Welcome to the Inaugural books@lemmy.world Bingo 2024!
from JaymesRS@literature.cafe to fiction@literature.cafe on 01 May 2024 16:19

We wanted to invite other Lemmy readers to join us in a reading challenge, we have tried to structure this so it’s very flexible with regards to genre, and we don’t require you to join or post on !books@lemmy.world. We had just put in the work to make it and thought we could share the fun. (Admins/Mods please feel free to delete if inappropriate or unwelcome) cross-posted from: literature.cafe/post/9497120

Want to read more, but need motivation or direction? Want to gamify or expand your reading? Try book bingo! Our hope with this challenge is to provide a fun way for you to keep up with your reading goals throughout the next 12 months.

How does it work?

The goal is to read something that fits the theme for each bingo square in any single row, column, or corner diagonal of your choice (one work per theme/square). If you would like to, you’re welcome to complete the entire card (or multiple cards). But to clarify, normal bingo rules apply, you only need 5 in a row for a bingo.

Since this is about helping you along in your reading journey, there’s no requirement to read any particular kind of work. Prefer a different format, like graphic novels or audio books? Go for it. Want to read in a different language? Cool. Only have time or energy for single short stories. That’s fine, too. You can read fiction of any genre, nonfiction of any topic, books of poetry, or whatever else interests you, as long as it works for the square. We wanted this to be as open and flexible as possible, to be welcoming to as many people as possible.

We hope you’ll participate in the community throughout the year by sharing how you’re doing with bingo, helping others with suggestions, and posting your feelings about what you’re reading in dedicated threads or the weekly “What are you reading?” thread.

In mid-April, 2025, we’ll put up a turn-in post to collect what everyone’s been reading; we’ll be using that thread to put together a summary, once the bingo period ends. Additionally, if there’s a way to provide community flair or some other recognition to participants, that’s how we’ll determine eligibility. So, if you want to be counted and/or recognized, please make sure to contribute to that post, even if you’ve made other bingo posts or comments during the year!


Upping the Difficulty

Want an additional challenge? Try one of these, or come up with a variation of your own (and share them!).

The Card

2024 Bingo Card

Link to a bigger copy

The Squares

Row 1

Row 2

Row 3

Row 4

Row 5


These are available as swaps if one of the categories is difficult for your chosen genre, or if it fits better with your reading preferences. There is no obligation to do these otherwise.


If you make or find any bingo-related resources, ping or DM me so I can add them here. Thanks!



threaded - newest