Active communities promotion thread
from to on 29 Jun 08:51


As everybody knows, content discovery on Lemmy can sometimes be a bit tricky.

To help smaller communities to get more activity, I launch this thread for people to promote the communities they are active one.

One important criteria: please only promote communities that have been at least one post in the last 7 days. And if there is none, feel free to post there and then promote it here!

This could be a weekly thread, but let’s see how it goes

Finally, ! and ! are communities that you can subscribe to to see updates about communities


threaded - newest on 29 Jun 08:51 next collapse

For interesting/science stuff

  • !
  • !
  • !
  • ! on 29 Jun 08:52 next collapse

For movies, TV and animation

  • !
  • !
  • ! on 29 Jun 08:53 next collapse

For casual discussions and real life topics

  • !
  • !
  • !
  • ! on 29 Jun 08:54 next collapse

Europe specific

  • ! for news
  • ! for casual conversations on 29 Jun 08:55 next collapse

Fandoms/pop culture on 29 Jun 08:56 next collapse

For those situations where all you can say is wtf?!:

  • ! on 29 Jun 08:59 next collapse

Didn’t know about this one, thanks! on 29 Jun 14:15 collapse

Were the community rules copied straight out of Reddit or something? 3 and 9 are a bit funny. on 29 Jun 14:22 next collapse

9 has been updated (the original one is “no link to Reddit”), but 3 is indeed funny on 29 Jun 14:55 collapse

Pretty sure it was copied from the subreddit, back when the community was created 😅 on 29 Jun 08:57 next collapse

Can I just post my whole instance 🤣

[deleted] on 29 Jun 08:59 next collapse

. on 29 Jun 09:03 collapse


Thank you for the list, but you might have missed this from the OP:

One important criteria: please only promote communities that have been at least one post in the last 7 days. And if there is none, feel free to post there and then promote it here!

Could you please only post communities that fit this criteria? :) on 29 Jun 09:08 collapse

Ah, it’s alright nvm then lol thank you though for the opportunity! on 29 Jun 09:28 collapse

No worries, if you have any active community on your instance, feel free to post it here!

IIRC, the ! was quite active?

Edit: just checked, last post 9 days ago on 29 Jun 10:13 collapse

Yea thanks for the shout out! Posted again on it now lol on 29 Jun 09:02 next collapse

Some casual history promotion






! on 29 Jun 09:06 next collapse


Thank you for sharing.

I clicked on the two first ones, and the last posts seem to be from 28 days ago (the OP suggested to only post communities with at least a post in the last 7 days), and the link sends to an error page.

Are you planning to move those communities to another instance?

Edit: federation issue on my side

Edit2: It might indeed be an issue, see other comments on 29 Jun 09:11 next collapse

Both of them have upvoted posts in the past 15 hours.

ibb .co/GsV1znm on 29 Jun 09:16 collapse

Indeed, thanks! I guess it is just a federation issue on my side. When that’s the case, I would usually try to see the community on its host instance, but couldn’t here.

Thank you for keeping all of those alive ! on 29 Jun 16:15 collapse

I think it’s not really on your side, most likely either just something wrong on itself, OR a side-effect of the measures implemented against recently. on 29 Jun 16:17 collapse

Indeed, thanks! on 29 Jun 09:31 next collapse has been totally down for a while. I don’t think your posts are actually federating when you post into a magazine right now; the votes you are getting are probably from other users only. on 29 Jun 09:40 collapse

Very good point. I just had a look at, and despite having 34 local subscribers (visible in the sidebar), the newest post are from 2 months ago., you might have been posting only for LW users for a while :-/ on 29 Jun 18:36 collapse, you might have been posting only for LW users for a while :-/

this is unfortunately correct for the time being.

while we still have aggressive rate limits in place to limit federation impact from kbin bugs, which started with the measures that mentioned, this wouldn’t impact activities coming from towards

while used to break down every now and then based on what i saw people comment, service was typically restored within a short period of time. more recently however, any time i’ve looked at in the past couple weeks, it’s only been showing an error page. i suspect it may have been unavailable the entire time, not just at the times i looked at it. looking at our federation stats, the last successfully sent activity from to was dated 2024-06-18 00:12:25 UTC, although the actual send date may have been later. successful is also not necessarily guaranteed, as some error codes might be misinterpreted as success due to how servers can be set up and how response status codes are interpreted on the sending side.

if activities sent from don’t reach then the posts and comments won’t be relayed to other instances. this is generally an issue in activitypub when instances are down, as such “orphaned” (at the time) communities effectively become local-only communities, isolated islands on all instances that already know about them.

at this point, the last time we’ve received an activity submission (federation traffic) from as on 18th of June, so it seems like it was working for some time on that day and has been broken since.

at the start of this month, ( owner, main kbin dev) said that he was going to hand over management of to someone else, as he’s currently unable to take care of it. presumably this hasn’t happened yet. on 29 Jun 18:53 collapse

Thank you for jumping in and providing this context! on 29 Jun 13:09 collapse

These are all excellent communities, and invariably some of my favorite posts of the day. I’m seeing them on, btw. on 29 Jun 16:14 collapse

They are basically local-only communities on at this point, unfortunately. There is no federation to any other instance for any user posts on those communities. on 29 Jun 17:41 collapse it’s time to “cross the Rubicon” to full federation! on 30 Jun 08:37 collapse

I’m gonna give Kbin a little while longer to get its shit together, but if need be, I’ll swap to in the near future. on 30 Jun 09:04 collapse

They have been out for 12 days, hope is quite low on 30 Jun 09:06 collapse

Ernest said he was handing over the reigns to someone else soon. I’d like to give them a chance before I bail on Kbin. I really like Kbin. on 30 Jun 09:07 next collapse

You do you! on 01 Jul 19:07 collapse

Come to Mbin! We have active developers! on 29 Jun 09:04 next collapse

Manual hobbies on 29 Jun 09:13 next collapse

  • !
  • !
  • !
  • !
  • !

I think the rest of my communities haven’t seen activity lately, so I’ll have to post in them first! on 29 Jun 09:28 collapse

I did not expect !beds to be about Bedfordshire. I assumed it was furniture related. on 29 Jun 09:30 collapse

I was going to put Bedfordshire in brackets next to that, but I forgot. I knew it could cause confusion! on 29 Jun 09:49 collapse

Its okay nothing to lose sleep over. on 29 Jun 09:26 next collapse

Some shameless self plugs 😛:

  • !
  • ! on 29 Jun 19:24 collapse

Subscribed to Imaginary Witches, thanks! on 29 Jun 19:32 collapse

Welcome! 🤗 on 29 Jun 09:29 next collapse

“Imaginary” content on 29 Jun 09:43 next collapse

Well I guess ! ! and ! are already quite well known.

! and ! are kinda cool as well. In general have a look at our community list, we have some good ones that are at least reasonably active. on 29 Jun 10:22 next collapse

Spanish-speaking communities on 29 Jun 10:36 next collapse on 29 Jun 10:39 next collapse

Thanks for sharing!

The last one is cute, but last post seems to be from 23 days ago on 29 Jun 18:03 collapse

Why birds and not ! ? on 29 Jun 18:32 collapse

Probably an opportunity for consolidation on 29 Jun 18:43 collapse

Yeah i don’t really see the difference in topic, also on the same instance. on 29 Jun 11:07 next collapse

Film photography: !

Dragons! ! on 29 Jun 11:55 next collapse

Gonna add some:

Funny Animals being Stupid !

Animals with “Jobs” (Cute Pics) !

Home Aquariums.

Anarcho Primitivism (is mostly dead, maybe we can revive?) (Political Ideology) !

Anti Consumerism.
! on 29 Jun 12:13 next collapse

More animal communities:


! (yes this is an animal community) on 29 Jun 12:17 next collapse

If you enjoy reading, ! is pretty active place to discuss what you’re reading and review it or get recommendations.

I try to post significant price drops routinely to ! as well. I mostly post ones that I have heard good things about / read myself and really enjoyed and are valid at all 3 big US ebook retailers, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon at the same time or Humble Bundles. There’s no rule against others posting deals they endorse for other regions or other books, I just wanted to avoid it being a firehouse of spammy links and I only shop US Stores. on 29 Jun 12:24 next collapse


It’s for learning rust (the programming language) and the lemmy code base itself as a sort of “reading club”. If you’re the type of person who might be interested there’s a good chance you’ve heard of it already. We’re currently working through The Book (conventional learning resource) through a couple of Twitch streams and regular posts/discussions.

More collaborative learning activity is plenty welcome! on 02 Jul 02:31 collapse

You’ve been doing great with that community, I hope more people get in there. on 02 Jul 03:00 collapse

Cheers! Huuuge amount of credit goes to sorrybookbroke and jayjader running their twitch streams every week! on 29 Jun 12:29 next collapse

Shamelessly promoting my community again: !

It averages about 1 post per week but it certainly isn’t dead. on 29 Jun 13:00 collapse

Stumbled upon it randomly the other day, it’s pretty cool! on 29 Jun 13:08 collapse

I am glad that you like it. It would be nice to have little more traffic but post quality is more important so I can’t complain. on 29 Jun 12:41 next collapse

Stick enthusiasts ! on 29 Jun 13:01 next collapse

! - mostly games, movies, shows, and music in the cyberpunk sci-fi genre

! - music: synthwave, vaporwave, etc. A fairly new community, a couple different people have been posting

! - music community. I was hoping someone else would make the 300th post, if not I’ll post something later today.

! - a larger community, a couple of us are posting regularly, but could use more discussion

! - a community about how to help grow the fediverse. has been posting a weekly thread on “how is your [niche] community doing?” which is kind of like a support group for people keeping communities alive

edit: how could I forget, ! - links to short stories online in all genres on 29 Jun 13:38 collapse

Interesting list, thanks! on 29 Jun 13:06 next collapse

! you think companies preventing you from repairing your stuff is BS? on 29 Jun 13:41 collapse

There is !, maybe you can promote your community there? on 29 Jun 13:13 next collapse

For fans of outdoor cooking, especially with this versatile pellet grill …. !

I just got one of these grills and am learning about smoking - let’s help each other out, appreciate each others efforts, and cook some feasts on 29 Jun 16:40 next collapse

On my instance there is 3 active communities, I am not admin in any of them but i think they're pretty cool

!Firefox - Community dedicated to the firefox browser
!FirefoxCSS - Community dedicated to the customization of Firefox
!FloatingIsFun - Got very cool CSS and looks pretty and customized, dedicated to art and pics of floating things on 29 Jun 18:31 next collapse

Thank you for your comment. I really like the !floatingisfun one, it looks even better with the custom CSS! on 01 Jul 18:12 collapse

Cool! Thanks for the Floating Is Fun shout out! I wish that CSS would federate to other instances, even if it's just a header image like Lemmy communities get. You Lemmy users can still use interfaces like Photon and Voyager, and it looks great on those.

As for me, I like these ones:
!wordle - I comment my puzzle results in there everyday
!news - Good reliable world news that covers important events
!usnews - I'm American and this is better than most of our news outlets
!comicstrips - Good single-serving comics in my feed
!vgmusic - Sometimes I throw video game music at them
@MentalEdge - Not a community, but I end up following MentalEdge to a lot of the communities they frequent on 30 Jun 08:41 next collapse

! - Post your favorite and best music mashups.

! - This community is a place for stand-up comedy videos, shorts, gifs (with audio,) news, and discussion.

! - Basically for shirts that you think go hard. That can mean many things but it comes down to what you think stands out. on 30 Jun 09:30 next collapse

If you understand Danish, any of the communities on should be interesting… But otherwise they probably aren’t :P on 30 Jun 09:32 collapse

Makes sense! How many people are usually active on your communities, per week for instance? on 30 Jun 09:36 collapse

The most active is probably the news community, ! with 80 active users per week according to the sidebar. I think a good portion of them are users on external instances. on 02 Jul 02:38 next collapse

I’m a bit biased but I like ! on 02 Jul 02:39 collapse

Maybe make it a monthly thing on the first or last day of the month?