fediverse platform for a schools community network
from geoma@lemmy.ml to fediverse@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 22:26

I am looking to host a fediverse platform for a community of non-tech people. These people use mostly ig and some still fb. These people are from a network of schools which are ideologically aligned with libre software and decentralisation. It will include adults and also teenagers, who mostly use IG. This is part of a plan of a massive migration to ethical platforms. I am trying to choose the fittest fediverse solution to these, also considering that I am not sure how much my home server will be capable of sustaining, so the platform should ideally be as lightweight as possible. I am considering mastodon, pixelfed, misskey and sharkey, and some people have suggested akkoma.

What would you recommend? Thanks!!


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sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al on 08 Jun 22:28 next collapse


geoma@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 23:16 collapse

Is friendica appealing for teenagers? does the UX feel modern/polished? (this is non relevant for me, but sadly for teens it is so important)

Psych@lemmy.sdf.org on 09 Jun 01:21 collapse

Wait you know teenagers who use Facebook ?

geoma@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 03:00 collapse

not really

Psych@lemmy.sdf.org on 09 Jun 03:03 collapse

You wrote in your post the people you wanted to introduce it to is using Instagram and Facebook and now you said here those people are teenagers .

geoma@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 04:59 collapse

some adults still use fb. I doubt there are students that use fb. they mostly use ig.

sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al on 09 Jun 06:58 collapse

It’s because you mentioned Facebook, I thought Friendica would be a good like for like.

geoma@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 12:51 collapse

Ah ok I see… Yes, some adults still use fb but most people use IG…

poVoq@slrpnk.net on 08 Jun 22:37 next collapse

I think once groups land in Pixelfed and the new app is released on the official app-stores, which will hopefully both happen this month, it is probably the best option if people are used to IG and Facebook.

otter@lemmy.ca on 08 Jun 23:30 next collapse

Oh I didn’t know there was a new app coming out, is the original one being rebuilt?

poVoq@slrpnk.net on 08 Jun 23:45 collapse

According to the main developer’s mastodon feed, yes.

geoma@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 12:52 collapse

I wonder if pixelfed is resource hungry? As mastodon?

poVoq@slrpnk.net on 09 Jun 13:21 collapse

It’s written in php Laravel, so it should be somewhat more lightweight than Mastodon, but not massively so.

Mastodon also has a bit of an unjustified bad reputation for that… yes for very small instances it is a resource hog, but it scales reasonably well to larger number of users after that initial bump.

veeesix@lemmy.ca on 08 Jun 23:14 next collapse

Semi-related but I was thinking about this earlier this year, and I was wondering about the feasibility of posting bus cancellations via the fediverse instead of via a bussing company’s website or email.

otter@lemmy.ca on 08 Jun 23:30 collapse

I think updates like that would do well on Mastodon, it’s the most popular right now so it has a wider reach / support. Similar to what would have been posted to Twitter before

WanderingVentra@lemm.ee on 09 Jun 06:09 collapse

It definitely seems like a good idea for education services, weather services, local municipal services, and basically all important government institutions to make important announcements and updates via a service they can host themselves or is more distributed, like Mastadon, instead of via Twitter where they have to obey the whims of people like Musk.

tecnoterrestre@nomada.tiliches.net on 09 Jun 03:16 collapse

It depends. what purpose should this platform serve? What functions/features are you looking for? If all you're looking for is a light(er)-weight microblog fedi platform, maybe gotosocial.

Perhaps a schools network may benefit from an ActivityPub platform that not only allows social posting, but also includes features like cloud storage, and integrated groups (public, private, moderated) among other relevant features. I suggest taking a peek at streams.

geoma@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 12:53 collapse

Will check out streams. Is it lightweight? I wonder if gotosocial is a good choice for a multiple account instance, as AFAIK it is meant for single user ones

tecnoterrestre@nomada.tiliches.net on 09 Jun 16:28 collapse

I previously ran a small streams instance on an older 32-bit laptop at home for a couple people. It ran fine. It can also run on shared web-hosting platforms. So I'd certainly say it's lightweight. Though, of course, it all depends on how much usage it will get (number of people, how active they are, how many contacts on other instances, etc). It can use either MySQL or PostgreSQL for db.

As for GoToSocial, you're right, looks like it's intended for no more than a small number of people.

So how many folks are you intending on hosting at this instance?

geoma@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 19:10 collapse

I have no idea how many people will end up using it. If we get lucky, we probably could even get to a number of 500 or so in some years… Hopefully…