Youtube blocking Pixelfed links?
from to on 08 Feb 14:15

I just watched a video from Extractions&Ire about Yttrium, and since I live close to where it was discovered I asked in the comments if I should go there and take a photo, which was heavily upvoted, so I go there and took some photos, upload them to my pixelfed and post the link in the original comment.

And YT immediately removes the entire thread including other comments.

Any one know if Google/YT has a particular beef with


threaded - newest on 08 Feb 14:44 next collapse

Most comments with links are straight up deleted from YT comments. Moderation has gotten pretty strict there since covid. on 09 Feb 13:05 collapse

What , they thought the infection spread that way? on 09 Feb 13:42 collapse

Surely not, I thought everyone knew it was 5G. on 08 Feb 14:47 next collapse

Links in general is not allowed on YouTube on 08 Feb 16:58 next collapse

I didn’t realize that, and YT didn’t tell me. on 09 Feb 17:25 next collapse

How so - even doi links? on 10 Feb 22:45 collapse

Yet another reason to try out peertube :).

That sucks, I never knew that. on 11 Feb 05:56 collapse

I mean they don’t have time to moderate it all, so it keeps phishing down. It’s fair enough on 08 Feb 18:13 collapse

As far as I’m aware they block links to pretty much everything even other YouTube videos. I think this was a attempt to stop/slow the horrid amount of spam bots but I’m not 100% on that