Five Confusing Fediverse Things (
from to on 13 Feb 20:01


threaded - newest on 13 Feb 20:11 next collapse

By the way: You can follow this Peertube channel directly from Lemmy - !podcast on 13 Feb 22:17 next collapse

As things are atm, Lemmy users will likely also need to also fetch this video by pasting the URL into search (there's no backfilling, and channels still don't seem to automatically update - e.g. see

If Lemmy / PeerTube inter-op was better, there'd be less need for Lemmy users to be doing what they're currently doing with posting them separately. (It's good that more people will see this video, but it effectively leeches votes and comments away from the original creator). on 14 Feb 00:24 collapse

Nothing to see here

Hilarious that I’m experiencing the condition they pointed out in the video. on 13 Feb 20:16 next collapse

Somewhat off-topic: you are now using the iGPU of the 5600g to do video transcoding instead of the nvidia one? on 13 Feb 20:31 collapse

I’m doing software transcoding with the 5600G. I have not been able to get VAAPI to work yet.

I posted this issue on the Github page for the plugin that should enable VAAPI transcoding:…/3

The transcoding starts just fine, but fails at around 90% done and throw the error message I posted in the issue. on 13 Feb 22:53 next collapse

Mastodon is still confusing to me. But that’s probably because I’ve never been on Twitter, FB, Insta, etc. on 14 Feb 00:08 next collapse

And because it really just sucks. on 14 Feb 00:29 collapse

The way Twitter works can be traced back to the very early days of the internet and it was just never updated because…reasons.

As for Mastodon…I can’t explain that one. on 13 Feb 23:37 next collapse

…so why does mastodon discourage you from making DMs ( direct messages? ) on 14 Feb 15:13 collapse

Because they’re not exactly private on 14 Feb 00:14 next collapse

Happy to see that the Peertube embed is working now (Lemmy 0.19.9) on 14 Feb 15:03 collapse

It has been working for me since 0.19.8. on 14 Feb 01:52 next collapse

I just felt like too many people were linux-nerds and tried to make everyone else feel stupid for not understanding the fediverse concept.

I get it now, but I put off jumping in for a while because a lot of people here were so unwelcoming to newbies. on 14 Feb 06:46 collapse

Wait… AntennaPod can play video podcasts hosted on PeerTube!? I’ve just subscribed to the podcast from AntennaPod and it just works. This is awesome.