Ideas to build a federated StackExchange alternative (
from to on 10 May 2024 13:10

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Codeberg was asking about this. The linked toot by a commenter points to :


These are CC-BY-SA 4.0 remixes of the Stack Exchange Creative Commons Data Dumps. 100% Unendorsed by Stack Exchange, Inc.

They are minimal. They provide the data you probably care about and the data you need to comply with the original license in SQLite format.


threaded - newest on 10 May 2024 14:38 next collapse

Would creating a Lemmy instance with that content be enough? Doing so the already enough large Lemmy community could already interact with it. on 10 May 2024 14:41 next collapse

đź‘Ť Interesting idea. on 10 May 2024 14:59 collapse

I think it would make sense to have a specialised forum for it. The question & answer format requires data that Lemmy just isn’t able to fully replicate as it is.

Also the community editable nature of stack exchange is really unique and more like a wiki than a standard forum/branching discussion threads, where we’re presumed to have sole ownership of all of our posts. on 10 May 2024 15:08 next collapse

The question & answer format requires data that Lemmy just isn’t able to fully replicate as it is.

Other than marking the correct answer and having user score/badges, there is anything else?

Also the community editable nature

You’re right, I just forgot that people can edit your questions and answers.

[deleted] on 10 May 2024 17:28 next collapse

. on 11 May 2024 10:53 collapse

Presentation matters. Replies to posts about minor items aren’t displayed as prominently. This means the important answers are large and in charge, while debates about the merits of Rust in this situation are pushed away. on 11 May 2024 02:47 next collapse

Seems like it would be good to request Discourse and NodeBB to offer similar features on 11 May 2024 15:15 collapse

Wait what i didnt know about any community editable aspect, can you share some examples? on 11 May 2024 15:46 collapse

Basically any member is allowed to edit anyone else’s question or answer. The changes may go up before or after review by mods depending on the member’s trust level. I’ve had my questions changed before. It can be kind of annoying but I understand they’re doing it to maintain some level of quality. on 11 May 2024 17:21 collapse

Is that the only difference? That feature doesn’t seem great tbh. I’d love a wiki on lemmy though especially one that integrated to the point you can one click add a question + answer directly to the communities wiki on 12 May 2024 03:14 collapse

No, there are a number of differences. There’s questions & answers under which there are comments, and a bunch of other functionality. It’s so different to a standard threaded forum that you may as well build a new system from scratch. I honestly think it would be less work than trying to shoehorn lemmy into this role, and have another fediverse ecosystem built around it. on 10 May 2024 22:38 next collapse

People who are looking to start a SE alternative but start with the idea of importing the original SE data dumps are already Doing It Wrong. Much of the issue that has led to the desire to fork SE comes due to the license of the posts and content, which lacks the NC (NonCommercial) component of Creative Commons. Without that component, any attempt to make a Fediverse alternative just ends up in Yet Another Endpoint that can be freely siphoned for data by corporations, for AIs, etc. on 10 May 2024 23:03 next collapse

Or used by people in any commercial product. Is there really enough people to justify a info exchange of just hobby projects? on 10 May 2024 23:07 collapse

See here’s the thing: Creative Commons is not an exclusionary license. If I want to make commercial use of something that has a CC-NC license, I explicitly can ask the author for a secondary license limited to the usage and scope that I need. The important thing here is that the author still retains control, as well as a data point of who is profiting from their stuff and how. on 10 May 2024 23:25 collapse

So if someone wanted to use this for work they would have to have an issue, find an answer, contact a person, and hope they can use the thing they just found to their problem?

Like, who wants that?

Heck I don’t want every person on here who found something I said useful to be hounding me about using my code either. on 11 May 2024 20:56 collapse

Like, who wants that?

Have you literally missed out on the fact that the protest is happening? The protest is certainly not because SO answers are bad. on 11 May 2024 10:18 collapse

They have already access to SO’s CC content, why would they get it from the fediverse? on 11 May 2024 20:58 collapse

They already have it.

I said alternative to SO. As in, likely, a place to post new content (answers, comments). Nothing can really be done with the content OAI already got their hands on other than firing off a few well-placed EMP bombs. on 12 May 2024 17:14 collapse

Yes, but you mentioned importing old content is problematic, and I don’t see why? on 14 May 2024 15:24 collapse

Because to import old content, you have to respect the old license (or get every contributor of back-then to relicense). That would mean having a site with contents under differing licenses depending on date, which is something the corpos can use as an excuse to continue siphoning everything without consequence.

I’m fine with a mirror / archive of SO. But it shoudl very definitively be a different thing than an active SO alternative, and their users and data storages should be also different. on 10 May 2024 23:05 collapse

There is a Foss alt already

Maybe just supporting federation feature for it? on 12 May 2024 04:16 collapse

I would prefer this. And even without federation it’s a very good Stack Whatever replacement already.