Sidekick - A new mastodon web client, in which the user can post through a variety of bots! (still in early alpha-phase ...) (
from to on 08 Dec 20:11

Currently, there are six bots available:

You can select three of them and have them then available next to the post-button as a quick-select.


threaded - newest on 08 Dec 20:29 next collapse

Okay… why? on 08 Dec 21:11 next collapse

“Even deader internet theory”. on 08 Dec 21:17 next collapse

Maybe so you don’t have to look at replies? on 09 Dec 04:20 collapse

Currently not. But it will be added on 08 Dec 21:52 next collapse

I can absolutely see ot being useful for companies and other organisations on 09 Dec 04:14 next collapse

So basically, Bluesky made custom feeds their rhing, I thought custom posts would be a nifty idea on 09 Dec 06:11 collapse

So wait, this is basically just a Bluesky client that allows you to alter the text you’re about to post in some way or another?

Then I don’t get why you would call that a bot. The way it’s phrased I imagined everyone posting from bot accounts on 09 Dec 06:28 collapse

Well, custom posting can mean all kinds of stuff. Text altering is just one thing. You can also give commands to the “bot” through hashtags. For example, one of the bots postpones the post for a certain amount of minutes via the first hashtag.

For example: “#5 this will be send in 5 minutes” on 09 Dec 09:31 collapse

Yeah, I understand the possible applications and they do sound quite useful. Scheduled posting, for example, is really cool. The word “bot” just doesn’t make it sound like client features to me but that’s most likely a me issue. It looks very promising, keep up the good work on 09 Dec 14:49 collapse

Alive internet theory

The bots are secretly humans on 08 Dec 22:56 next collapse

This sounds stupid as fuck on 09 Dec 06:28 next collapse

Yeah, this is kind of everything that most fedi communities I know about do not want.

Cool that you built a thing and all and maybe there is a use for it but I’m gonna have to respectfully downvote. on 09 Dec 12:43 collapse

And bot posting is a good idea, why??