Following the other post, which communities don't have alternatives on other instances?
from to on 06 Jun 08:14

Following the other thread (550 upvotes and 366 comments at the moment:, one of the complaints that people had what that some communities only exist on and don’t have alternatives on other instances.

Let’s discuss this and see if we can organize together.

I suggest to have one topic per comment so that is is easier to discuss.


threaded - newest on 06 Jun 08:15 next collapse

Linux: !

! seems quite active, I guess if any people move to it it will become even more active.

! could probably be a nice one too if people want to avoid hypercentralization on LW

If you know any other, comment below and we can see which one we decide to select as “the one” to avoid fragmentation. on 06 Jun 08:16 next collapse

Open source: ! on 06 Jun 08:57 next collapse

there’s also ! on 06 Jun 09:02 collapse

I’m always torn with Beehaw as they defederated and

Posting there just mean that a third of Lemmy won’t see your post. on 06 Jun 10:25 collapse

Yeah, same. Nothing against BH (I understand their reasoning). I end up just crossposting stuff there. on 06 Jun 09:15 collapse

Seems like a community that has it's natural home at on 06 Jun 09:35 collapse

Indeed on 06 Jun 08:18 next collapse

Personal finance: !

There are a few country-based:

Maybe it makes more sense to have country-based communities? on 07 Jun 01:24 collapse

Personal finance: !

This is a big one for me. on 07 Jun 22:00 collapse

It’s not that active (for such a generalist topic) and I always thought because it was on

But as I said, personal finance communities probably gain to be on countries instances to be relevant to their audiences on 06 Jun 08:20 next collapse

Privacy: !

! is a good one. The instance admin comes and go, but the instance is still up-to-date

Other active options: on 06 Jun 08:59 next collapse







Some more options for those looking. on 06 Jun 09:04 collapse

Just had a look:

  • ! site seems down?
  • ! last posts 4 hours and 9 days ago
  • ! last post 4 days ago
  • ! last post 11 days ago
  • ! last post 3 hours and 8 hours ago
  • ! site is down:

Added and LW to the top comment on 06 Jun 15:52 collapse

Sorry, I wasn’t checking them. Just found them under my subscriptions and shared.

Thanks for checking them out though. on 06 Jun 09:11 next collapse

I like ! because the project is behind it

Whenever friends ask about resources, I always link them to the privacyguides website. I should use their community more as well on 06 Jun 10:24 collapse

! also on 06 Jun 10:36 collapse

Interesting, doesn’t seem that active unfortunately, I guess the privacyguides one takes most of the posts besides the one on 06 Jun 10:52 collapse

Perhaps it’s not as active as I’d assumed. I only semi-recently subscribed so mostly have the initial fetch. on 06 Jun 08:26 next collapse

Copy all the local only communities from each instance .world and .ml separately put in a excel spreadsheet control F search each community

Feel like that would be easier…

EDIT: I counted 50 pages of communities just for .world before I stopped counting. So that’s like a lot of fucking work…

The only way this makes sense to do, is for an admin who has access to the lemmy database. .World database, to do this themselves. I’m assuming with their admin server privileges it would be the fastest most accurate way.

But then they’d have to manually do .ml bc I doubt ml will do that to help them lol on 06 Jun 08:32 collapse

Feel free!

On my side I feel like most of are already covered. This post is for communities that other people have already identified as “not having alternatives” (see complaints on the other post), so they should know them already. on 06 Jun 08:36 collapse

Good luck on 06 Jun 09:16 next collapse

Can we make some root cause analysis? Why is it a problem that certain communities are only on one instance?

Or better, why do communities need some relationship to an instance? on 06 Jun 09:34 next collapse

Hello Raphael,

For the first question, I redirect you to the thread linked in the OP:

For the second question, I guess this is beyond the scope of this discussion. Having communities unlinked to an instance would require a complete rework of Lemmy, this thread is just about moving away from due to some abuse reported in the other thread. on 06 Jun 09:39 collapse

What If I told you that it does not require a complete rework of Lemmy, but instead just additional services to use instances as independent “ActivityPub group servers”? on 06 Jun 09:42 collapse

Are those services available today? on 06 Jun 10:22 next collapse

Soon ™ . It is coming to Fediverser. on 06 Jun 11:11 collapse and, what is so offensive about Blaze’s question that warrants downvotes? on 06 Jun 11:22 next collapse

Nice one ha ha on 06 Jun 20:01 collapse

I think it’s creepy. Don’t like that at all. on 06 Jun 23:22 collapse

Downvotes can be seen by any admin of any instance on 07 Jun 04:04 collapse

That’s great. If the admin of my instance would be this petty over something harmless like a downvote i would definitely leave the instance and i have never seen any admin make names of a downvoter public before. on 06 Jun 16:34 collapse

Do you think I will somehow be blackmailed because you tagged me dude?

I am downvoting all participants in this grassroots campaign against lemmy developers and diverse political opinions. on 06 Jun 17:07 collapse

Nothing in this discussion is against Lemmy developers, and no one is trying to silence their voices. It’s just about creating/finding alternatives for those that are not interested in interacting with that instance.

Also, me calling you out is not “blackmailing”, just me ensuring that downvotes like yours don’t become a pile-on. on 06 Jun 17:31 collapse

… Do you think I can just keep the last comment in mind or something?

The discussion takes place in a post linking . Surely that brings it into scope? The linked post begins

I feel like we need to talk about Lemmy’s massive tankie censorship problem

That does seem hostile to me. As does the drive to try and split communities

Also, me calling you out is not “blackmailing”, just me ensuring that downvotes like yours don’t become a pile-on.

You have to be kidding me. Why would tagging people who downvoted a post prevent a pile-on of downvotes? Is it a lemmy bug? Or is it that some people who would want to downvote your post would be intimidated by being ‘called out’? Maybe my English is bad but vote->get called-out seems to fit ‘blackmail’ just fine. on 06 Jun 17:54 collapse

Do you think I can just keep the last comment in mind or something?

YES! It’s not like votes are worth anything here, but one of the reasons that voting mechanisms become completely useless as a way to signal quality conversations is when people blindly upvote/downvote everything just because they don’t like what is being said. People that do what you are doing end up showing more about themselves than about the one posting the comment that you didn’t like.

As does the drive to try and split communities

Would you feel so defensive about it if the communities were being hosted in a right-wing instance?

Why would tagging people who downvoted a post prevent a pile-on of downvotes?

Because it makes people think about what about the comment they are downvoting, instead of reflexively clicking on a button.

vote->get called-out seems to fit ‘blackmail’

It does not fit at all. I’m not trying to get anything out of you for my own benefit, and I am not doing it to submit you into compliance. on 06 Jun 18:13 collapse

YES! It’s not like votes are worth anything here, but one of the reasons that voting mechanisms become completely useless as a way to signal quality conversations is when people blindly upvote/downvote everything just because they don’t like what is being said. People that do what you are doing end up showing more about themselves than about the one posting the comment that you didn’t like.

Indeed voting is worthless here, you do not get blocked from posting like reddit so there’s no silencing effect. Voting has always been about whether you agree or not with an opinion, not about the quality of a conversation (an abstract concept, realistically immeasurable). Yes reddit had/has the Reddiquette, it was not ever actually followed by the users. Turns out you can’t just redefine thing on a whim.

Would you feel so defensive about it if the communities were being hosted in a right-wing instance?

Right-wing as in neo-nazi ? I would not join a community in that server. Right wing as in pro-Israelor pro-capitalism? I do participate and get in meaningless flame wars when their callousness gets the best of me. I will not hold it against communities that do not deal with these issues and are just hosted on that instance.

Because it makes people think about what about the comment they are downvoting, instead of reflexively clicking on a button.

Think of what?

It does not fit at all. I’m not trying to get anything out of you for my own benefit, and I am not doing it to submit you into compliance.

Does not voting against your post not count as compliance? on 06 Jun 18:29 collapse

Voting has always been about whether you agree or not with an opinion

No, that is absolutely false. Before Reddit’s Eternal September, voting was used as a way to signal quality content and it pretty much was followed by a good majority of the people.

Right-wing as in neo-nazi? I would not join a community in that server.

And this is precisely what people are talking about here. You might not see that way, but tankies are extremists. There are people that don’t want to join any conversation there, and therefore this is why they want alternatives.

Think of what?

It makes they think "what is so bad about this comment that it really warrants the downvote.

Does not voting against your post not count as compliance?

I didn’t ask you to remove the downvote. I asked you only to explain your reasoning, which is now quite clearly faulty. on 06 Jun 18:49 collapse

No, that is absolutely false. Before Reddit’s Eternal September, voting was used as a way to signal quality content and it pretty much was followed by a good majority of the people.

Ah, yes the good old times. Just don’t take off your nostalgia-tinted glasses.

And this is precisely what people are talking about here. You might not see that way, but tankies are extremists. There are people that don’t want to join any conversation there, and therefore this is why they want alternatives.

The issue with Nazism is not that it is extreme, that it skews too much to the right. Nazism is inherently evil because it claims certain peoples are not worth existing and should be eliminated.

It makes they think "what is so bad about this comment that it really warrants the downvote.

I wonder what could make you think of honesty.

I didn’t ask you to remove the downvote. I asked you only to explain your reasoning, which is now quite clearly faulty.

Of course not. You wanted to make an example of me and the other guy to prevent a pile-on, that is more people downvoting you. You are blackmailing them by showing them what could happen to them. Obviously it’s not working because it’s just some posts on an internet forum. on 06 Jun 19:07 collapse

I just pointed out “the old times” to respond to your idea that “it has always been this way”.

It’s funny how young people think that the world has been invented the moment they were born. Everything that came before that can be simply erased.

that it skews too much to the right.

Ok. According to you, extremism and othering is okay when done by a leftist.

Thank you very much for showing your true colors. You can go now… on 06 Jun 19:36 collapse

I just pointed out “the old times” to respond to your idea that “it has always been this way”. It’s funny how young people think that the world has been invented the moment they were born. Everything that came before that can be simply erased.

I was born way way before reddit existed. Voting is even older. People may claim they are unbiased etc, use fancy debating terms etc, but in the end they vote (whether via explicit voting mechanism ala reddit/lemmy or +1 posts) based on their opinions. In a lot of cases such as discussing nazism for example it makes no sense.

that it skews too much to the right.

You can’t read? The actual full quote is

The issue with Nazism is not that it is extreme, that it skews too much to the right.

maybe you think you saw a ‘it’s’ after the comma, maybe you think that the negative (‘not’) does not apply to the sentence after the comma (incorrectly) but most likely you are again being dishonest.

My position is explicitly that I do not care about left and right. I do not abhor Nazism because of it’s position on a left-right axis but because it considers people vermin that have to be exterminated.

Thank you very much for showing your true colors.

‘The pot calling the kettle black’ was never more appropriate. Though I suppose a pants-on-fire liar would be mostly red.

You can go now…

Thanks for your permission your highness. on 07 Jun 10:29 collapse

Don’t mean to be a dick, but that was genuinely a very satisfying little internet spat. It was like watching a tennis match with you two volleying back and forth, and even the insults were pretty classy.

I think you each made several solid points, and I was brought slightly closer to forming an opinion regarding the public upvote/downvote system. This is likely to become a significant point of contention in the future, when Lemmy competitors will potentially seek to differentiate themselves by obscuring the visibility of votes.

Anyway, just remember that there are other people reading the thread who got something out of your contribution, even if you couldn’t come to a personal understanding with each other. on 07 Jun 10:38 next collapse

Nice one indeed on 07 Jun 14:15 collapse

I think most internet arguments are like that, the opposing parties are trying to argue their case for the neutrals, people who have not really made up their mind on the issue.

After all nobody likes to be ‘corrected’ by random strangers. Additionally it’s clearly an important issue for rgullis, he has written some software for lemmy (think a migration tool), has his own instance (with communities, not just to keep track of downvotes). You would expect him to have though his position out (according to his beliefs) and thus not be easily swayed.

I am just stubborn, perhaps it would be better to ignore being ‘called out’ but… no. on 07 Jun 14:21 collapse

Like I said, it was a good healthy discussion, you have differing opinions on the topic and you expressed them clearly and respectfully. Nothing wrong with that. I’m also a stubborn mfer on 06 Jun 09:40 collapse

I think decentralization is preferable for a wide variety of reasons, most of which boil down to stability and adaptability.

As for why communities need to be associated with an instance, I think that’s a much more interesting question. The first thing that comes to mind is moderation and liability. Ultimately, someone needs to be held responsible if shit hits the fan and somebody hires a contract killing on Lemmy or something. Right now, those people are the instance admins. If you could have free floating communities, the moderators of the distributed community would need to take on that responsibility instead.

Also how would that work technically? Stuff would presumably still need to be hosted and mirrored on instances, even if technically “unaffiliated”. on 06 Jun 09:48 collapse

What I am thinking as a possible solution would be to have some type of “community server”, akin to email list servers. The admin of the server becomes a “mere” service provider, and those that create communities are then responsible for moderation and that content being hosted there.

I believe that this would be perfectly possible to implement with Lemmy, so much so that I will add some of this functionality to Fediverser as part of my NLNet grant. The question is: who else would be interested in hosting these fediverser-enabled instances? on 06 Jun 09:53 next collapse

The admin of the server becomes a “mere” service provider, and those that create communities are then responsible for moderation and that content being hosted there.

Would you be able to prevent admins to interfere with moderation of the communities? Seems to be the biggest issue here on 06 Jun 10:06 next collapse

Theoretically, any admin would still have access to the server and make changes to things.

Practically, no. Anyone providing this service would be a hosting provider. If something bad happens at the community, they would only be able to claim it’s not their responsibility if they are able to point to the actual moderator who is liable. on 06 Jun 10:08 collapse

Interesting on 07 Jun 00:39 collapse

If communities were global instead of instance-based, instance mods/admins would likely still be able to moderate posts and comments hosted on THEIR instance (which may be important to confirm to local laws), but they wouldn’t be able to moderate the ENTIRE discussion.

There are likely some advantages to this (such as discussion not being able to be stifled by overeager or politically extremist mods), but it would also mean there is no way to globally enforce any particular rule (unless all instance admins agree on it). on 06 Jun 10:13 collapse

I think that’s a really cool idea, but I am apprehensive about unforseen consequences. I have previously pointed out that the current structure of Lemmy creates a nice balance of power between admins, mods, and users. I think all three groups have enough agency and independence that they can follow their personal preference in the fediverse without infringing too much on the experiences of the others. In theory, as the network expands, stability will continue to increase.

I’m not sure about messing with that paradigm in order to implement something like what you’re describing.

The question is: who else would be interested in hosting these fediverser-enabled instances?

So just to clarify what you mean. The fediverser-enabled instances would be current instances like, except with additional functionality to subscribe to unaffiliated communities?

Or they would be a totally new kind of instance with only independent communities? Sort of like (they don’t host local content), except instead of subscribing to communities on other instances, you would be subscribing to standalone communities organized in some kind of lightly moderated community list. on 06 Jun 10:52 next collapse

Fediverser works as an auxiliary service. Any admin can install it and set it up to run alongside the Lemmy backend.

Personally, I don’t like the idea of having instances that are home to users and communities at the same time. It is the source of endless issues around identity. I think that a lot of the centralization around LW would be avoided if people could create communities outside of their own “home” instance, and I don’t think that “just create an account on multiple instances” is an acceptable workaround. on 06 Jun 13:57 collapse

Makes a lot of sense, I have to agree with you that creating multiple accounts is not acceptable. Most of the people already here don’t mind it obviously, but in terms of future growth that’s a big hurdle that we need to figure out.

I’m definitely interested in the concept and I would certainly advocate for SJW to give it a shot in the future and see how it is.

That’s a very interesting blog post you linked. Lots of interesting tangents which I’m not gonna go down. But I mainly agree about corporations monetizing identity in the modern age. But I don’t think it applies to the fediverse, because instances are non-profit. And quite frankly, I don’t see the harm in playing to people’s sense of community and identity in order to lure them in. It seems to me that your vision is technically efficient, but maybe lacks some of the charm that Lemmy currently has. on 06 Jun 23:24 collapse

I think that’s a really cool idea, but I am apprehensive about unforseen consequences.

Well there are a few that are easy enough to forsee and it would make me wary of doing it myself. I think the current system works OK, but I am interested to see how it works out. on 06 Jun 10:35 next collapse

That said, I would like to say that despite the issues with the ML administration, I feel the centralization of communities on WORLD is a far greater and thus more urgent issue for me. on 06 Jun 10:54 next collapse

I feel the centralization of communities on WORLD is a far greater and thus more urgent issue for me.

Is it? Is there any level of power tripping similar to


I suggest to have one topic per comment so that is is easier to discuss. on 06 Jun 11:01 next collapse

It’s not about power tripping, it’s about philosophy. When I left mainstream social media and decided upon the Fediverse, decentralization was very much at the top of the list. I was happy to be part of a world where one corporation wasn’t in control of our lives. I’m just uncomfortable with the way that people are so eager to foster that in world. We shouldn’t have to see them misbehave before we apply what we learned from previous mistakes. on 06 Jun 11:06 collapse

I’m just uncomfortable with the way that people are so eager to foster that in world. We shouldn’t have to see them misbehave before we apply what we learned from previous mistakes.

You’re preaching to the choir, but “for now” it’s acceptable to me.

We are always able to move communities to other instances should they misbehave, and that’s good enough to me.

Could be improved, of course, but not critical. on 07 Jun 00:59 collapse

I’m a little late on this thread/issue, but I agree with .

I’m also inclined to push back on the stance being pushed here. And to be clear, While I’m on, I joined before “the migration” when it made sense to join the “main” instance as it then was and I have no particular affiliation with them or their politics.

Inline with what sabre is saying, I think there’s a certain degree of political entitlement and “defederation-fever” creeping into this general sentiment. I think the communists/tankies should be allowed to do their thing without it being an issue, just like any other niche interest/viewpoint that can build a space here.

I suspect there’s some dangerously presumptive politics at play here … where moderation action is presumed to be “power tripping” mainly because the moderator’s politics is presumed to be completely wrong. How about, “yea, that’s their thing, it’s unlikely something productive will come out of speaking flatly critically about china on … their moderation can go overboard sometimes, but their defensive about all of that … if you want to do that, you’ll need to go to a more western instance/community”

Building different spaces with different rules, vibes and beliefs, while simultaneously committing to inter-connectivity as much as possible … is basically the idea of the fediverse. It allows us to talk to each other without being stuck in one group’s (or corporation’s) policies and world-view … and more idealistically, allows us to see different world-views more clearly as we contrast the different spaces we can be connected to. If everything were on, it’d be hard to see the world-view (ha) that the mods/admins and even majority there impose on the rest.

That’s the idealism, and I think it’s very real.

But the pointy end of the stick is disagreements which lead to downvotes and moderation. That’s what enables the creation of a particular space, and needs to just kinda be accepted a bit more.

That’s the part not stated enough IMO … at some point, if you’re going to be committed to the inter-connectivity part, you need to be respectful of the fact that another space exists and can be antagonistic to some of your views. That’s fine. On reddit, we’d just steer clear of a particular sub-reddit and maybe disparage them elsewhere. De-federation or targeting an instance as plain bad or wrong is a useful tool that the fediverse provides but which, IME, can easily become over zealously embraced in a sort of dog-pile behaviour. A more useful behaviour, IMO, is to try to work out ways that the fediverse can persist with such antagonism and disagreements.

Not being surprised that communists are hard on criticism of communist countries seems like a start to me (where, TBF, such criticism is pretty wide spread in the west to the point that I don’t blame them for being cranky about it). Being open to the idea that you can get along with same communists on just about any other issue is a good next step. It’d be the same with criticising tech workers on or trans/gender/queer issues on or criticising western imperialism and capitalism on Though I suspect the admins could do a better job at sign-posting their politics/policies here.

These are spaces with particular sensitivities. Antagonising them indifferently is kinda rude at some point. Demanding that they not have their sensitivities is kinda against the fediverse at some point. Interestingly, the admin of, dessalines, basically said the same thing recently.

Now, to be fair, I haven’t looked into the moderation stuff that seems to have precipitated this conversation and I’m certainly open to the idea that the mods overstepped (mods tend to do that IME). But my general view is that, as communists living in the west, they’ve probably come against a good amount superficial criticism and frankly prejudice that us general westerners wouldn’t really notice, and so have pretty sharply guarded boundaries around that sort of dialogue. So they’ve built their own space (well platform actually), that is generally geared toward FOSS and privacy about which many of us have shared interests … but they also have some pretty clear policies around communism that are clearly very personal to the admins that are better respected than exiled or antagonised.

Also, none of this is to say everything should be on Quite the opposite. Diversify! That’s part of my point. But away from too, and with the understanding that part of diversification is enabling niche spaces that can cause f on 07 Jun 05:13 collapse

This is a tremendous post and I’m saddened by the fact that it’s buried in this thread where many won’t see it. I agree with it wholeheartedly.

I find the term tankies to be egregious. It feels like it targets minorities and is incredibly dismissive. I’m not authoritarian in the slightest and so I will have certain friction in my thought processes with authoritarians, but my views are incredibly left leaning,. I’ve spent my life learning from my experience and reaching and the only thing I can say for sure is that the right wing elite that rule over us, don’t give a fuck about us.

We all saw how communists were villainised around the second world war and that the confirmation bias as a result, lead to what we have now, which is again the right wing elite that rule over us, don’t give a fuck about us.

While I definitely want the administration of Lemmy.ML to be better in the way they conduct themselves, I feel that we need their presence for the greatest Fediverse we can create. It’s because of that, I feel someone from that team should’ve come forward and spoken on what happened in an official capacity. If an any time administration take action, send a message and be vocal and open about it. If you don’t have the time to do that, I question whether you have the time to making administrative actions.

That said, there’s a bunch of communities being created and I’m grateful for that. I want to see all communities move away from the bigger instances and I’ll say it again, moving communities away from LW is far more urgent and important. We need different flavours and different ideas and implementations. The best isn’t always the biggest. on 07 Jun 05:46 collapse

Cheers for the response! Interesting to see that we generally align pretty accurately over this. I wasn’t clear we would and half expected you to come in and say “fuck that, I just don’t like lemmy world”.

I did think of making a separate post of my rant, but figured it’d just get downvoted and there wouldn’t be any point. After this, I’d be happy to put it up.

Also, I’ve just posted in the meta community about this, generally poking around the issue and what happened and how better administration might be possible. on 07 Jun 06:11 next collapse

Ha, no. All the dealings I’ve had with the LW admins have been overwhelmingly positive. The members, not always so positive but that’s more about the thoughtfulness of the people I’ve come across on smaller instances. It would appear the people that don’t just join the biggest instance are more measured in their approach to things and are generally just less entitled acting. It makes them a joy to interact with and the conversations are more thought provoking, which is always a joy. on 07 Jun 07:56 next collapse

Very nice comment above.

Also, I’ve just posted in the meta community about this, generally poking around the issue and what happened and how better administration might be possible. The community is local, you need a account to see it. on 07 Jun 13:54 collapse

You absolutely nailed it with that comment, 5/7, perfect score.

Honestly it probably would get downvoted if you made it as a separate post, but that’s just because kvetching about is the flavor of the week and most people are sheep. on 06 Jun 23:29 collapse

I feel the centralization of communities on WORLD is a far greater and thus more urgent issue for me.

It’s definitely a big issue too and why it is a good idea to suggest people start alternatives somewhere other than l.w, as is being done in this discussion. on 06 Jun 10:55 next collapse

Simple Living: !

! : “A community about happy living. Thoughts and praxis about long-term wellbeing, contentment, and personal fulfillment.” on 06 Jun 10:55 next collapse



! is probably the obvious solution on 06 Jun 10:57 next collapse



Probably ! can be an option on 06 Jun 15:36 collapse

! would be perfect! can we make that happen? on 06 Jun 15:44 collapse

I guess we should get people interested in managing that community. Maybe a post to ! to see who would like to do that could be a starting point on 06 Jun 15:48 collapse

How about asking on 06 Jun 12:00 next collapse

Librewolf's official community is on ml sadly !librewolf on 06 Jun 12:04 collapse

Might be worth to check with the team if they would mind moving to another instance.

I guess they didn’t really check which instance their community was hosted on on 06 Jun 14:38 collapse is the largest FOSS and Privacy instance, so it makes sense. on 06 Jun 14:45 collapse

Or maybe it was the most popular server when the Librewolf devs decided on an instance for their community. on 06 Jun 14:48 collapse

Could be, but given that Librewolf is FOSS and focused on Privacy, it makes sense and fits. on 06 Jun 15:07 next collapse

Jellyfin: !

Maybe something for ? on 06 Jun 15:35 next collapse

Wouldn’t or be better? Even on 06 Jun 15:42 next collapse

Sorry to bring it to you, but has been down for probably six months.

What is the issue with dbzer0? It’s literally an instance with the largest piracy community of all of Lemmy on 06 Jun 15:49 collapse

When I think of db0 I think of piracy or AI, Jellyfin is a media manager, when I think of it, I think of TV, film and self hosting. on 06 Jun 15:51 collapse

Well, I’m pretty sure none of the Jellyfin users stream their vacation movies on 06 Jun 15:55 collapse

At least one does. But needless to say, there’s lots of legally owned content sitting on many NASs all across the world. on 06 Jun 15:47 next collapse is also down on my site, is the site supposed to be up? on 06 Jun 15:53 next collapse

Yep, I guess its having an outage. It’s been fine for weeks. on 06 Jun 16:52 collapse

Who downvoted this? Why? 😵‍💫 on 06 Jun 16:52 collapse

It’s back up! 🎉 on 06 Jun 16:54 collapse

Oh nice! Only one admin though on 06 Jun 16:59 collapse

Is one admin bad? on 06 Jun 17:01 next collapse

If he decides to shut down the project, or something happens to him, the server will probably go down with him.

See,,, and so on on 06 Jun 18:19 collapse

Aha, makes sense. Though my beloved tf went down and that had multiple admins at one point. on 09 Jun 19:45 collapse

Single admin instances are fragile instances. One person is a single point of failure. on 09 Jun 20:56 collapse

But if the primary admin buggers off with the hosting and/or domain, doesn’t that kill all instances? on 10 Jun 04:55 collapse

Not if the instance has a backup admin who can take over hosting, domain, etc, which most large instances do. Very small instances usually have a poor bus factor. on 11 Jun 05:33 collapse

TIL on 06 Jun 16:11 collapse

I can easily create a community for jellyfin on, but I’d be more inclined to do it on on 06 Jun 17:08 collapse

I just created ! on 06 Jun 17:10 collapse

Creating the community isn’t the issue, usually it’s finding moderators on 06 Jun 17:22 next collapse

Don’t worry about it for now. I will do it until someone steps up for it. Also, don’t forget that I am actually working on tooling to make this job easier, so having any type of growing community would be an excellent way to find out the real pain point for moderators and work on the solutions. on 06 Jun 17:33 collapse

When I said moderator, I meant someone to bring people to the community as well 😅 on 06 Jun 17:38 collapse

For that, I really have no answer other than “help with fediverser, stick with one community, and post as much as possible in the promoted communities”. on 06 Jun 17:40 collapse

No but I mean practically now, is anyone going to promote that new community to ! Or do we expect people to hear about it by another mean? on 06 Jun 17:56 collapse

Or do we expect people to hear about it by another mean?

Yes. Fediverser will help newcomers. Posting content in the “new communities” will help those already here. Everyone browses by all anyway, so the best way to promote new communities is by putting content there. on 06 Jun 17:58 collapse

Is it visible from other instances in the All feed? I just tried on my SJW alt and the community couldn’t be found on 06 Jun 18:07 collapse

It should: on 06 Jun 18:16 collapse

It is now, but what I mean is that if we expect people to see it from All, we need to sub to it from accounts on the biggest instances.

That’s what I did for ! a few days ago. on 06 Jun 18:43 next collapse

Yeah, it would take one person on the bigger instances to do it. We can promote them in ! and things should get bootstrapped. on 06 Jun 23:08 collapse

It is now, but what I mean is that if we expect people to see it from All, we need to sub to it from accounts on the biggest instances.

That’s what Lemmy Federate (formerly known as Lemmy Community Boost) does.

FYI: I am currently crafting on discoverablity. on 06 Jun 23:31 collapse

Nice, I’ve had mixed experiences with that tool in the past, I’ll comment on your post on 06 Jun 23:57 collapse

Yes, I am.noy 100% sure if it is still working but if you have anything to promote it’s worth a go. on 06 Jun 19:39 collapse

I mean, if your qualification for moderator includes “Not abusing powers to defend garbage extremist politics” then we currently have two communities that each have zero moderators. on 06 Jun 19:48 collapse

Not sure if I got your comment correctly, are you implying that is going to power trip on the newly created !, or do you mean something else? on 06 Jun 20:00 collapse

No, just an implication towards the old version of the community.

What I mean is, moving from a bad situation to an equally bad but improvable situation is still a good move. It might be better to have a small, unmoderated community than one governed by “pretend” moderators.

That said, if the above comment was pointing out a need to fulfill, as opposed to decrying the attempts at community replacement, then you could disregard my snide remark. on 06 Jun 20:02 collapse

Got it! on 06 Jun 20:52 next collapse

I’m on .ml and have been considering making an account on another instance, but it seems like most major instances require an email. .ml did not require an email. on 06 Jun 21:07 collapse

Email is optional on on 07 Jun 00:32 collapse

Instance URL checks out on 09 Jun 19:42 collapse

Indeed it does, most of the time. The admins are pretty good at what they do. on 06 Jun 23:01 next collapse

Yes, I just posted over there that:

So if there’s an issue with, boycott it - unsubscribe, give the other communities on more agreeable instances your time and they will grow and prosper. If there isn’t a relevant alternative start one.

And this is a key step - identify where there aren’t alternatives and start them. It might also be worth compiling a list of the alternatives so people can make the switch.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that Lemmy isn’t like Reddit in that you could just passively consume content all day. If there’s a problem, we all need to roll our sleeves up and pitch in.

Worth also mentioning that ! is a good place to discuss topics on how we can help Lemmy grow and thrive. on 06 Jun 23:59 next collapse


  • ! - no posts (that I can see) on 06 Jun 23:59 next collapse

! on 07 Jun 00:00 next collapse


  • Wait for a SW instance? on 07 Jun 00:01 next collapse

! on 07 Jun 00:22 collapse

They just moved to !, the post is pinned on 07 Jun 01:09 collapse

Awesome - I switched my subs on 07 Jun 00:01 next collapse


  • ! - which isn’t much of an alternative
  • One for perhaps? on 07 Jun 00:13 next collapse


  • ! but it is a bit dead at the moment. Although as I’ve been the main poster it is clearly my fault or a dearth of news. I have tended to cross-posting to them both, so I may just focus on this one. on 07 Jun 00:16 next collapse


  • Wait for a SW instance? on 07 Jun 00:21 next collapse


  • ! - no posts that I can see on 07 Jun 00:23 collapse

Maybe ! ? on 07 Jun 01:08 next collapse

Too general. on 07 Jun 07:53 collapse

Based on the activity on both ! and !, seems enough for now. on 07 Jun 14:46 collapse

Having everything on LW isn’t the same problem? on 07 Jun 15:03 collapse

Centralization is still a problem, but LW doesn’t have as much propaganda and aggressive moderation on 07 Jun 15:48 collapse

The definition of propaganda is subjective.

There is a lot westerns do not perceive as propaganda. As someone from the global south I can tell you. on 07 Jun 16:30 collapse

Can you give an example? Are you talking about propaganda from a government or something else? on 07 Jun 00:24 next collapse


  • wait for a Marvel instance? on 07 Jun 02:29 next collapse

Sorry if this is a bit off-topic, but I wanted to say that I see you going to such great efforts to help people all across the entire Fediverse, and to say thank you - we appreciate you!:-) on 07 Jun 07:52 next collapse

Thanks, trying to help! on 09 Jun 19:37 collapse

Yeah, Blaze definitely deserves some kind of “threadiverse citizen’s volunteer of the year” award or something. on 09 Jun 20:42 next collapse

They are always on r/RedditAlternatives steering people towards the Fediverse too, along with a few others. Unfortunately most people there are resistant, and the heavily leftist-leaning nature of the content here turns a lot of people away (many instances including do not block either or by default for new users, so all those posts promoting literal violence against e.g. landlords show up immediately in their All feeds), but it is still awesome to see them trying!:-)

Personally I think the technology will need to be improved first - e.g. adding content labels such as Mastodon already has (and everything else these days except Lemmy) - before we will see wider acceptance, especially since there are a lot of centrists who nonetheless contribute niche content that otherwise will not feel comfortable here and thus remain on Reddit, or a lot of people simply swear off social media altogether. But damn, if we do succeed it will in no small part be due to their constant efforts!:-) 🥰 on 10 Jun 14:29 collapse

They are always on r/RedditAlternatives steering people towards the Fediverse too, along with a few others. Unfortunately most people there are resistant, and the heavily leftist-leaning nature of the content here turns a lot of people away (many instances including do not block either or by default for new users, so all those posts promoting literal violence against e.g. landlords show up immediately in their All feeds), but it is still awesome to see them trying!:-)

Yeah, some people there have the worst bad faith I’ve ever seen. Anyway, at least some other people can read the comments and learn about Lemmy. on 10 Jun 17:09 collapse

There could literally be some Reddit shills there, or “useful” people who somehow are still holding on tooth & nail to the Reddit name - some people are just like that - and actually I am glad that those have not migrated over to here, even purely to do trolling:-).

But there are a lot of centrist, middle-of-the-road people, as well as right-leaning people too, who could add their voices here and contribute to the ongoing conversation - b/c not everything is about politics (even if so many people try to turn the conversation towards that here, and I am guilty of that as well; yet gardening, woodworking, knitting, etc. - not everything needs to bring it up consistently).

There is so much that we could do to make this place more “welcoming” for others. And I see you doing that tirelessly, so thanks!:-) on 10 Jun 14:28 collapse


And happy cake day to you! on 10 Jun 14:40 collapse

Thanks! It seems like a bunch of us have our cake days around this time… what an interesting coincidence! :) on 07 Jun 10:51 next collapse


! - 16.8k subscribers

! - 3.58k subscribers

! - 1.06k subscribers

I can’t quite decide whether to consolidate LW and Fedia for the community. LW has more subscribers, but Fedia is a little more active.

I’m also thinking of asking active users of ! to post on LW instead. on 07 Jun 10:54 collapse would be nice. That would be a change and promote Mbin a bit on 07 Jun 14:45 next collapse

I think the problem is not so much that “communities don’t exist”, but that they are far less popular and active than the ones, and when presented with a choice new users will typically choose the community that is more active and has the most subs. You can’t simply solve that by creating another community on another instance. A concerted effort would be needed to get people to move and to get them to pick the alternative community over the one. Raising awareness and defederation by bigger instances (like would help immensely.

For me the big ones are ! and ! btw, which do exist elsewhere but the alternatives are stale. on 07 Jun 15:36 next collapse

This is it.

The games community in is a bunch of folks advertising their indie game or YouTube stream. Usually a few comments here and there.

The games community on is a bunch of folks sharing gaming journalism. Pretty active. on 07 Jun 16:15 collapse

I always thought the real gaming community was ! on 07 Jun 20:43 collapse

That’s a way better community! Thanks for the recommendation! on 07 Jun 21:24 collapse

You’re welcome! on 07 Jun 16:15 next collapse

I posted to ! and ! about !

Someone else and I cross posted all of the content from ! to ! this morning.

I went to Reddit and HN to get content to that community too.

Is it really that stale?

On the other hand, I don’t think defederation is necessary nor useful. Build rather than break. on 07 Jun 16:25 collapse

Hey I applaud your effort, yesterday the top post was several days old and top day was empty on one of the subs, so this is already better.

I’m a bit skeptical if that will be enough though. Active discussion is the meat and the potatoes for me when I go to a tech community, and for that you need more subscribers. on 07 Jun 16:28 collapse

Subscribers come to active communities. Feel free to post there too. on 07 Jun 16:35 collapse

When presented with a choice, people usually pick the community that is the most active and already has the most subs.

But I am definitely giving it a shot. on 07 Jun 21:44 collapse

Right, but when one of the communities has a reputation for authoritarian admins and mods dedicated to spreading propaganda it’s a bit different. on 08 Jun 08:42 collapse seems pretty active? Edit: nice link ! on 09 Jun 21:21 collapse

Indeed, it is. on 10 Jun 05:03 next collapse


Possible alternatives?

  • ! (fragile instance?)
  • ! (broader than crows) (prolific poster) and (mod)

Thoughts? on 10 Jun 05:25 next collapse

! and !

The respective moderators (, have been AWOL for 4 years.

Possible alternative:

  • ! (kbin development is fragile?)

Any instance recommendations?, were you able to find any RSS news sources? on 10 Jun 05:53 next collapse

I found a couple. I’m saddened that doesn’t have an RSS feed though on 11 Jun 05:16 collapse

I’ve figured it out . The thing that was bugging me was where we should host the autonomous and self driving technology community and the whole time it was bloody obvious. can we host it on your instance? on 11 Jun 21:35 collapse

where we should host the autonomous and self driving technology community and the whole time it was bloody obvious. can we host it on your instance?

I asked the futurology admins about adding additional communities that fit the futurology theme, but they seem uninterested. I’m not sure why, as having what is essentially a single-community instance seems a bit strange to me, but it’s ultimately their call. and, would you reconsider increasing the number of communities on your instance, provided they fit the futurology theme? on 11 Jun 21:47 collapse

We are not against it, but it needs careful consideration due to limited server resources as well as limited user attention (we are a very small instance compared to others) on 12 Jun 05:16 collapse

We’re not sure how much additional traction we would drive to your server, but we don’t expect too much. It would mostly just be me and posting news stories and videos (hosted on YouTube) about self-driving technology with the occasional news story and video about robot chefs. So very much in line with Futurology. on 12 Jun 09:49 collapse

I’ll have a chat with the other mods and come back to you on 12 Jun 10:42 collapse

Thank you so much on 16 Jun 13:33 collapse

We’ve decided to go ahead with this, fire over a DM and we’ll get the community set up on 16 Jun 13:38 collapse

Good news! good luck with this! on 10 Jun 05:30 next collapse

!, currently moderated by

Could not find any current alternatives.

Any instance recommendations? Maybe Or a maker/craft-oriented instance? on 10 Jun 05:35 next collapse

! (

Possible alternative: on 10 Jun 05:41 collapse

! and !

Mods: and

Could not find any current alternatives.

Any instance recommendations? Maybe (