It's possible to talk about The Bad Space without being racist or anti-trans – but it's not as easy as it sounds (
from to on 25 Feb 2024 21:43

There’s another wave of discourse about The Bad Space on the microblogging side of the fediverse, so here’s my article from a couple of months ago.

If you’re familiar with Fediseer, there’s some discussion of similarities and differences in Compare and contrast: Fediseer, FIRES, and The Bad Space


threaded - newest on 25 Feb 2024 22:23 collapse

Can some intelligent person explain why when you a user block a server or person, it’s just maybe stored in local app, maybe but not likely at the local server, but why isn’t this pushed up to large server and fediverse, so if some furry or only fans spam gets pushed to ten posts that get flagged, the server or entire verse cannot block them. But the again, heaven forbid you have ability to block any form of cartoon penis on 25 Feb 2024 22:52 collapse

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