Newsmast Brings Huge New Features in 3.0 Update - Opening Up the Possibility of Custom Feeds for the Fediverse (
from to on 18 Mar 2024 20:48

This is an older article, but I’m mostly curious what y’all think about newsmast? Have you used it?


threaded - newest on 18 Mar 2024 21:47 collapse

I’ve not “used” it but for some reason they’ve decided to include one of my accounts in their gaming feed so I checked it out.

Just seemed like a too-broad-to-be-useful repost bot, although apparently there are real people “curating” too. Why they’d repost my inane ramblings if it’s actually human-curated, I do not know.

I do however know quite a few people who blocked them already since it just looks at first glance like complete spam. Like most Fedi stuff, they could probably do with communicating better what it is they’re actually trying to do.