Does the concept of the fediverse act as a template for original apps that couldn't be done with non fediverse software?
from to on 27 Apr 2024 23:21


threaded - newest on 27 Apr 2024 23:34 next collapse

No on 27 Apr 2024 23:42 collapse

The federation aspect adds complexity. A lot of complexity.

The only thing the fediverse might enable is nobodies like me can theoretically write social media software and actually get them successful without becoming a VC funded social media startup and have to resort to ads and premium tiers.

But things that couldn’t be done without the fediverse as a base? Nah not really.

Note that the concept of federation is really old. Emails are a form of federation. XMPP was federated too. Heck, Diaspora* is pretty old and tried to make open Facebook for almost as long as Facebook’s been mainstream. on 28 Apr 2024 04:20 collapse

XMPP is still federated.