Surf is a "Social Browser" App From Flipboard (
from to on 24 Dec 20:42

Today, we dig into the nitty-gritty of Surf, a new app by Flipboard. We document what it is, how it works, and areas where the experience could be improved.


threaded - newest on 24 Dec 21:14 next collapse

“I wish everyone could see my browsing habits” said nobody ever. on 24 Dec 22:07 next collapse

Probably true. I don't see anything like that in the article, though? on 24 Dec 22:21 collapse

That’s not what this is. It’s more of a feed aggregator / reader with social features, framed as a browser of sorts.

The main thing it’s used for is feed curation and content discovery. You can basically use anything with a feed as a source, then aggregate and filter things.

It’s kind of like a news reader version of Yahoo Pipes almost. on 24 Dec 21:45 next collapse on 24 Dec 22:04 next collapse

So what I take away after a quick skim on xmas eve is... this is an attempt at one app for all (or big parts) of the fediverse? on 24 Dec 22:11 next collapse

[sorry, a Lemmy bug made me reply to the wrong comment] on 25 Dec 08:39 collapse

No worries. Given the season, surely it's the recurring Bahhum bug. on 24 Dec 22:13 collapse

Kind of. It doesn’t do everything, but it could be a killer app for custom feeds and discovery in the Fediverse. It’s still in Beta, and feels a little underdeveloped, but it’s a promising proof-of-concept. on 24 Dec 22:38 next collapse

Maybe it’s this one, maybe it’s the next one, but I do think these are the types of solutions to several fediverse problems from either new user or experienced user that has some levels of expected functionality in a client that browses “social media feeds”.

other side of the coin is that the do Everything apps made by single for profit entity means there will build incentive to attack it, copy it, etc. and all that info can be compromised… on 24 Dec 22:45 next collapse

There already is a browser named Surf, and has been for two decades. on 24 Dec 23:47 next collapse

Good to know. I have an inkling that this probably slipped under the radar when the SurfApp team were looking at branding and trademarks. Despite the fact that Suckless projects tend to have a somewhat popular following in the *nix community, it’s probably pretty obscure anywhere else. on 25 Dec 09:35 collapse

Yeah, no surprise there, I found it only by pure luck, but suckless has been my jam for over a decade. on 25 Dec 15:23 collapse

Is it related to the browser NetSurf? on 25 Dec 17:07 collapse

Unfortunately not on 25 Dec 09:00 collapse

I was going to try it out, and then the website asked me for my email :(

I don’t want a feed aggregator that has its own account, I want one that just lets me use my existing network/feed-specific accounts.

I imagine (/hope) that the email-for-signup is only while the software is in alpha/beta/unreleased, to help them get user feedback. on 25 Dec 10:23 collapse

I can confirm that the email is only for sending out an invite, for downloading the beta version. You just use your existing MastoAPI-enabled Fediverse account. on 25 Dec 14:35 collapse

Do you maybe mind sharing your APK with VirusTotal score so that people who want to try it can do so without giving their email away?