alienate individuals from decision-making and consolidate power at the top, reducing actual democratic participation. Anarchism, while focusing on immediate spheres of influence, fosters direct democracy, ensuring individuals have a meaningful voice in their communities. Federated networks allow for broader cooperation without sacrificing local autonomy. To be truly resilient we need to rebuild from the bottom-up.
So I’m an agorist because I don’t think a classless, stateless society can be achieved through coercive or centralised means. The methods of change have to reflect the desired society, ensuring that the revolution does not replicate the hierarchies it seeks to abolish.
And it seemed like the only praxis where I could make tangible contributions and help push us forward in a world growing increasingly distant from any traditional revolution of the proletariat.
See, Anarchists can’t get rid of classes with a commune focused system, unless they only interact within the commune and do no trade elsewhere. Otherwise, they are all Petite Bourgeoisie, interested in the success of their Commune by their shared stake in only their commune. To extend collectivization and end classes requires a government and administration, which is more Marxist.
Your understanding of Classes is a bit off, I’m a Marxist and you’re using a presumably entirely different definition of “class” if that’s your understanding. Same with the state, if you don’t get rid of classes you retain statist elements.
See where we end up? The Political Compass is entitely useless for any actual understanding of what someone believes, it reinforces liberal notions of ideology. I’m not even trying to debate the validity of Anarchism here, but how to categorize it. I used to be an Anarchist so I’m more sympathetic to y’all than many other Marxists.
I will say, I do think your understanding of Marxism is lacking, so if you want to call it “auth” or if you legitimately think Marxism doesn’t unite means and ends (spoiler: it does), then I recommend reading more Marxist theory. I will shamelessly plug my intro reading list, feel free to give it a look.
Capitalism may not be prefect, but I don't like any of the proposed alternatives to capitalism:
Corporatism - I don't like power and money being centralized into corporations. They get wealthy and everyone else gets poor.
Communism (with centrally controlled economy) - I don't like power and money being centralized by party leaders and politicians. They have too much power, which results in abuses. Meanwhile, the elites at the top (unofficially) live rich lifestyles at the expense of the workers at the bottom.
Crony Capitalism (our current sociopolitical economic system) - I don't like the government and corporations colluding against the people. Works like corporatism except the government is helping them.
Laissez-faire Capitalism - Unregulated capitalism leads to abuse, so there needs to be some sort of regulations.
Anarchy - I don't like the strong ruling over the weak. It results in abuses and arrogance.
Dictator, King, Emperor, Single Party Rule, etc. - I don't like any system that gives a single person or group of people nearly unlimited power over everyone else. Any political minority gets stepped on. It also means that you may have a benevolent ruler now, but the next ruler may be malicious.
I'd rather see the break up of big business AND big government, and I would love to see more small private voluntary cooperatives and small businesses and small non-profits. Give the power back to the people, not to big business and big government. People should have choices.
I am not sure if there is a name for that.
Crony capitalism, Laissez-faire capitalism, and corporatism are all just synonyms for capitalism.
@BrainInABox Yes they are. And those are the bad kinds we all disapprove of.
There is also a kind called stakeholder capitalism, where all of the stakeholders (employees, vendors, consumers, investors, communities, environment, etc.) are all considered. In some countries, such as the U.S., you can even form a public benefit corporation (PBC) which requires you to, by law, to consider all of the stakeholders and also support a public benefit.
There is also cooperative capitalism, where people can form private cooperatives that are owned by the consumers and/or employees, without centralized control by the government or some central corporation. Basically communism, but without the centralized planning and single party rule.
There are many flavors of capitalism. Some of them are toxic. Some of them are not.
No, I mean they literally synonyms for the same thing, they aren’t different “kinds”
Once again, this is just a synonym for capitalism.
No, there’s only one flavor, and it’s toxic.
Not what communism is.
The problem is that centralization is a natural process, you are asking to reset the clock every once in a while forever instead of moving on. Central planning doesn’t mean unaccountability or no democracy.
Someone asked this same question a while ago related to also Linux users present.
Basically seems to come down to techies being mostly left winged more frequently which makes up the vasg majority of Lemmy.
I don’t miss the global echo and it’s kinda nice to read civil discussions or talks.
Though i dont really focus too much on the political topic or consider people such to make it my concern when I read.
Just generally enjoy the good talks, advice and things like I remember how the internet started when it also had 0 political interest.
I’ve seen right wing liberals, left wing liberals, marxists, stalinists and anarchists just to name a few. If anything there is more diversity here than other platforms as it isn’t just various shades of liberal.
I think the problem is in the opposite direction. Society is too ideologically homogeneous in being against socialism. The major narratives are controlled by nation-states and corporations, social media are infested with political advertisement and propaganda.
So, as others say, I believe it is sorta uninformed and middle-of-the-road fallacy to find a corner of the internet where you can speak your mind without being harassed by white supremacist trolls, and say we need more diverse views.
Right wingers have (had) Parlel, Gap, TruthSocial, now they have X, and Facebook, where they were also dominating and harassing in the past. No leftists and/or genderqueer person would survive a day at these platforms.
But Lemmy being primarily/explicitly leftist is the problem, and you suddenly are alarmed for echo chambers. This is not quite fair, now is it.
As for Lemmy per se, I don’t think it is too homogeneous. I debate centrists and liberals every other day. And recent discussions showed that the amount of latent transphobia in the site is shocking, with people knowing next to nothing apart from 4chan/MAGA talking points.
How can this happen after all these years of activism and outreach. It is because of the ecosystem of echo chambers in the broader communications and media landscape. This discourse never reached those people.
Considering it was the position of major medical and professional organizations, it shows that the pathology lies with the existing social media and broader media enterprizes, with a prominently selective messaging.
Do I need to say that this led to widespread science-denialism for which mainstream platforms are clearly to blame?
If your inquiry is honest, then the only explanation is that the propaganda apparatus works so well, that the (relative) absence of the dominating narratives makes you anxious that you entered an echo chamber, when in fact you probably have been in an echo chamber so far.
They claim to be communist but wants more centrists and rightwingers here. It’s a clear clue they are not honest.
Is it so strange to entertain the thought of talking with people outside your bubble? Not everyone enjoys day after day of single-opinion threads and enjoy having well-intentioned discussions with other people. Political movements would never go anywhere if they never left a basement.
Bruh, i live in fucking Poland, literally everyone around is shitlib or fascist and any kind of socialist thought is tightly censored in non stop anticommunist onslaught in every possible media, so you can take your plurality posturing and shove it where the sun don’t shine.
I only know a single other Communist IRL and they’re my fiancé. Existence forces me to grapple with liberalism and fascism on a daily basis, maybe an Anarchist here or there. It is only here that I can talk to comrades.
We already have people praising Liz Cheney.
You could say “I am noticing a distinct lack of Neo Nazis on Lemmy”.
To which I say why change that.
Using Lemmy requires some modicum of understanding in technology. Most conservatives I’ve encountered tend to be technology-ignorant at best, and technophobic at worst. You don’t see as many differing political views on Lemmy cause some/most conservatives are too inept at technology or can’t be bothered to figure it out.
Reddit was just easier to get into, and as much as I personally like Lemmy, it’s a hard sell to some from the outset. If the signup could be simplified (which I understand federation and why it can’t be that easy), we could see an influx of more outdated viewpoints on the platform.
I also agree with others who have stated that most “conservative” philosophy involves denying rights to those who have only recently (last 50 years or so) been afforded rights equal to their own. I’m also growing increasingly suspicious of how much lead was actually used in the products consumed by boomers and some Gen-x before its use was known and most of it banned or removed from products. It seems too many in their late 40+ are going from normal human being with empathy towards others to RAGING MAGA CONSPIRACIST, seemingly overnight.
I think this is the case, yes. From my pov the technical ability to block others and defederate leads to this left leaning trend. This is the only place I know that is really left leaning.
But the important part here is: the distinction between left and right is arbitrary. There is no left and right. There are certain beliefs and ideas which usually get attributed towards left or right.
The idea of freedom - in most of the world - isnt really left or right, or at least used to be.
Especially the fascist turn of the us, the fascist turn of germany and others are a sign of the world turning, not lemmy.
Because freedom, flow of ideas and identity are still typical topics on lemmy. Same as they used to be. I think the right wing nuts just left since they are more welcome on xitter and fascbook.
Is that good for critical discourse? No. Can we change it? No idea. Should we change it? No idea.
I find circles around .world to be more liberal and not leftist. (Not that there aren’t any on .world… Just leans that way)
There’s not much in terms of right wing spaces but tbh I’m uh, completely fine with that.
Lemmy has always had the Communists and Anarchists, from what I understand. Liberals largely came during the Reddit fiascos. Overall, I’d say instances are becoming more homogenous, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing necessarily. I’d rather have more leftists and fewer liberals seeing liberals convert to leftists, IMO.
Even before there were several instances like beehaw or sopuli regularily coming out with shitlib takes (and they still are, some comments below in this thread there is a sopuli user alluding genocide denial and whitewashing nazism).
Ah, gotcha. Still, the bulk came with Reddit I think, right?
Yeah. Before there were mostly few people in threads. Abovementioned shitlibs were not very numerous too, just few recurring nicknames and few others getting banned and coming back under new nicks every few days.
The ones that keep making new nicks are still here, lol. At least, some of them.
There is no such thing as a “moderate conservative” any more. IMO the difference has always been mainly, how mask off they were prepared to go. Trump has shown them that you can go fully mask off without any negative consequences.
It’s important though to not fall into the trap of creating false balance, i.e. giving the same weight to a false or harmful statement than to a truthful or good statement, in the name of “fairness” or “objectivity”. Also, conservatives tend to shift to the right currently.
This meme basically:
<img alt="" src="">
To OP’s point tho, I think the fediverse is a lot more ideologically diverse than reddit or other corporate platforms. The fact that you can say something positive about the Palestinian resistance without getting banned, or say something positive about a country on the US-enemy list, is a testament to that diversity.
Sure, there are many servers on the fediverse that are anti-communist, and orientalist / western supremacist, and block leftist ones, copying reddit’s moderation policy. But on the US-run corporate platforms(FB, reddit, twitter, bluesky), you aren’t given any option: that’s a non-negotiable default that you must accept. Here you can always join a server that’s willing to federate with leftist ones, and is okay with ideological diversity, even if you don’t consider yourself one.
Its not just about not getting banned, its also that were not dogpiled by Zionists calling us anti Semites (for the most part).
Those people seemed to give up once they realized no one was paying attention to their flameposting outside of the fediverse. The media doesn’t pick up on it (which is what they really want) unless you’re on one of the corporate social media sites where they can leverage their legal/monetary powers to amplify/silence the discussion per their will.
Seeing zionists ops flame out on here was beautiful. They don't really try that here any more.
The new narrative is not all jews are Zionist which is true but genocide in Gaza ain't about the Jews in the US lol
The issue is the genocide and not majority of israle being Jewish. Not all Jews are Zionist is propaganda tactic IMHO
This is one of the reasons why the US federal government wants to ban TikTok, a highly unpopular among the US general public. TikTok isn’t moderated in ways that suit US ideologies and propaganda, which means more leftist content leaks through to the masses.
like bluesky is rightist , lemmy may be leftist . it also depends on the server , left has blocked right and vice versa . try to find a right one
Since when is Bluesky rightist?
Bluesky is very liberal.
Economically rightwing or socially?
Liberalism as an economic ideology. It seems fairly progressive socially.
Ah shit, want to hear my economic hot takes? Haha
Sure, why not
I want to have private schooling preserved
Oof, why?!
It provides alternative opportunities for advancing beyond traditional schooling which would’ve been a slow burn if it was only public schooling that was present
It also leads to more competitive practices whether it’s studying or teaching alternative sectors to children earlier than public schools would
In nations with limited budgets it also means it’s the only option for studying opportunities, where if removed it would essentially mean that education would be worse than subpar
But, taken to an extreme, this would lead to places like USA which gave too much power to private institutions
What I want is a mix, give and take, force those who take the money to actually use it well and give my children, my nephew’s or those brought in with scholarships to prosper, but also allow for public institutions to benefit by having them adopt practices, make better use of funds and also incentivise cooperation
All that ends up doing is reinforcing class distinctions, though.
Like true however private schooling that's privately funded can't be banned over this imho
Why not? My goal is to end class distinctions and classes in general.
I don't like to use ban hammer as general policy as it creates issues in of itself.
Classism is a huge issue I would posit that solution is giving people freedom to make their own life is an important of existence. So if they want to pay out of their ass for private school so be it.
Focus on good public schooling would serve the goal of less classism IMHO
That doesn’t really sound like a solution, just a justification for not tackling the problem though. Good public schooling is good, period, and limits social stratification that Private schooling entrenches.
I don't think banning public schooling is even legally possible in most of oecd countries.
Right to determine your child's education is a constitutional right.
Reinforcing classism is of course the goal of most Western governments.
Which government doesn't function as top down hierarchy with daddies owning and ruling the pedons?
No idea what you’re actually trying to ask here
You stated western regimes... Which non western regime functions differently
Different in what manner? Having daddies?
No country runs on “daddies.”
Then who runs them?
Different structures exist in different countries, I am not sure what you mean by a “daddy” from a political economy POV.
Give me an example where a small group of mostly men or all men don't control the country
Some countries are better than others, sexism is a global issue.
Classism and patriarchy are similar but distinct issues.
So which country doesn't operate with them at the core of the regime?
Socialist countries are working towards the end of classes, like Cuba, the PRC, etc.
Cuba is about to collapse due to US blockade despite this there is still a ruling class but yeah sure everyone else is essentially poverty class.
Chinese society historically has very strong class divisions and it is still true today. What makes you say they are working to end class? over last 40 years they created a rather large oligarch class along with professional managerial class which is ptetty much the same class structure the "west" has only difference from the west is that their ultimate authority is the Communist party vs western regime where oligarch clans call the shots depending on who got better access to the regime regimes whote in executive and legislative branches.
My point being is that we have yet to see an example of a classless society or if it is even feasible.
Cuba is in a rough patch right now, but it isn’t about to collapse, and the ruling class is the working people.
As for the PRC, they have a Dictatorship of the Proletariat, and have been working through Socialism. I think you have a different idea of what a class is, I am working off of the Marxist definitions and things like “oligarch class” aren’t a thing, same with “manager class.”
Classless society only existed in tribal society, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get to a fully collectivized global economy and eliminate classes.
Well thats a hot take that ignores how things actually work in order to fit into "Marxist" narrative.
Marx is foundational text but it is also a old AF and doesn't address complexity of modern regime power structure IMHO.
Which part is the “hot take?” How does Marxism not address the complexity of modern power structures?
You are denying that China and Cuba have a ruling class aka daddies who actually run shit and make decisions just like every westoid regime. China's system is essentially carbon copy of it too besides CCP being top dog.
With respect to Marx, while working class label is effective tool to build consensus and consciousness, proles ain't all the same, gonna need to build consensus and negotiate a new social contract etc
Modern society requires the PM class to run the civilization. Traditional working class will need to convince this people to side with them v the oligarchy and the state they control.
Sure we can kill them off but thay would set us back 50 years. The rich fucking them over now enough to most of them starting to see that sucking daddy's dick don't get you paid, got to start asking questions where that money is going...
There’s a difference between having officials and “daddies” that make up a “ruling class.” Marxism has always understood the necessity for administrators and managers, though these too aren’t a “class.” I think you’re using class as any category, but classes are tied to ownership relations to the Means of Production. Officials and managers don’t necessarily own the Means of Production to any greater or lesser degree than a worker.
Are you advocating for vouchers?
Conservatism is generally a worthless ideology that makes the world worse, so I don’t feel a desire to spend more time with it. We don’t need to debate “what if women don’t have rights”, “what if gay stuff is illegal?”, “what if you had to pay for health care so if you were poor you’d just die?” or whatever.
Everywhere else in my life is centrist or rightwing. I enjoy having somewhere to escape it.
There are plenty of people on the fediverse that are clearly free and independent thinkers - as in not operating from inside a bubble where they get fed opinions and views from others and them regurgitating those views ad nauseam. On Lemmy, I see a lot of curiosity and a lot of people who were probably censored or effectively buried by downvotes on other platforms, despite their good faith and interesting (and sometimes radical) perspectives.
Discussion flows well, there’s less focus on upvotes/downvotes and there is no karma. There doesn’t seem to be a tradition of dog-piling people who wrong-think according to the group consensus (or whatever neoliberal narrative is prevailing) as there is on Reddit. Moderation is much less heavy-handed and there are no shadowbans/comments that don’t show up for others (but only for yourself). There are significantly less bots and almost zero astroturfed content, as well.
Worry less about the labels, I say. If you want mainstream or conservative opinions, it’s very easy to seek them out - the internet is full of those perspectives. If you’re curious, you could play devil’s advocate and discuss current events or other hot topics from a mainstream perspective and ask others why they think differently to better understand the userbase on the fediverse and how things generally go down here. I’m sure plenty of people would be happy to weigh the pros and cons of different viewpoints and perspectives and entertain a discussion about certain issues in good faith.
Not everybody is filtering everything out from a polarized lens and is focused on being an absolutist or purist with their preferred ideology.
I think I’ve been in different threads then, because most posts that aren’t the majority opinion around here gets heavily discouraged by downvotes and/or replies.
I’ll keep an eye out. I have been using this website moderately for nearly a year. I’m sorry your experience has been different - not discounting you.
Go through my comment history and you’ll see that the dog-piling on people with wrong think very much exists
I see that you frequently employ laughing in discussion, that you are pretty confused about different ideologies (such as seeing communism as being inherently authoritarian), and that you are frequently sarcastic and dismissive to others. You consider anybody suggesting change outside of capitalist philosophy as radical and you mock others for blaming capitalism for their problems. I apologize if I’m mischaracterizing you, I quickly skimmed a few pages.
Be respectful, debate in good faith, perhaps stop typing your laughs and other perceivably rude remarks if you don’t want backlash. Or just do you - you are allowed to have gripes with various systems and ideologies and express them and discuss them with others.
Pay less attention to the downvotes. The downvotes don’t hide your comment as on Reddit. There is also no collapsing of comments done by mods. Myself, I’m personally not a fan of the upvote/downvote systems and if I continue using this service I’m likely going to zap the upvotes/downvotes and all vote counters with uBlock Origin (as I don’t participate in voting anyway).
I feel like you picked out those examples while ignoring the ones where i have acted in good faith
I did see those examples and of course I commend you for those and empathize with you. I feel it’s best to just not engage with very polarizing topics, and from my experience, changing people’s minds is very difficult if they are firm in their position and feel very strongly about a topic - even if your arguments are sound. If you think or feel differently than the consensus and feel strongly enough to talk about such subjects, just calmly eat the downvotes in such topics as you did. I promise you’ll be stronger for it.
Listen, I was just trying to explain why some of the downvotes might be happening generally and I’m certainly not attacking you or against you. You’re free to see things however you’d like and hold whatever views you like. Again, if it were my choice votes wouldn’t appear at all.
I just know people are very sensitive to tone, and I understand that it’s difficult to always be on your best behavior when people don’t give you the respect you deserve, but I assure you there’s a balancing act where you can not be a doormat and also assert yourself.
I respect your nuanced takes. I wish there were more on the fediverse with your mindset and calm approach to conversation.
As a non-American the issue as I see it is that too much of Lemmy is dominated by Americans and therefore American politics. I scroll through and read a ton of comments about how monstrous and vile the right wing is, and that’s just simply not true where I live. The popular American right is incredibly authoritarian and seeks to control all aspects of ones life. The right wing in my country is purely economic. You can debate capitalism vs communism I guess but no part of my countries right wants to remove the rights of women or the lgbt. Its all just a matter of where you live. And most people here live in the States.
Feel free to redirect those posts to !
Why? My point wasn’t that we should quarantine it. Just laying out the facts as I see them.
I generally agree but US politics is so toxic, that people who engage in it (including me sometimes because) need to be put into the same room and throw the key out so they can abuse each until they turn blue
For now. Most countries are realising how well this is working and following suit. The Tories in the UK used to be mostly sensible and fiscally conservative. Then last election cycle they pivoted to talking about the tofu eating wokerati and attacking trans people. Support for things like abortion or LGB is generally more established but they’re chipping away at that too.
Sadly I see that shifting as billionaires in other countries see the success of American billionaires. Hoarders of money and power exploit society to their gain any way they can get away with. The orthodoxy and social norms of your country may keep their power grabs in check to date, but be vigilant. The resources and power of billionaires allows them to play the long game on whittling away at anything that stands in the way of their egomaniacal lust for more. I hope for all of our sakes, this billionaire undermining movement that is spreading can be beaten back. What’s happened in America was not organic. It was a strategy engineered by idealogical confederations of billionaires pooling resources.
I'm not a part of Lemmy, but I will say this: There are some people with whom reasonable dialog is just not possible. Speaking only for myself, I choose not to engage. That does not mean I'm not aware of what they are saying or thinking. It means that I am drawing a healthy boundary for myself.
Your feelings about it are valid. You should absolutely seek out more mixed spaces, if that is what you want to do.
I feel like we have come to a point in time where the Internet in general is becoming more separated like this in general. I enjoy Lemmy because I get a lot of the other perspectives in my day to day work life, and I like coming to this place to read and engage with people who share my views and ideas on topics. 🤷🏼♀️ Maybe that is pretty close to an echo chamber, but it is what I am seeking after spending every work day with conservatives.
@frankspurplewings Exactly.
It is the definition of an echo chamber. If every thread/comment w/e not following the trend gets censored or w/e else, it’s not a diverse website and more likely propaganda/echo chamber.
Yeah this mirrors my approach to it.
People can like Trump/Musk or dream of Marxism in practice. I am so far from both ideologies that I find it difficult to relate to either, and end up being called a traitor by the left and a triggered lib/loser by the right. Lemmy is in my experience quite left.
The political differences have become so extreme that I just avoid any debate at all and stick to the technical stuff and hobbies. My sanity is more important to me than trying to convince someone over the pond that they are wrong.
Honestly, I just try to live my life as the best person I can be. I’ve gotten to old to try to change anyone else. And I have had some great encounters here, so I am not going back to Reddit anytime soon.
Stay awesome, people!
obligatory reminder that us-american domestic politics are so skewed to the right that what appears “moderate” in the usa is right to far-right anywhere else
your “liberals” are right-wing your “conservatives” are right-wing both are liberals
I would say that what is considered “liberal” in the US is more “center-right”.
Your comment leaves no room for nuance, and anyone who has paid attention to US politics at all for the past 2+ decades knows that there is a massive gulf between how Democrats govern vs. Republicans. Anyone who suggests otherwise is full of shit.
I hate how it feels like I have to defend Democrats on this site, because they are pretty shit as a party, and yes they are liberal.
democrats are enthusiastic supporters of US imperialism and neoliberalism. they’re right wing. end of story
the only difference between republicans and democrats is that they sell US imperialism to different portions of the population. republicans are more honest about their intentions, but if there were only republicans, that would risk massive revolts from the more progressive-leaning portion of the population. this is why the democratic party exists: it allows the us govt to sell the same underlying project with a different face that’s more appealing to the average progressive voter
edit: to really drive my point home ask yourself: what is the official stance of the democratic party regarding free and public healthcare, free and public education (including higher education), progressive taxation, public transportation, labor legislation (especially regarding maternity leave), etc? not what some more left-leaning factions of the party say, i mean the actual official party stance. because these are absolutely uncontroversial among the left-leaning parties worldwide
Yeah, this is the shit I’m talking about. You’re clueless.
If you lived in the US, you would understand, on a very real, tangible level, the difference between living in a state with a Republican governor vs. one with a Democratic governor. Or for those in big cities, a Republican mayor vs. a Democratic mayor.
Any person older than 30 in the US that is not all of the following: white, cis-gendered, heterosexual, will tell you just how wrong you are.
You make leftists look bad, and I wish you’d stop. Use some critical thought. Recognize nuance. Don’t let ideology cause you to ignore objective reality.
“less” right wing is still right wing
i’ve been made aware of how miserable living in a red state is. but being not as rabidly misogynistic and racist as republicans doesn’t make the dems “not right wing”. implementing better domestic policies doesn’t either. at the end of the day, both parties represent the interests of corporations, will implement austerity measures that widen your already massive wealth gap, and will make sure the us-american empire keeps the rest of the planet in a stranglehold
edit: as for you saying i’m ignoring reality, again, i’m aware republicans are worse for you, but i need you usians to truly grasp the reality that, unlike most other democracies, your two major parties are right-wing and ultimately uphold the same project. any right-wing politician for europe or latin america would feel at home in the democratic party
This guy gets it.
And if you lived outside the US, you would understand that it doesn’t make a difference if the bombs leveling your city are painted red or blue, and the minor difference in domestic policy between the two factions of the genocidal empire really don’t matter to the people you’re exterminating.
The differences between the two are NOT minor, but I support your second point completely.
Or foreign policy families have been staggering, no matter who has occupied the White House.
For you the difference may not seem minor, but when your entire country has been leveled by American bombs, the slight difference in social issues that applies only to comfortable Americans who are not living in refugee camps being hunted by sniper drones seem basically negligible.
I get what you're saying. We have been very fortunate here, but that has been the limit of our lived experience, so to us, it is not minor. In the big picture, you are correct.
Except in the big picture, they’re not entirely correct. There is a valid point to be made there (that US imperialism is awful, and it has caused immeasurable harm to countless people).
But when we are talking about something as valuable as human life, I think it’s important that we understand nuance and context.
US foreign policy, and how we project ourselves to the rest of the world, is not the same regardless of which party is in charge. It’s just not.
I’m not defending Democrats’ foreign policy in any way, I am just acknowledging reality.
That person seems only interested in demonizing the US. So they start with the conclusion (US is bad), and then seemingly form their entire worldview around that.
Good point.
No, it’s not a good point. The only difference between the two parties foreign policy is how the frame it to the domestic audience. As Prole is incapable of imagining foreigners as human, that’s all he cares about, but for those of us on the business end of American foreign policy it really doesn’t matter if the bombs are painted red or blue.
Yes, I understand that it is the lived experience of Americans, and I acknowledge that the Republicans do make life notably worse for many Americans (especially trans Americans). On the other hand, it’s pretty fucking annoying having to listen to chauvinist shitheals like Prole insist that the American perspective is the only one that exists.
Yeah, it’s not a minor difference. A fact that people are about to wake up to in a week or so…
Yeah, I know Americans have trouble believing that foreigners are people, but believe me: for us, the difference is negligible.
I know you love to get to make a snarky reply, but no.
You are in for a rude awakening.
Lol. American literally cannot conceptualize a world outside of America.
Do you really not understand? What you are about to learn is that foreign policy is very fucking different when Republicans are in charge. I am directly referring to the world outside America you dolt.
After witnessing decades of US foreign policy, I have seen that it is virtually entirely a bipartisan consensus. US imperialism and neocolonialism are bipartisan. The fire hose of regime change operations are bipartisan. Full-spectrum dominance is bipartisan.
No, I understand. I understand that, as an American, you only experience American foreign policy in how the administration’s framing of it makes you feel. I understand that the comforting lies and platitudes of the Democrats make you feel better than the blunt cruelty of the Republicans. I also understand that you are unable to conceptualize the idea of perspectives and experience outside of that of Americans.
Also, what’s this “you’re about to learn!” shit? The last Republican administration (the last Trump administration even!) was only four years ago, and it’s foreign policy was exactly the same as every other administration.
OK. Let’s revisit this conversation in 6 months.
Lol, alright shitlib Nostradamus. Will you have learned that foreigners are human by then?
Aww, what’s the matter? Is endlessly repeating “you just don’t realize I’m right yet!” not as persuasive as you think?
I’m old enough to remember Trump’s last term, the one that had the exact same foreign policy as every other one.
How about this, try engaging those calcified empathy faculties for once and actually consider the perspective of a non-American.
Good to know that the definition of “tankie” has become so broad that it now includes “people who recognize non-Americans as people”
You keep saying this shit about me not recognizing non-Americans as people? Please tell me where I said or even implied anything of the sort.
Seems like you’re projecting.
But truly, please bring to my attention where I’ve indicated that I don’t believe non-Americans (or anyone for that matter) are human so I can correct it.
You are clearly incapable of a nuanced conversation. As I said wayyyyy back earlier in the thread I believe, I am well aware of the atrocities that the US has committed. I am not denying any of that. You seem to think that I am for some reason.
Repeating that Republican foreign policy is worse than Democratic foreign policy is not nuance. Implying that a Democrat’s actions were “mistakes” and Republican actions are not is not nuance.
US foreign policy is the largely bipartisan policies of imperialism in the interests of the capitalist class, which both parties represent, because the US is an oligarchy.
The foreign policy legacy of democrats:…
Lol, some of us were alive and old enough to remember Obama’s foreign policy mistakes. Cool.
The world is not black and white. There are levels, and things like intentions and soft power are very important. How we use that soft power, how we posture ourselves on the world stage, etc.
We are also talking about a completely different level of fascism/authoritarianism that is about to take complete control of all aspects of our federal government. This is not the same Republican party as Reagan, or even GWB… The GOP then was awful, but they were working towards this. This is the endgame. This is what they’ve been working toward for decades.
It is going to be a complete shit show.
I have been saying a number of times over the course of my time here, that I think the “echo chamber”-ness of Lemmy is by design.
Each instance is moderated by a different team of people who run their server under a different philosophy. You can see clearly in this thread many from the instance express mild disdain for “liberals”, whereas other instances like and don’t hold such animosity to that collective extent, but admins hold other expectations for what should be the norm. The way I view the Fediverse is that it’s a collection of echo chambers, which within them help foster discussion between like-minded individuals. However these are networked with each other so you can wander outside that bubble to other instances when you feel like it. You also have control to block groups and instances you don’t vibe with.
I know some instance moderation policies remove posts and comments that go far against the grain, but in other instances, unpopular takes just get super downvoted but left for people to see.
Reason and Science has always a left leaning bias. Simply because Nature doesn’t give a shit about individual feelings or if someone believes if homosexuality is wrong. Nature does it’s thing an humans who accept and understand this are not left-leaning but normal.
Corporate Social Media is manipulated like hell to shift the bias. That’s it.
Reading this thread, i think lemmy has a real problem. There sre a few comments that appear centrist or left-leaning, but the majority of comments are extremely left.
I’m not asking for neo-nazis or far right, just more centrist opinions like in this thread
Why do we need more centrist opinions? Why is it a problem to have leftists?
Echo chamber and group think... To get the best ideas, all ideas must be considered within reason
All ideas within the centrist sphere have already been considered and mostly discarded by Leftists. You may have had a point if this was a centrist dominated space.
Very dogmatic approach for what is essentially uncharted territory.
I disagree. Leftist ideas are only “uncharted” in some areas, in most of the world leftist ideas are more common or dominant.
Neoliberalism has been very well explored for the last 45 years and has failed. It is a dead ideeology that needs to be assigned to the dustbin of history as a terribly shit idea.
I’m far left wing, but it’s my philosophy, it don’t exclude the respect and tolerance to others (to certain limits). This is what is really important, a unique truth don’t exist.
I don’t think so, there is a lot of very different opinions but all debatables. The only thing which, at least in the instances in my Timeline, are far right wing or faschist users.
Lemmy.worldi is full of right wing neolibs, who rule it with an iron fist. A pride flag doesn’t make a Cheney dem “left.”
Hearing from “both sides” and coming to some compromise/middle ground only works if the following is true:
The problem is, at least in the US, none of these are true for right wingers and even many “centrists.”
You cannot talk to somebody and try to find common ground if they don’t believe in statistical studies by government agencies, they don’t believe in scientific studies by major universities and research institutions, and don’t care about the rights and protections for minority groups.
The older members of my family are almost all conservatives, MAGA supporters, and fundamentalist Christians.
They genuinely believe that Evolution is a myth and the Earth was created 6000 years ago. They believe that illegal immigrants are invading this country and that Democrats are secretly allowing them to. They don’t believe humans have any effect on climate change. They don’t think Covid was anything more than a common cold that the government used as an excuse to try to control people. They don’t believe in vaccines.
I find Lemmy to be very refreshing. I get news from a diverse collection of Leftists sources. Anarchists, statists, weak socialists like the AOC/Bernie types, government studies, independent guerrilla journalists, Communists, Mutualists, Marxists, etc.
But I have no interest in further “diversifying” by adding right wing “sources.”
Cookies can taste good with many different ingredients, but no cookie tastes good with horse poop.
I could not agree more.
Conservatives can quite frankly go somewhere else.
Their policies are terrible and the only redeeming qualities of most countries we live in are socialist.
Lemmy should reflect the actual political spectrum which is (IMO) Social Democrats on the far right and Tankies on the far left.
The size of my block list tells me there are plenty of right-wing voices on the platform. No everyone on that list is right-wing, but I’m fairly certain a majority of them are.
I see plenty of them. They’re just mostly on other instances to me (like your home instance).
Furthermore, while it’s tempting to see the so-called ‘left’ and ‘right’ as equivalent mirrors needing to be balanced for diversity, the reality is far from it. After seeing Wolfballs in action (that instance died before the reddit API fiasco), I can tell you we don’t need to be balanced out by ‘white genocide’ discussions and more open anti-semitism. I know that’s not what you proposed, but it’s to illustrate that sometimes there isn’t value in arbitrary balancing the ‘left’ and ‘right’ on these websites.
It’s also a result of Lemmy’s history and appeal. When reddit went on sprees of deleting subreddits, the right-wing hate groups made their own reddit clones, anarchists typically went to Raddle, and when GenZedong and ChapoTrapHouse went down, they went to (as a result, it became the largest instance) and created Hexbear respectively. So there is a long history of larger communist communities from day one which was the status quo until the reddit API fiasco.
The Fediverse also tends to attract anarchists and other socialists by the appeal of its decentralized nature, along with a few right-libertarians who see it as an anti-censorship tool. So one could say there’s a bias there.
That’s tough, because you inherently limit which political perspectives you can encourage.
It is just an extension of the “Paradox of Tolerance.”
It is not a paradox at all, it’s just intolerance that doesn’t deserve a platform.
I don’t think having Nazis and Zionists here would make anything better, make anyone sympathize with them, or find common ground. This is a place where we can be safe, why add people who are purposefully being dishonest and spreading disinformation? They aren’t misinformed people, they are real pieces of shit who hold a genuinely wrong position/s; they want to piss you off to ruin your day. I already have enough discourse with these people everywhere else, why here?
My instance has conservative and anti-leftist communities. They’re more the personal playgrounds of a few people with humiliation and persecution fetishes though.
We shouldn’t be encouraging or squelching any political diversity whatsoever, we should be honing in more and more on how things actually are in the world, and the effects things are likely to have, regardless of who it pisses off or pleases.
Lack of fake accounts/trolls like on other platforms and you’ll have that.
Very, how do you do fellow kids energy from this comment.
I don’t think I’ve ever interacted with a communist who would be upset about a lack of reactionaries in their spaces, they’d be relieved to have a place free of them and their ignorance and hate.
And the fact you think that “centrists” and “right-wing” are somehow not extremists (but this made up special category of MAGA which by the way is most conservatives in the US and in a lot of the world somehow is) tells me you are politely not really politically literate.
Liberals are reactionary enough in their excuse for genocide, you think for some reason we need space for not only them but the people who want to take away rights from trans people, who want to kill trans kids, who want to make women second class citizens, who are incredibly racist, war-mongering, anti-science, etc?
You can get that literally anywhere else offline or online, especially your home instance. You’re not from a leftist instance but from the most reddit-brained, centrist neo-lib instance.
This is false equivalence, the idea that the left is too extreme and needs balancing with the right. Please just accurately identify your politics or don’t bother mentioning them as we can easily guess them from a post like this.
<img alt="" src="">
The Alphabet Boys are tired of lurking in the shadows. They have Trump (and more) dead to rights on 10,000 times worse shit then what is public and they sit on their hands.
The intelligence community wants what is coming. Do not hesitate to judge them as they have already judged you.
Your Facebook profile is probably uploaded to some automated killing machine already for purging. Someone just needs to execute the program.
From your post it’s pretty safe to assume that you’re part of the lefties that are crying over meta dropping censorship against misinformation for community notes
Yet here you blatantly spread misinformation…
This place def needs more centrists. Too many libs sucking themselves (and each other) off. Not more MAGA though. Those guys are just wrong
I’m kind of surprised to see a post like this here, reference most of the many comments. In my experience online discussion trends towards radicalism and it’s not an ideal forum (ha) for reasonable political discussions; for example it’s very simple to demonize something, and with minimal penalty. One thing I can tell you is that there’s plenty of extremism here, and my feed is even spec’d towards memes and to avoid politics. The concentration is aggressive enough that these other perspectives you’re looking for are quickly savaged and oftentimes only expressed by people who aren’t smart in picking their fights and it shows in their viewpoints too. No idea how one would address that, like I said I think online forums are probably not the right tool for this sort of thing. Idk man, I just want my memes and hobby info without watching people seethe about American politics and wish for the murder of rich people in almost every community, political or not
Crush them with the bipartisan police state of course!
You seem sad that others are voicing their struggles to survive. A choice you personally make by not blocking people that voice their experiences with capitalism.
Block them. Ignore their pleading into the void. All is well. Nothing to see here. Move along. Pay your rent. Pay your health insurance premium. Invest in the stock market. Pickup this can.
We are doing fine. Don’t overthink lemmy.
People go where they want, Block what they will. Share what they share.
What else do you need? We aren’t driven by shareholders to infinitely grow. Instances/communities/users will come and go, but lemmy is forever. It’s just going to get better from here till we get a “TikTok ban” from big brother. Enjoy the ride.
TBF, they don’t exist.
They’re might be some that on appearance hold reasonable views that are considered centrist /moderate conservative but if their privilege is questioned or their fragile egos get scuffed, they always and invariably go full on far right.
Their moderate views are just a veneer that are held to appear as such and never stand up to pressure.
What typically America-centric thinking
You can also tell by the misuse of “they’re” lol
I’m curious as to how their comment was “America-centric”? It seems as though it applies universally. Bad ideas are bad ideas, it doesn’t matter what continent it happens on.
That’s them being an elitist prick, full of English exceptionalism.
You could look through their previous comments and probably find that they invariably wear the badge of “political moderate” but their world view based around their superiority seeps through eventually.
I’m not in the US so that’s your first fuck up.
Secondly, the misused ‘they’re’ was me not proofreading autocorrect too closely while I was on the train this morning.
You are an insufferable elitist bore.
Participating in this thread had left me feeling like lemmy is much more of an echo chamber than what I thought before.
I like being disagreed with on occasion, but don’t feel like anyone really listened here. That is very internet but also pretty concerning.
Holy mother of superiority complex in this thread.
If I saw serious attempts anywhere from right-wingers to advocate for their views as an actual political philosophy I’d be more concerned by this. But we need spaces where people actually discuss how to build a better society, and simply because of that concern these spaces lean left. It’s rare to find right-wingers who are even seriously interested in that question, except as a pretext to vent their unexamined prejudices and personality issues.
If, on internet forums, you push for everyone to have equal say even when their views are not well considered, everyone’s energy gets used up arguing with the most offensive right-wing posters. I think it’s a good thing to have spaces where that isn’t how it goes. As for centrists, I think there’s a place for engaging with them because there’s more of a chance that they just haven’t examined their views but can be brought to. But I’m not going to miss them if they’re so put off by a left-leaning space that they won’t participate, and I don’t think every left space needs to spend its time arguing with liberals.
Frankly, my view of the right wing these days is that there’s no particular need to treat a mishmash of selfishness, greed, lust for power, deceit, gullibility, ignorance, insecurity and hatred as if it’s a political philosophy at all. Left versus right isn’t a helpful picture. Serious vs unserious would be a better one. If someone has serious arguments for a right-wing position made in good faith, then they’re not just wasting people’s time. But that’s not usually what you see, and I suspect it’s because there’s a lack of serious arguments to be made for it.
I don’t miss the right-wing voices. For the most part they just dominate, disrupt and obstruct serious discussion. That said, it’s important we don’t forget how unrepresentative our online discussions are of society as a whole, and how little impact merely talking about them here has.
Yes, exactly this.
Because those that actually are interested in that question end up moving to the left when they see the “answers” that the right has to offer.
There is the same kind of special snowflake attitude on here that ruined Reddit. You people only want to have your exclusive social bubble where you can sniff each other’s farts. I’m not interested in that.
Personally, I don’t buy this echo chamber shit. Before social media, you choose your spaces and your company and did not have to put up with random jackasses butting into your conversations to tell you how much they hate gay people or whatever.
The abnormal thing is this expectation that we’re all supposed to meet in the middle with any asshole at all times. I’m happy with a townhall meeting once in a while but I don’t want to or need to put up with bigots and people who are otherwise socio-politically the opposite of me on a daily basis.
I want to be in the company of people that don’t make me feel like shit and who I can see eye to eye with. That’s not being closed minded or wanting an echo chamber, that’s normal.
I wish lemmy had more niche interest groups, like marvel champions card game. Then there’d be something to talk about that isn’t how we should force others to give a percetage of their earnings to the goxernment.
Election time was so irritating, Lemmy basically reigned in Harris as the next messiah; I had to end up blocking political keywords to make it usable. Kamala Harris is an absolute joke and the DNC is an even bigger joke. I remember seeing one post where someone basically claimed she has a spotless political career and I’m just thinking, 😮💨, really?
The problem with left leaning individuals on the internet is we have a lot of drive and conviction behind our ideas which is a good thing, but that should translate into real life activism or doing something that will combat the current political system and promote change. But we are beaten down since that’s basically a total pipe dream, we realize what the problem is and feel powerless to fix it. What’s
Now, whats a good way to regain some of the power over your “opponents”? Silence their opinion, whether that be outright censorship or in other ways that are antithetical to getting the point across.
The American political system has us fighting amongst one another to keep people distracted from who is really fucking everyone up the ass daily. And it continues to work. We need to stop this petty squabbling and use all this wasted energy on something useful that could actually bring us together, like maybe instead of just browsing social media all day, you could go out in to the real world.
I am left-leaning and live in a predominantly conservative area. Very red. When I go out, people usually don’t just randomly talk about Trump all day, that’s just not reality. Most people dont make their political views their entire personality. I hear way more about Trump from social media than I am ever do from people in real life. And I assure you, I don’t seek it out.
You have way more in common with the other side than you realize. Social media allows the worst aspects of peoples personality to come out since you don’t have to look at a human being in front of you that has feelings, goals, beliefs, dreams, et al. just like you do. Have some god damn compassion and maybe try to understand why people on the other side have come to the conclusions they have, instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water.
You must have been using a different site than me. My experience was the opposite. Just a flood of bullshit to convince people not to vote for her (or not to vote).
I concur. I got downvoted just for pointing out the left has an issue courting young male voters. I’m so sick of my own party.
It’s not your party.
Yeah… True enough.
Appreciate ya, and agreed there too. Like UltraGiGaGigantic said, it’s unfortunately not a party for the people. Neither are, really. Something American Democrats should consider is dropping the whole “vote Blue no matter who” kind of mentality. The huge base of people with that are part of the reason the DNC is able to maintain status quo and not have to actually do anything people want. If a large enough group of people were able to get together and agree on shit for once, a third-party or independent candidate might be possible. But the parties are basically treated like sports teams. Like, you’re either team A or team B and theres no other option. except it’s just a game at the end of the day. The system is set up to continue to enforce the two-party dichotomy, unfortunately.
I’ll offer this thought…
When I used to discuss politics with someone who viewed policy from the perspective of a different political party say 25-30 years ago, I would say 90-95% of what we wanted to see happen in the country was exactly the same. The differences were in how we wanted to get there.
Unfortunately, today I don’t think that the views align much any more. The views have diverged, and at least on the right, they have become extreme to the point of openly courting fascism, government capture by the oligarchy, and the masses supporting this don’t care about the consequences so long as they think they have a punitive moral victory over their opponents. The left isn’t really the left anymore, and I’m not sure what they want for the country. I don’t think they know either. They seem more interested in inclusivity than they do in actually making economic policy benefitting anyone under the upper middle class level.
All that said, I have yet to encounter one single instance of a conservative view on lemmy that wasn’t radical and antagonistic. I have also encountered far left views that were also radical and antagonistic. Far more hard left views than right, perhaps because there are so many hard left views the right stays away.
I don’t have the answer to what would increase the breadth of political content in Lemmy discussions, but the highly polarized and emotional views of politics along with internet anonymity isn’t really a recipe for balanced discussion. We haven’t even touched on organized propaganda deliberately pushing inflammatory posts and lies that incite reactionary and extreme views in return.
lol posting this on the most notoriously censored instance, on a platform intentionally removed from the fediverse for this very reason.
Echo chambers are the flavour of lemmy. Think wrong is quickly censored.
I don’t understand this thought process. If the far left is preaching facts and kindness, and the other side is literally Nazies we need more left homogeneous thinking. We need to get educated and organized about the issues facing humanity. When the far left starts to be anti science and facts then you can begin to worry.
too far gone
“Everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi”
I’m interested in this, i left reddit due to that, if it’s just a reddit 2.0 i’m better getting off. So far it looks samey.
Wait you’re saying that calling people nazis if they have a different viewpoint than you doesn’t foster diversity? Who would have thought.
You sure you’re a leftist? I see more leftism allowed to exist on Lemmy than other platforms, but the majority of it certainly leans neoliberal.
Try criticizing NATO or the Democrats in Lemmy communities. See how fast the powermods and groupthink kick in to put a stop to it.
But of course the rightwing stuff gets targeted, too. The mods here seem keen to mirror the narrow pro-neoliberal Reddit viewpoint of what is acceptable speech. Anything beyond that will result in a strike against the user or instance.
ETA: just got banned from another community for pointing out the original NATO commanders were Nazis. There you have it.
That’s on and and a few others are more pro-left
go back to Reddit nerd
<img alt="fry “not sure if” meme, with cropped versions of the Willem Dafoe “something of a scientist” and Steve Buscemi “fellow kids” memes in the top corners. (no text.)" src="">
This post is a great example of what OP is talking about. OP gave no political opinion on anything and you are calling them out for not being a real leftist?
I have yet to hear anyone irl that identifies as left that actually wants to hear what the right has to say.
Right now it’s all hate and bigotry. Which has no place in society as far as I’m concerned.
The only people I’ve seen concerned with people Hering out the right, are people on the right. “Centrists” are just right wing sympathizers.
So yes, I don’t think they’re actually left leaning.
I agree with the comment your replying to. It’s very fellow kids. It’s not how most people on the left talk.
Note: not the person you replied to.
username checks out
There’s a lot of stuff written on this topic, but I haven’t seen this mentioned yet: there are conservative instances on Lemmy, as a platform. Most of them are widely defederated, not necessarily for the views of the majority (though in some cases, yes), but because of asshats deliberately causing trouble.
Unfortunately, this is also a product of a wider shift in discourse by the right (understood in a North American context), which appeals mostly to edgelords rather than the (rapidly shrinking, already shrunk to the point of irrelevance/non-existence one could argue) thinking, at least ostensibly humanistic conservative.
There’s self-selection in action here. Which makes sense, even if I also find it troubling (there are people who can be reasoned with drowned out by Nazi assholes, who are willing to hear people out on the not-Nazi stuff, give positive reinforcement and with it a home to get radicalized).
I don’t have a good answer, and if I did I’d probably be up for a Nobel Prize given how wide and damaging the problem is. It ain’t just here - it’s pretty much anywhere anyone expresses any idea. I just happen to like this side of the Threadiverse much more, so it’s where I hang out.
Only real hope is meatspace, imo. And even then, not everyone has the privilege to engage this way in meatspace without a direct risk to their personal safety (see POC, our trans brothers and sisters, LGTBQ+ folks, etc.).
Since my (leftist) instance is blocked, OP probably can’t even read this comment.
That irony aside, although I disagree that federated Lemmy as a whole is homogenous, it’s only natural that an alternative social network would skew away from the mainstream, and that instances would be relatively homogenous internally.
I believe this is by design, but to expect something else is unrealistic. The only options for Lemmy would be for it to be either further left or further right than Reddit. And there are a couple fascist instances, though they are blocked.
That’s for ya
Given that in the US leftist perspectives on anything are few and hard to come by, I welcome Lemmy’s primarily leftist slant on things. Should one want to get a fascist or center/center right perspective, pretty much everything in the mass media in the US will provide that.
Reddit is mostly left
Reddit is mildly left of center as a whole. It is not leftist. You do not find many people there who are genuinely anti-capitalist, which is a prerequisite for any flavor of leftism.
Reddit leans progressive liberal, and that, in America speak, is the left
Americans talk Newspeak thanks to a century of socialist purges and red scares. Their “left” is so far right that the actual left is silenced, is outside the Overton window. In terms of political vocabulary, Americans don’t know their asses from their elbows.
Thank you! This is how I have felt, as an American, for a very long time!
The BIGGEST issue we have here, IMO, is APATHY. So many Americans "don't watch the news" or "didn't like to talk about politics" or can't handle anything being talking about the weather and other bland topics. I find it depressing and annoying.
I fucking wish
I have noticed this trend. On the one hand, “Truth has a liberal bias” has always been true. If a community is geared towards truth and evidence, like as not it will lean left. There is copious evidence for this, for any random topic.
On the other hand, it has resulted in a lot of “I downvote complexity” behavior, which is, in my view, problematic. It is very easy to take stances of ideological purity online, and behave as if any recognition of greater complexity is EVIL!!1! I see this again and again. This is a way to make your ideological movement irrelevant and unworkable.
As much as folks decry the rigor of the MAGA right, where fealty to Trump is the only virtue, the Progressive left exhibits the exact same rigor, the exact same intolerance for deviation from its allies. Both Progressives and MAGAts see this as a virtue, but it very much is not: it locks you into a worldview that eliminates important complexity and any ability to see things from alternate perspectives. If you have a belief that your perspective is the only correct one, then the vast majority of the time, you’re wrong.
One thing I’ve found in life is that extremists of any ilk have more in common than differences, they just wave different colored flags.
Horseshoe theory is discredited nonsense.
Discredited by extremists ;)
Discredited by academics.…
It is reality
You really are an idiot
<img alt="" src=""> The only Adults in the Room are we Enlightened Centrists.
There is absolutely nothing I said that says I’m a centrist. You’re an example of the problem.
Yup. Proglib? right of center. Anything that doesn’t label itself as LEFTIST is hard right according to them.
I don’t consider myself leftist or rightist. I flip both ways on different issues and the middle on other things.
How ever Lemmy is becoming less tolerant of jokes and any view that doesn’t line up with a moderator’s view on the world.
It took a long time for me to get a ban but it’s happened a couple times now.
Admittedly they’re from .ml
Though some more left leaning communities have gone full on dog like as though it’s Reddit
Moderators shouldn’t be allowed to post to their own groups. How do you question a post by a mod without getting deleted/banned?
Multiple moderators i guess, why mod a group you can’t engage in
Conflict of interest if you mod the comments for your posting.
There are many posts preaching for the choir, but I wouldn’t call it an echo chamber. It’s more like a dead sound chamber where the ideas dies in agreement. It doesn’t bounce off the walls or resonate. It’s already there so no answer is required.
Lemmy would benefit from more users playing the devil’s lawyer, but I think it’s too small for anyone to use their main profile for that, and alt-accounts would quickly get blocked or banned.
Actual users with opposing views wouldn’t be of much help. Politics isn’t very nuanced these days. It’s not red or blue, left or right or whatever. It’s polarized into a new duality: Those that give a shit and those who are proud idiots. Lemmy is on the good side of this and will not benefit from being more accepting of idiots.
Turn off the voting system first if you want any sort of questioning or challenges
It is very rigid in its ideologies, even more so than reddit.
Lemmy is the definition of a left-wing echo chamber. We all see it and if you downvote me for pointing this out - you are lying to yourself.
(Secretly I did not downvote you. Hehehe. My devilish nature cannot be contained)
Maybe; yes
It’s a mindset thing. The more you interact with others positively while disagreeing, the better things will get. This only applies to reasonable disagreements.
People will learn more, but people will be wrong more. Unchecked political diversity drives away normal takes. No political diversity makes people afraid to voice disagreement.
This is such a strange take to me.
I was on the broader fediverse for a year or so before lemmy took off, and I got used to the very strong left leaning environment I found there, where compassion for your impact on the people around you was built in to the norms of many of the communities. I wasn’t used to it, but I was so glad to have found it.
And then lemmy happened. And unlike the rest of the fediverse, which was largely populated by people escaping twitter because it had been taken over by a fascist, the lemmy population was largely people escaping reddit because they could no longer use 3rd party apps. And the difference in ideology between those two groups is night and day.
To me, the broader fediverse feels left wing and comfortable. Lemmy feels centrist, where half of my time as an admin is banning trolls and bigots spreading hate.
tl;dr - Your definition of leftist is not my definition of leftist.
Big agree. Lemmy is regressive in a few ways some of the time!