The Legend Is Spreading
from to on 17 Mar 17:22


threaded - newest on 17 Mar 17:35 next collapse

There’s a whole community for this! c/ on 17 Mar 17:40 collapse

I think you meant ! on 17 Mar 17:39 next collapse

Hold it. There a phone number? on 17 Mar 18:27 next collapse

867-5309 (just a guess)

My most recent one didn’t have a number. Maybe just someone pointing out open sign up instances to banish? Haven’t bothered to look too far. on 17 Mar 18:54 collapse

She really wants to make friends! on 17 Mar 17:42 next collapse

ffs stop feeding trolls and spammers on 17 Mar 17:56 collapse

People being excited about getting spam from a scammer.

What a time to be alive… on 17 Mar 18:01 next collapse

Not a new phenomenon in human nature or on the Internet, by itself. On some wikis (e.g. there used to be extensive lists of “notorious vandals”, then people realized that this only encouraged them further, now this is more limited, but there still is on 17 Mar 18:16 next collapse

What’s the scam? on 17 Mar 18:37 next collapse

Nobody knows because nobody who’s tried to follow through has reported anything happening. on 17 Mar 22:02 collapse

Nobody knows because nobody who’s tried to follow through has ever come back. Dan Dan daaaaaan! on 18 Mar 03:10 collapse

I read that Dan Dan Daaaaaan as the anime not the dramatic music at first and that was kind of hilarious. I probably need sleep. on 18 Mar 13:52 collapse

This reminds me of once when I was playing the original EverQuest. Someone named Dunn entered the zone and everyone there started OOC broadcasting anything from “Dunn!” to “Dun dun duuuuuuuun!” I was young and sheltered and didn’t get the reference; I messaged the guy something like “what was that all about?” and apparently he didn’t, either. Probably pretty fun to be that popular for thirty seconds for no known reason, though. on 18 Mar 17:58 collapse

You get scammed into a healthy lomg lasting friendship with a polish girl from Toronto. on 17 Mar 18:23 collapse

It’s just fun that it’s happening here. Feels like the platform is maturing. on 17 Mar 17:50 next collapse

😂 I’ve gotten two of these so far, and I’ve only been here a week. on 17 Mar 18:18 collapse

I’ve been on here for 2 years and haven’t had any 🥺 on 17 Mar 18:57 next collapse

Same on 17 Mar 20:44 collapse

Got my first yesterday! Praise to the fediverse chick on 17 Mar 18:55 next collapse

Legends say she was the first person on the fediverse on 17 Mar 20:38 next collapse

Not the first person, but certainly the first and only chick on 17 Mar 20:57 collapse

She’s myspace Jim, transitioned Edit: Tom, myspace Tom on 18 Mar 13:59 collapse

If I look up “Myspace Jim,” I get this:

Is that what you meant? Based on the result when I load the page, it doesn’t seem reference worthy, but I don’t know of anything else that would be a solid meme.

This isn’t meant to attack you or your comment, just resolve my own lack of knowledge.

For what it’s worth, when I read your comment, my thoughts went to “it’s worse than that, he’s dead, Jim, dead, Jim.” on 18 Mar 17:14 collapse

Tom, I meant Myspace Tom.…/ever-happened-everyones-frie…. Sorry for the confusion. He was everyone’s “default” friend on Myspace. on 18 Mar 17:18 collapse

Myspace Tom I know. Thank you! on 19 Mar 06:49 collapse

Serial Experiments Nicole

Nicolaia Ex Machina on 17 Mar 18:55 next collapse

There’s a butterfly meme to make here, not sure if it should be aimed at the scammer or the reposts on 17 Mar 19:02 next collapse

This girl is insane, literally… 4 spam messages from 4 accounts on 4 different instances , even after I asked her to stop because I’m not interested, even after I banned her and after I reported her, she continued to send the messages as if she didn’t have an atom of dignity and self-respect that prevents her from continuing with something that might expose her to some insults at the very least. In the last two times, it seems that she banned me after she sent the messages so that I can’t do anything about it Because of her behaviors, I was thinking of requesting the feature of disabling inbox, or at least disabling inbox notifications so that I don’t recieve a notification of whatever she send… on 17 Mar 19:35 next collapse

I don’t think she reads any responses or anything on 17 Mar 20:10 next collapse

Maybe on 17 Mar 22:03 collapse

I don’t think it’s a she. on 17 Mar 22:16 collapse

tbh pronounces don’t matter in this issue, whoever that person is, it’s unwanted spam on 17 Mar 22:34 collapse

I don’t refer to the pronoun but to the fact it all looks like a doxxing campaign or something. on 17 Mar 22:11 collapse

It’s spam. They don’t care what you say. on 17 Mar 22:17 collapse

Well I assumed trying is better than nothing, I only tried once though on 18 Mar 13:26 next collapse

No, it shows the bot you are active in chat, so they spam you more. on 18 Mar 14:08 collapse

The very first time I can remember getting spam, I was approximately seven. It was an email linking to a porn site, not that I understood that at the time; I don’t actually recall what enticed me to click - I think they referenced “playing in a jungle” and that sounded fun. The text said (roughly, it’s been over three decades) “come look at my site! I’m not wearing any clothes!” and linked to a site featuring several scantily clad individuals but, immediately on entry, a lady in high heels and nothing else.

I took the email at face value and responded, informing the surely real person sending it that shoes counted as clothes. on 17 Mar 20:04 next collapse

It is the fediverse welcome package. on 17 Mar 20:17 next collapse

Can we stop spamming these posts? on 17 Mar 20:33 next collapse

As the owner of ! and member of the matrix channel, the latest thing we suspect is, per, that it’s recorded footage from legitimate livestreams (on peertube and twitch), which where sometimes linked in messages, as revenge or doxxing. on 18 Mar 12:53 collapse

That’s not good. Revenge / doxxing on this scale should be followed up on.

[deleted] on 17 Mar 20:58 next collapse

. on 17 Mar 21:37 next collapse

i have to assume these photos were stolen from someone who didn’t consent to being involved in this, in which case it’s really not fair to spread these even more on 18 Mar 01:13 next collapse

Can we stop talking about this? on 19 Mar 09:10 collapse

Too late. For better or for worse, it’s already a meme. on 21 Mar 11:45 collapse

A meme about deanonymization on 18 Mar 19:17 next collapse

This is starting to feel like a Nicolonoscopy… on 19 Mar 11:10 collapse

<img alt="1000001619" src="">

Too bad she didn’t sent me her Discord. 🙂