How to run your own social network (with Snac)
from to on 19 Dec 2024 13:30
from to on 19 Dec 2024 13:30
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I like using for similar reasons as the article. Very easy to set up and works with all mastodon front ends.
I was eyeing microblogpub for a while, but now that development has stalled I'm coming around to GTS as well — should I ever self host a single user fedi instance.
I’ve had success using yunohost for single user instance of bookwyrm and GTS. It’s worked out for about a year now. I also have an instance of that I’m hoping at some point will get federation in issues/stars/ect…
Oh, I tested YNH for a while on a local server, and I wiped the whole thing when I saw the mess it made of my file system. I must have a deeper need to know where everything goes than the urge for convenience 😄
It compartmentalizes things into each app. It’s both good and bad. It’s a tradeoff situation def. Some people will use docker and/or kub. It’s all the same result though.
Good to know, I'll brace myself for disappointment when I try out Docker next 😄
The source code is here:
Tell us you have no concept of enterprise OSes without using those words. Wow, is this particular statement near-sighted and provincial.
Oh god; it gets worse. This-week’s everything, like support and consistency are thrown out the window because supply chain exploits and random new bugs are just the best things ever.
This guy needs to talk to an OS security guy. I used to be one, and I could be one in a pinch, but he really needs to find an adult with a clue about the three goals of build and maybe spend a bit of time on an OS support line to learn why his process is the best way to fuck and or breach your system.
Sorry to rant, but my entire career has been either learning again in/yum-cron why what this guy says is super irresponsible and/or preventing or then fixing the fallout from following this guy’s criminally-bad advice.
Why's that?