How do you guys feel about Loops?
from to on 02 Jun 2024 00:17


Some are calling Loops ( the FediTok (Federated TikTok). What’s your personal stance on this?


threaded - newest on 02 Jun 2024 00:20 next collapse

I’m not a fan of short form videos at all, but it’s cool that exists for those who do :)

If it has an embed API, I’ll probably add support to Tesseract if there’s interest. on 02 Jun 2024 00:33 next collapse

Lol I’m not a huge fan either, but I love being able to doom scroll after a tiring day at work. on 02 Jun 2024 00:38 collapse

My friends will usually send me the good stuff so it spares me the scrolling. They get to share something cool they found, and I don’t have to scroll. Win-win 😆 on 02 Jun 2024 05:06 next collapse

I’m not a fan of short form videos at all, but it’s cool that exists for those who do

Same. I dip in occasionally, but much prefer long-form (and landscape) videos. Always happy to see more fediverse projects though. on 03 Jun 01:57 collapse

I’m not a fan of crack at all, but I’m glad it exists for those who do on 04 Jun 02:32 collapse

I don’t think short-form video is quite that addictive, but your comment made me chuckle. on 02 Jun 2024 00:22 next collapse

I am very, very excited about it! I check for updates nearly every day lol on 02 Jun 2024 00:32 collapse

Lmao same! I quit TikTok because of their TOS and Privacy Policy. I’ve been looking for an alternative ever since, but none are privacy respecting.

I wonder how it will work without an algorithm, though 🤔 on 02 Jun 2024 00:47 next collapse

I’m not a fan of Bluesky, but i hear tell they got some sorta customizable sorting algorithm thingy right? Maybe it’ll have something like that! on 02 Jun 2024 00:55 collapse

The algorithms are what makes these services. Most interactions aren’t searching and selecting something specific or intentional, they’re just opening a fire hose and expecting the algorithm to pick content they find entertaining for them. It requires the algorithm to have a lot of information, both about the specific user, and about similar users. on 02 Jun 2024 05:10 next collapse

Would there be some way to have the algorithms localized to the user (or instance)? If data needs to be compared between users, would there be some way to anonymize the data first? on 02 Jun 07:56 next collapse

Or just manage your interests and cultivate your own catalog of creators to follow. on 03 Jun 02:06 next collapse

I think the easy discoverability on these platforms is part of what makes them so popular. Using TikTok or similar, a user typically wants to be shown new things, it maintains a sense of novelty that keeps users constantly engaged. Having to do this manually would be a huge negative. on 03 Jun 04:13 collapse

It’s what’s makes them addictive. Mindless doom scrolling an algorithm.

Give users control to block and follow whatever without being pushed for “engagement”

That’s for selling ads on 04 Jun 01:47 collapse

I pretty much do exactly that when it comes to YouTube, and I almost never browse TikTok/Shorts/Reels-type content. Not everyone is like me though, and options for those who do enjoy short-form video would be good. on 03 Jun 02:12 collapse

It’s a bit tricky but I think a privacy preserving algorithm is possible. Simply put, the more data available, the better an algorithm can be. on 03 Jun 21:20 collapse

I think they could add a tag system, where the user enters their interests as a tag and then Loops shows all the content that shares the same tag.

Yes, it’s more effort than TikTok, which automatically guesses what your interests are, but I think it’s still a good, privacy friendly alternative. on 04 Jun 02:14 collapse

If something like that were to work, a lot of effort would need to be put into minimizing the UI friction. I could see something like: uploaders add topic tags to their videos, and an AI runs in the background to generate and apply new tags based on the content (most people would not understand how to properly tag content). An AI would also be used to create a graph of related tags, where similar or closely related tags are nodes joined by an edge. Then, on first login the user is prompted to pick some tags to start with. Over time, the client uses the adjacent tag graph to fine-tune users’ tags, on device. The idea here is that we could get a decent algorithm that can recommend new stuff based on what the user watches, but keep that data processing of user-specific content local. Then, the client would also have an option the user could enable that would contribute their client’s tag information back to the global tag graph, improving the global tag graph for everybody. This data could also be combined with other users data at the instance level to somewhat anonymize the data, assuming it is a large multi-user instance. If you were to host a single user instance, you’d probably not want to contribute to the global tag graph unless you’re ok with your tag preferences being public. on 02 Jun 2024 00:39 next collapse

I never got into the short form video thing but anything to get more people onto the Fediverse is a good thing on 02 Jun 2024 00:47 next collapse

Can’t be bothered, tiktok is cancer, and I don’t need an alternative. on 02 Jun 2024 01:17 next collapse

They are working on loops but yet Pixelfed doesn’t have push notifications yet. on 03 Jun 19:30 collapse

I hope they support UnifiedPush on 03 Jun 19:50 collapse

I just want a notification 😂😂😂😂 on 03 Jun 20:18 collapse

So do I, but I don’t have Google play services on my phone. on 04 Jun 00:28 collapse

I think they will push an update through their native app, at sometime in the future. on 02 Jun 2024 05:20 next collapse

Bröthër may I have some lööps on 02 Jun 2024 05:20 next collapse

I don’t watch reels, shorts, tiktoks or any other short for videos and Loops is not an exception. I moved from Instagram to Pixelfed for the sole purpose of getting atleast some audience for my photography since Instagram wants you to post videos instead. on 02 Jun 12:57 collapse

What’s your profile? Let me drop you a follow! on 02 Jun 2024 05:30 next collapse

I’m happy about any new features that draw more users to a federated alternative :) on 02 Jun 2024 06:48 next collapse

I never got into vertical video, not my type of thing.

But if something like that is a way for someone to reduce stress or do anything in a bored moment, then why not. on 02 Jun 12:56 next collapse

Ofc! That’s what I use them for haha, destressing. on 02 Jun 16:52 collapse

That’s a refreshing take to have on things. on 02 Jun 08:55 next collapse

Short form content without a profix-maximizing algorithm pushing it to you does sound interesting, not gonna lie on 02 Jun 18:01 next collapse

Yeah, I can’t do Instagram or TikTok because within 3 videos I’m either getting something inflammatory or selling something. An algorithmically neutral version would be amazing. on 03 Jun 01:33 collapse

This confuses me. You want something without an algorithm… because you used systems before their algorithm kicked in and hated it?

The crap you got was because it didn’t know enough about you to know what you like. Without an algorithm, that’d be your feed forever. on 03 Jun 02:26 next collapse

This is a decent point. YouTube is cancer if you don’t police your algorithm. If you do (ie: vote on vids, use the “Not Interested” and “Don’t recommend channel” options) you get a very clean and personalized feed.

You’ll know when YouTube makes changes to their algorithm as you’ll suddenly get some unwanted stuff. For example, when any football videos show up in my feed I know YT is making changes so I flag the unwanted stuff when it comes up and within a few flaggings its back to normal.

If you open my YouTube home page its nothing but metal bands, production vids, guitar and drum vids as well as video games, racing, sim racing, science and some other long form content. Its hyper specific to my interests.

I helped pull my buddy out of a bit of a ragebait spiral during covid just by showing him my feed and comparing it to his. He never fathomed the depths that YT would drag him to if he didn’t curate his algorithm.

The algorithm can be cancer if you engage with cancer. If you pick your content like you pick your fruits at the grocery store you’ll have a much better time. on 03 Jun 02:43 collapse

He never fathomed the depths that YT would drag him to if he didn’t curate his algorithm.

100% this. The algorithms are designed to give you what keeps your attention. You need to be careful about what you give attention to. on 06 Jun 01:18 collapse

It’s not that they don’t want an algirithm. They just don’t want one that’s profit motivated. on 03 Jun 03:00 collapse

As a heavy tiktok user I would probably only use this if it had an algorithmic feed. on 02 Jun 13:51 next collapse

I’m more looking for a federated RPAN than a tiktok. on 03 Jun 11:29 next collapse

I still haven’t figured out why people like them except to annoy everyone around them by playing the audio through their phone speakers. on 03 Jun 19:29 next collapse

I’ve been waiting for something like this. A FOSS, federated TikTok alternative that doesn’t send my data to the Chinese and doesn’t sell it to data brokers sounds pretty great. on 03 Jun 20:29 next collapse

How do I join the closed beta? on 03 Jun 21:05 next collapse

I was never into this type of content cayse I don’t wanna touch tiktok nor instagram. This does seem interesting though on 04 Jun 04:34 collapse

I was thinking about Loops earlier today. I’d love to implement Quiblr’s For You recommendation algorithm for Loops and see how it performs. I haven’t joined the beta though so not sure how baked it is yet