Please use crosspost feature
from to on 14 Jun 16:25

This feature is a lifesaver for fediverse. It allows you to see from a general perspective, reduces confusion and creates a more organized forum environment. Thank you to everyone who has already used this feature and I highly recommend everyone to use it.


threaded - newest on 14 Jun 16:37 next collapse

I never really understood how cross posting works here. You mind telling us the benefits? Does it consolidate all of the discussions in each cross post into one big long thread? 🤔 on 14 Jun 16:54 next collapse

It doesn’t combine them (because different people are subbed to different communities, although what you bring up has been discussed on the github for a while). The biggest thing though is discoverability, where your post is shown in multiple communities easily. Another added benefit is that there are less duplicated posts, your app/device can see that it was crossposted and show you only one in your feed rather than 3,5, 10 duplicate posts (and then you can tab between them) on 14 Jun 17:07 collapse

your app/device can see that it was crossposted and show you only one in your feed rather than 3,5, 10 duplicate posts

How many apps support this though? My preferred one certainly doesn’t. on 14 Jun 17:48 collapse

It allows you to see from a general perspective, reduces confusion and creates a more organized forum environment. on 15 Jun 03:55 collapse


A+ social interaction on 14 Jun 16:41 next collapse

The posts that show up under “Crossposts” just have the same URL. They don’t have to actually be crossposted. Any post your instance knows about that has the same URL as the one you’re viewing will show up there.

To answer 's question, there’s nothing really special about crossposting in Lemmy. It works the same as creating a new post except it just pre-fills the URL, body, and title as well as adding crossposted from to the top of the post body. They’re separate posts and the only link between them is they’re matched on the URL and show up in the “Crossposts” list. on 14 Jun 17:45 collapse

Are you sure? Some posts did not appear as crossposts even though they contained the same link. on 14 Jun 17:50 next collapse

Yeah, like 99% sure, anyway (unless something changed in 0.19.4 I’m unaware of). lol Got an example?

It’ll only show ones the instance knows about, and the URL has to be exactly the same. I’m not sure if there’s an internal limit to the number of crossposts the API will return, but I’ve seen spam posts show at least 7 or 8 crossposts in the list. Any more than that, and I’ve usually already banned the person for spamming. on 14 Jun 18:28 next collapse

Unless they’ve changed how it works I can confirm.
Some months ago I was testing lemmy in my local I used the same URL to create a new post, it never showed up in the ui, it was because Lemmy treated it as a crosspost and hid it under the older one.
At that time it was only a crosspost jf the URL was the same, I’m not so sure about the title, but the body could be different.

The thing would be to verify if this grouping is being done by the UI or by the server, which might explain some UIs showing duplicated posts. on 14 Jun 19:52 collapse

AFAIK, the grouping is done by the API only when you’re viewing a post and by the UI when you’re browsing the feed. Unless 0.19.4 changed this, the call to list posts doesn’t return crosspost data and it has to be done client-side. I’ve grumbled about this a lot lol. on 14 Jun 18:58 next collapse

What I’ve been running into is that even if it’s the same link, if you change the body text it won’t list the crossposting. on 14 Jun 19:08 collapse

yea it’s just by URL, I think currently (v0.19.4) there’s a bug where it doesn’t count bot posts on 14 Jun 16:54 next collapse

I find that sometimes when I try to crosspost and select the community to crosspost to, the entite “Create Post” page resets, and I have to type everything out all over again. Is there any fix for this? on 14 Jun 17:03 next collapse

It’s a bug in 0.19.4. I opened a GitHub issue for this in the lemmy-ui repo. on 14 Jun 17:07 collapse

Thank you so much!

For people curious: on 14 Jun 17:08 collapse

Indeed, I was going to comment “cross-post, the feature that doesn’t work for all the instances in 0.19.4?” on 14 Jun 17:04 next collapse

Not sure which version everyone is on but the cross-posting button is broken in the latest Lemmy version. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. on 14 Jun 17:07 next collapse

FYI: There’s currently an open issue with crossposting on instances using the 0.19.4 lemmy ui.

In a nutshell, the post submission page reloads after it retrieves the community to crosspost to, so everything but the selected community is wiped out. on 14 Jun 19:01 next collapse

Crossposting from popular posts is also a good way to promote your smaller communities! on 14 Jun 19:08 next collapse

I wish comments appeared on all the crossposted posts on 14 Jun 20:20 collapse

This would be great, and it would even be great to be able to see certain communities together directly.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 21:46 collapse

. on 14 Jun 20:47 next collapse

One problem I have with the crosspost feature is that the body text of the original post is just copied, rather than embedded. If the body text of the original post is edited, any crossposts are not updated. For all of its other shortcomings, I think Reddit’s implementation of crossposts is currently better. on 14 Jun 20:56 next collapse

Be nice if the option existed on more apps (if any at all have it). on 14 Jun 21:39 next collapse

Voyager does! on 15 Jun 04:32 collapse

Raccon for Lemmy have cross-post feature on 14 Jun 22:03 next collapse

It doesn't really exist in software I'm using:(
(Mbin) on 15 Jun 03:35 next collapse

the issue with it for me is that it doesn’t show who crossposted from who, so it can cause misattribution unless you go out of your way to compare the dates of when the posts were made on 15 Jun 14:17 collapse

I wish it would combine comments for crossposts. It doesn’t have to break per-server instance bans or anything like that. Just combine the comments for servers that are friendly with each other.