To give perspective on the 48k monthly active users on Lemmy, and the 4.5k on kbin+mbin, Discuit has 6787 registered users (
from to on 16 Jun 22:56

Link to their post:

Link to the stats


threaded - newest on 16 Jun 22:59 next collapse

Shout out to Piefed and its 75 monthly active users: on 17 Jun 00:26 next collapse

The beautiful thing about the Fediverse is that those 75 users are in an ecosystem with the 50k+ Lemmy/K/mbin users, along with users from Sublinks, Mastodon, Firefish, etc. on 17 Jun 06:07 next collapse

Firefox? on 17 Jun 06:24 collapse

Haha dumb autocorrect. Firefish is what I was trying to say. on 17 Jun 14:02 collapse

Hahaha now if only Firefox was federated instead of CEO-managed… 🤔 on 21 Jun 12:04 collapse

firefish is dead though. Sharkey is where people have moved to on 21 Jun 19:54 next collapse

Huh, is there some drama I missed? on 21 Jun 22:06 collapse

No. The dev just couldn’t handle it on 21 Jun 23:44 collapse

Iceshrimp too on 17 Jun 07:09 next collapse

And a whopping… 3 servers?

Seems like a cool project though, along with sublinks. Might try them out once they are a bit more stable. on 17 Jun 11:46 collapse

Piefed is quite stable as of now already, if you are curious on 17 Jun 09:52 collapse

PieFed represent! Highly recommended, the 'Topics' feature that aggregates multiple community is super valuable to me on 17 Jun 09:59 collapse

It is a very neat feature indeed! I would use Piefed as a main if they had “Comments” view, but I guess it will come at some point on 16 Jun 23:13 next collapse

Does Discuit use ActivityPub? on 16 Jun 23:18 next collapse

Negative. It was usually quoted by ActivityPub skeptics who were looking for a centralized solutions, “easier to use”.

I was never aware of the numbers, I’m surprised how much smaller it is. on 16 Jun 23:53 collapse

Squabbles, later Squabblr, is also an* interesting casestudy in failure. on 16 Jun 23:58 next collapse

That's a shame, what a perfect name for every social media site on 17 Jun 00:06 next collapse

He tried to capitalize on the Rexodus, but iirc could not pick just one lane b/t “freedom” and intolerance of the intolerant - you can never have both. Interestingly the Fediverse is currently deciding the same thing, with some neat new tricks coming in v0.19.4 that should help. on 17 Jun 00:25 collapse

mastodon : when you block another account they cease to exist and can no longer interact with your account at all ever

lemmy: when you block another account, the only thing that happens is you can no longer see or interact with that accounts past or future activity, though they can still see, vote, and comment under yours which, just like reddit, is ripe for abuse and doxxing

there can be no discussion of tolerance or free speech when there can be no way to block other abusive accounts from your content or you from harrasment on 17 Jun 01:00 collapse

Oh that sucks. Tbf the entire concept of the Fediverse is an enormous security nightmare regardless: someone was telling me how a person could spin up an instance and share a picture also served up from their machine, then maliciously correlate the incoming IP addresses from the latter of people who viewed it vs. make interactions (voting or comments) in the former to identify you irl. But at least that takes some technical effort, and there seems no reason not to put additional obstacles up to make it harder.

Unfortunately the Lemmy developers seem to have little incentive to add features that are primarily for Westerners who e.g. don’t agree that an authoritian admin and/or mod is always correct regardless of the facts. And Westerners don’t seem in that much of a hurry to make alternatives - although K/MBin exists already and Sublinks is coming as well. If we want better, we would need to put in the work to make it happen.

It’s still a thousand times better than Reddit:-). Except I no longer recommend Lemmy to people that I meet irl - I can’t keep doing that in good conscience anymore, until there is an instance that defederates Yes the new person could block many people and even whole instances, but it seems a little similar to recommending that someone use Arch Linux - like, really!? Hopefully the concept of the Fediverse will improve someday soon and I can do that once more, bc I really do want to. on 17 Jun 01:07 next collapse

I think content really should be served on a p2p basis recon it would improve robustness and reduce load on servers also would stop the whole ip vote association. I believe thats how peertube serves its videos but i dont see why it can’t be extended to serve all media on 17 Jun 01:17 collapse

I presume that would have security issues of its own:-), and this is just a guess but it might look more like traffic that some ISPs may want to ban, if implemented like that?

I haven’t done anything remotely piratey for decades but people say that there are forums that way. I’m not intending to conflate P2P with the likes of TOR that is merely one implementation of that, just saying that apparently the implementations exist. on 17 Jun 01:34 collapse

The security issues are minimised compared to havibg a centralised instance. And yeah some ISP may block/rate limit thats why net neutrality is so important. on 17 Jun 07:16 collapse

Heh, P2P absolutely does not minimize security concerns, especially of your IP being revealed.

Remember how people got DDoSed all the time because of Skype? on 17 Jun 09:40 collapse

It means that each actor can only expose themselves to a subset (more peers less people) of the total network. As opposed to the current situation where u can collect information on more people as a singular actor. But yes you do expose yourself to the peers you connect to. on 17 Jun 07:13 next collapse

An IP address alone does not identify you. It might identify your general area.

Any other website works the same way. I can go buy a domain, set up a plain html site, and view the IP of anyone who visits the site.

What kind of features are you looking for?

Whoever you’d recommend is already exposed to the people or worse, it’s just through Facebook or Instagram or Reddit. At least here they’re a little self-contained. on 17 Jun 13:02 collapse

I don’t go to Facebook, X, Instagram, or Reddit. Some people that I talk to irl also don’t follow social media. Why should they - what does it offer then? To those people I have been recommending Lemmy in the past, and now I don’t do that anymore. I would like to though. on 17 Jun 13:42 collapse

Do you use websites? They can also track your IP. on 17 Jun 10:30 collapse

Honestly, I think the future of fediverse advocacy for now should be recommending a specific instance and not explaining the federation part until they are using it on 17 Jun 11:47 next collapse

It’s the present already.

People want a URL, give them a few if they really want to choose.

Federation should stay behind the scenes on 17 Jun 12:54 collapse

Agreed - as Blaze always says, save the why and how it works (under the hood) for later and for now just show them the goods.

And when a major instance defederates from I will start recommending that exact instance to people.

Or, an admin at mentioned the possibility of automatically applying a user level block to it for all new users, along with a bot message about how to remove that block. As discussed above, it would be far from perfect (e.g. someone mentions that the genocide going on in Ukraine is bad and gets hit by many downvotes with no clue where they came from bc they are not shown notifications from the people who may reply to say how it is actually good though, bc Russia is the one doing it…), but indeed it would be better than now. on 17 Jun 17:08 collapse

Hard agree. A while ago, Feddit UK nearly lost it’s domain and I was a hard advocate of carving our own identity without using terms such as “Reddit”, “Lemmy” or “Federation”. Basically have our unique identity. As right now all I have told about it see it as a reddit knock-off. on 18 Jun 01:06 collapse

I would actually not go that far - I respect the devs enormously for having written the code and shared it with the entire world. If someone else wants to write new code - K/Mbin and Sublinks come to mind - then sure replace Lemmy for those instances that run that, but e.g. Lemmy.World is definitely a Lemmy and I’m okay with that.

I’m also okay with Fediverse - should I not be? I suppose an alternative is something that implements the ActivityPub protocol, but why not the Fediverse?

Basically I am okay with anything so long as people don’t stumble upon it unawares.

But I do see your point that we can’t just say that we are a Reddit knockoff, even though that’s literally what we are. It should be the start of additional description. So far I call it “social media” - where people share and talk, bc that seems about right. “Link aggregator” doesn’t do much for me, and suggests more of a purpose to read news stories rather than make our own posts. on 17 Jun 00:29 collapse

that guy def had same vibes as spez, so nice of him to show what a dumbass he was before he got anywhere on 16 Jun 23:29 collapse

No they don’t, nor will they according to their about page. on 16 Jun 23:21 next collapse

I wonder how many of those registered members are active? Maybe 38? on 17 Jun 04:26 collapse

Last time I saw something, I think it was about 300. on 16 Jun 23:46 next collapse

I’m happy to see almost 50,000 users. Sometimes it feels like there’s ten of us. on 16 Jun 23:57 next collapse on 16 Jun 23:59 next collapse

I've been enjoying that fact lately, it's been nice to have actual conversations with people, to actually have my thoughts challenged in healthy ways and to have my mind change and to change the minds of others without the intensity that predominates a lot of other sites. I feel I can talk to people here on 17 Jun 00:38 next collapse

I think it’s because people trend a lot older on Lemmy than Reddit. I imagine a lot of the more vile opinions you see on Reddit are teenagers. I’ve not seen much unhealthy discussion/ad hominen on Lemmy yet. on 17 Jun 01:03 collapse

Also it trends towards a more intellectual crowd, even if primarily in the technical sense. Simply having to pick an instance probably keeps away a lot of the people who could otherwise flood every single community with inane questions - i.e. ask other people to do their work for them rather than do a 10 second internet search on their own. on 17 Jun 01:37 next collapse

And now for the part this platform doesn’t want to hear. THOSE “problematic” posters are a GOOD thing.

You have to understand, if you took the world and seperated its humans by intelligence, the “idiot” group is going to be much bigger than the “PhD” group. Like…by a lot.

So if you ONLY cater to smart people, you ARE limiting your growth. Again…by a lot.

So the eventual question needs to be asked. “What is Lemmy trying to be?”

Are you trying to be an alternitive to Reddit? Are you trying to replace Reddit? Are you trying to be a Reddit similiar niche community seperate from the mainstream?

Because if you want this to be a small niche unknown community geared towards older people, tech minded, then congrats. Thats what you have.

But if you want a broader reach, then you can’t gatekeep the idiots. There’s a reason they call them “the unwashed masses”. Sometimes even quite literally. on 17 Jun 03:43 next collapse

if you took the world and seperated its humans by intelligence, the “idiot” group is going to be much bigger than the “PhD” group. Like…by a lot.

No… you’d have a bell curve. But even that assumes you have a single good measure of intelligence.

I kind of agree with the rest of your post, but I would have worded it a bit differently, emphasizing that people who found it difficult to start using Lemmy might still be worth having around. Also, I don’t think “as large as Reddit” or “small niche unknown” are our only options. on 17 Jun 06:53 next collapse

People trend towards your expectations. You’ll still have a bell curve, it’s just a matter of where it’s centered. on 17 Jun 12:38 collapse

I would rather, instead of dividing between have vs. lack smartyness, focus on have vs. lack kindness, consideration, empathy, etc. Remember Reddit? (A half-joke bc although you just came from there more recently, some of us haven’t been for a year or more and are legit starting to forget, almost blissfully!:-)

I don’t mind talking to people all along the intelligence scale, but I do mind talking with people who engage in trolling behaviors. I will hang out with the humble uneducated plebes but I refuse to with their opposites. I am not phrasing it well but somewhere in here it gets complicated bc those scales overlap, as often the least intelligent behave as if they were somehow entitled to be treated as the most - e.g. Dr. Fauci gave the entire world a vaccine, but it was people who flunked or never took biology in the first place who are trying to block access to not only it but to simple masks. One side works to earn respect, the other does not yet not only demands equal treatment but somehow more than equal, and sometimes at the point of a literal gun. One side actually reads the Constitution of the United States, while the other side does not yet attempts to overthrow it regardless, bc they apparently know “better” how the country should be run than those who founded it.

So while I think that fascists should have a place they can talk - that’s just humane - I also do not want to be in that place. Their rights end where mine begin. So if (like I/we did to Reddit) that means that they win and therefore I have to leave, so be it - I will leave social media entirely if need be, before I compromise and enjoy watching people “dunk on” others. If it is X or bust, then I choose bust.

Or the less hostile but just as damaging form of this where people treat social media as a place for emotional venting rather than real conversations with real people. Those two are related bc just bc you can get away with doing something, bc you have that power/ability, does not mean that you should do it. e.g. one or maybe three comments like “^This” or “I also choose this guy’s wife” or “And my bow” etc. is fine but a hundred of them!? in a row, or even like twenty, is just too much. They speak, and therefore people cannot even listen anymore bc of the crowded noise from everyone else speaking.

Who sees the last ten posts to a community being “which android phone is the best these days” (no other details provided) and decides to add an eleventh to the group? Answer: people who are lonely and need someone to talk to, but don’t care about the rules of politeness, and are so self-centered that they want another post devoted entirely to themselves. Never mind the fact that there being so many of those drives people away who would have actually answered their question. They not only whisper but SHOUT into the void, and if the only way for me to have peace is to mute them, or not go to where people do that, then so be it. Their right to post such runs up against my right to not have to listen to it.

And maybe, for some anyway, their lack of etiquette is merely bc they are young? But whoever they are, their presence foretells the absence of the people that they will drive away. So you cannot simply increase tolerance infinitely in order to grow the size of the Fediverse, bc that works in opposition to people who refuse to tolerate the intolerant and inconsiderate. We cannot have it all there - one or the other is the best that could be achieved even in purely theoretical terms, much less making it happen irl.

[deleted] on 18 Jun 11:33 collapse

. on 17 Jun 03:22 next collapse

Sometimes, easy accessibility is a bad thing. Nobody profits off a large user base here. We should instead focus on having good users and a platform that serves those users. on 17 Jun 05:15 collapse

I completely agree.

Reddit is worse because of its size, resulting in problems with spam/low effort posts and comments.

This smaller size is a bit of a double-edged sword though. If I want to discuss cooking/chef knives with people, for example, there isn’t a niche community specifically for that topic. Maybe in this way it’s best for people to head outside of Lemmy to other forums for more specific interests, and Lemmy can be more tech/general discussion oriented.

I haven’t quite figured that out yet. on 17 Jun 09:51 collapse

If this is what the lemmyverse wants for its future, i am definitely wrong here. on 17 Jun 10:00 collapse

There is definitely no consensus on this. I wouldn’t mind having Lemmy 2 or 3 times bigger at least on 17 Jun 11:48 collapse

Oh yeah, we’re not at the sweet spot for mass yet. 10 times bigger would still be fine IMO! on 17 Jun 10:59 collapse

Uhm can I ask for free labor help with my study? /j on 17 Jun 02:18 collapse

Also makes it easier to keep track of the bigots and idiots on 17 Jun 01:27 next collapse

Thats because America alone has something like 3.5 BILLION people in it. Ohio alone has 11 million citizens. I assure you 95% of ohio is farms and cows, and we STILL have 11 million. Sometimes I wonder if they include the cows in that number.

My point is, 50k in scale to how big the internet is (and thats just America…the internet is the world. Except for north korea).

So, 50k is not really a lot. Especially when you consider that this userbase is fragmented by design.

I feel like this is the smarter design for this type of format. I also feel like this format could be so much more than it is. And it’s because this format relies on the idea that you have to please everyone. Otherwise they’ll defederate.

Well when I was 7 years old there was a girl at school who didn’t like me. My great aunt edna asked what the other kids thought of me. They liked me ok. I had some friends. It was just her that actively disliked me. So my great aunt edna says some advice that has stood the test of time. She told me “In life, not everyone is going to like you. The only thing you can do is be yourself, make sure they don’t dislike you because you’re being a problem, and then surround yourself with people who DO like you. Let the others dislike you. As long as you’re not being a problem child, you can only stay true to yourself, and likeminded friends will follow.”

And even though she said this in the 80s, and has been dead for decades, her words speak true in my 40s today. Essentially the modern version would be “haters gonna hate”.

So if there’s 50k users, and they’re segregating into their own spaces, it’s going to feel more like 1000 users. And now take into account time zones, and individual schedules, it’ll feel more like 200 users. on 17 Jun 02:57 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 17 Jun 03:13 next collapse

An image is worth 3.5 BILLION words on 17 Jun 07:16 next collapse

OP was way off… its actually 336 billion. on 17 Jun 10:16 collapse

OP didn’t say USA but America. How many people live in north, central and south America? 3,5 billion still seems off but not by as much. on 17 Jun 12:21 next collapse

Then immediately talked about Ohio. If said the Americas that would be interpreted as North and South.

[deleted] on 18 Jun 11:37 collapse

. on 17 Jun 04:06 next collapse

I think you’re going to lose a few people with that first number being off by a decimal place, but the substance of what you said is still relevant and gives insight about the Lemmy experience right now. on 17 Jun 04:26 next collapse

You may want to check your numbers again on 17 Jun 05:18 next collapse


Welcome to the internet 🙄 Everybody else not from the US raise a hand.

Posted before first morning coffee, lesson learned. on 17 Jun 05:21 collapse

(and thats just America…the internet is the world. Except for north korea).

At least use the full quote. on 17 Jun 05:27 collapse

Thanks, and also good morning. I thought my bleary eyes had scanned for the international angle but apparently my brain is still asleep.

Soz OP! on 17 Jun 06:59 collapse

America alone has something like 3.5 BILLION people in it

Username checks out. on 17 Jun 03:54 next collapse

It’s me, your favorite lemming! on 17 Jun 07:47 collapse

I like your profile picture! on 18 Jun 07:11 collapse

Thanks! I like yours! on 17 Jun 11:00 next collapse

Tbh I want this to be 500k users and no more. That would be enough for most of my interests. on 17 Jun 11:12 collapse

Unless only 5 of those 500k users participate in your interests… on 17 Jun 13:36 collapse

Are you saying I just made 5 new best friends?? on 17 Jun 22:14 next collapse

Especially when you see the same couple of people with profile pics post everywhere. on 21 Jun 12:03 collapse

I see a lot more, you need to expand you communities maybe ;) on 17 Jun 00:02 next collapse

Almost as many as there are in the colonial fleet in Battlestar Galactica. So does that mean we can expect that the colonial fleet had someone as prolific at shitposting as The_Picard_Maneuver? That’s encouraging to know if so on 17 Jun 01:06 collapse

There was, back when I was active there. Around the time I migrated to Lemmy there was some drama and I believe that user was suspended. I don’t check it frequently enough anymore to know if there’s a current Picard maneuver surrogate. on 17 Jun 04:15 collapse

He made an account on another instance and he’s up to the same bullshit that got him banned in the first place, but these admins are friendly to it on 17 Jun 07:12 collapse

Wait, did they do something bad? I thought they were just a prolific poster of memes. on 17 Jun 07:49 next collapse

Same here on 17 Jun 14:06 collapse

This was a different person. They’d taken a username of someone popular in a number of communities on Reddit and were purporting to be that person. on 17 Jun 00:42 next collapse

Wait, why is Discuit being accounted for if they are not federated? on 17 Jun 01:23 collapse

I think it’s just a comparison because during the Reddit Exodus people often suggested Discuit instead of Lemmy because ActivityPub is “too complicated”. So I guess this is a good demonstration that federation really is our best hope at replacing the big billionaire social media platforms.

As another point of reference vs Discuit’s 6,787 registered users, Lemmy has 1,904,195 registered users. Kbin has 66,175, and Mbin has 5,453 registered users. on 17 Jun 01:31 next collapse

That’s indeed the reasoning, thank you for phrasing it on 17 Jun 04:28 collapse

Before this post I had never even heard of Discuit. on 17 Jun 05:16 collapse

Same here. I heard a lot about lemmy when Reddit killed itself. on 17 Jun 07:49 collapse

It’s regularly brought up on /r/RedditAlternatives when we suggest Lemmy on 17 Jun 12:20 collapse

Ah. I haven’t been back to that place in quite some time. xD on 17 Jun 04:06 next collapse

So what is its “unique vision” and how badly had it been co-opted by racists? on 17 Jun 09:16 collapse

About as badly as lemmy has been coopted by tankies on 17 Jun 04:23 next collapse

I still really enjoy Discuit.

It’s nice. on 17 Jun 10:26 collapse

Discuit is not a federated social platform, and we do not plan to support federation in the future either. This is because we do not believe that federated platforms, for a few specific reasons, have a chance of becoming mainstream social platforms one day.

Cringe on 17 Jun 11:45 next collapse

Guess they never heard about emails on 18 Jun 11:14 collapse

Email is not a platform, though. on 18 Jun 11:23 collapse

IMAP/POP3/SMTP are protocols, ActivityPub is a protocol too.

Are you pointing to something else? on 18 Jun 12:16 collapse

Yeah, they are talking about platforms, not protocols. is the platform. Or Or Gmail. Or Outlook. on 18 Jun 12:29 next collapse

I’m really not sure what point you are trying to make.

Would I have said “Guess they never heard about Gmail and Outlook being federated”, would that have been better according to you? on 18 Jun 13:29 collapse

My point is that you can’t compare a platform like reddit to a protocol like email.

While gmail and outlook are insanely big, how much of all email traffic do they handle? Sure, they are insanely big, but I doubt they are above 50%

On the other hand, how big is reddit compared to all other link aggregators? I think it’s pretty surely far above 50%.

Or how big is YouTube as a VOD platform?

I’m not advocating for discuit, but being like “they think federation can’t build a mainstream platform, but look at email” is kind of missing the point.

Also email is the only example for federation. It’s an outlier, mainly because it was one of the first things on the net. Everything else is platforms, unfortunately. on 18 Jun 12:48 collapse

Gmail and outlook both took off though on 17 Jun 11:59 collapse

Guess i have no reason to go there then.