So many great posts containing Lemmy resources (ex. apps, communities) are now out of date. Instead, how about we make a repository to pull from? (
from to on 01 Oct 2023 10:53

EDIT: Might be able to get this set up. Hang tight!

There was a little bump in users, and the LemmyWorld admins posted this, but the included apps guide was out of date. I went to ask about it and saw the account that made the post is no longer active (moved instances). I then tried to update it myself and made progress, but got overwhelmed.

Two parts of my suggestion:

Part 1) Have a repository to pull from

Users don’t like to go off site, which is why a pinned post with the resources works well. However, pinned posts go out of date, and it’s a lot of ask for one person to manually edit it and keep it updated.

Instead, why not make a repository with a collection of markdown files containing the post body contents. Then there would be one source of truth that everyone can update.

The post contents would also include:

Whenever the post needs to be updated, the OP can paste in the newest contents.

Part 2) A nicer list of resources

I guess this is more of a ‘nice to have’ feature, but it would be nice if we had a site that was easier to navigate, ‘prettier’, and more accessible to casual users. We have this for our community/Subreddit, and it’s pretty easy to keep updated: It runs open source mdBook

Right now Lemmy has awesome-lemmy and [awesome-lemmy-instances](Owner avatar awesome-lemmy-instances). But they’re not the nicest to look at, and it’s a bit annoying to find content (especially awesome-lemmy) because of the format. There’s a lot of text on one page, and little variation in spacing/text size.

The new site could have the same contents, a lot could be copy and pasted over, and it could be updated from the same repo. Only difference is that it would be nicer to use.


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