Embracer says it's looking out for shareholders after cutting almost 1,400 jobs (www.gamedeveloper.com)
from Goronmon@lemmy.world to games@lemmy.world on 15 Feb 2024 14:22


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Aremel@lemmy.world on 15 Feb 2024 14:31 next collapse

It’s refreshing to see evil motherfuckers being evil openly instead of trying to hide it with doublespeak or outright denying it. I love Coffee Stain Studio’s games and how they handle monetization, and this announcement makes me worried for both the studio and their projects.

Gork@lemm.ee on 15 Feb 2024 15:16 collapse

Damn I didn’t know that Coffee Stain was owned by Embracer.

If Embracer forces them to stop working on Valheim or Satisfactory imma shit some bricks.

cows_are_underrated@feddit.de on 15 Feb 2024 16:49 next collapse

Then let’s hope this doesn’t happen

-Your Intestines

SkyezOpen@lemmy.world on 15 Feb 2024 17:06 next collapse

If they somehow shove mtx into valheim I’m gonna riot.

dumpsterlid@lemmy.world on 16 Feb 2024 16:08 collapse

Don’t worry, the business model of companies like Embracer is literally to strip mine “inefficient” businesses run by artists through short circuiting the positive feedback loop between game developers passionate about what they do and loyal fans, trashing the work environment for the employees by cutting everything, and ripping off fans until they realize the place that made the art they love is alive only in name.

Valheim will be fine! <img alt="" src="https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/16b6a6f1-21fe-41e6-9f9d-b0f7e979c432.jpeg">

ech@lemm.ee on 15 Feb 2024 23:16 collapse

Ah damn, really? CS publishes/develops some great games.

Carighan@lemmy.world on 15 Feb 2024 14:44 next collapse

Ah, it’s good someone is looking out for the poor poor shareholders. Just earlier I saw a long line of them at the unemployment office, begging for food from passerbyes, destitute in their poverty. /s

Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world on 15 Feb 2024 15:48 next collapse

The shareholders at the local yacht club were really bummed out because many of them were saving really hard to add another ship to their collection, and some might even have to cancel a 2 week international vacation. Ive started a GoFundMe because no shareholder should feel so deprived of those basic needs.

partial_accumen@lemmy.world on 15 Feb 2024 15:53 collapse

It really is sad these days. You can see them holding signs written on the back of Form 10-K documents at road intersections say things like:

“Need dividends. Any amount helps. God Bless.”

But really, you have to just ignore them. You know anything you give them they’re just going to blow on equities in unproven klepto-corporate business models with over aggressive spending attempting to capture market share in industries paying abusively small wages to their destitute workers. You can try to help them like I did one time:

  • Me: "Hey, here’s a couple of shares in a company that hires those recently released from prison for light industrial assembly work giving them a good reference for future employment. Its not worth much, but they do some good for the community."
  • Them: "Can I as a shareholder petition the board to fire the ex-cons, ship the assembly work offshore, and perform a stock buyback increasing the value of the shares?"
  • Me: "I don’t think the board is interested in that as it violates the company mission"
  • Them: “Then I don’t want those shares”
haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com on 15 Feb 2024 16:54 next collapse

Abolish shareholder primacy

Marsupial@quokk.au on 15 Feb 2024 21:08 collapse

Abolish shareholders.

dumpsterlid@lemmy.world on 15 Feb 2024 17:11 next collapse

<img alt="" src="https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/f2067249-b01f-4c09-be75-3769571db96e.webm">


KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml on 15 Feb 2024 17:22 next collapse

At least they’re being honest about it!

As an Embracer shareholder, I think i’m ready to sell at a loss and move on with my life. This company is doomed. I’ve lost more than value watching them go to shit, they’ve actively killed projects I cared about. They are going to fall apart and nobody will touch the IP.

Phegan@lemmy.world on 15 Feb 2024 20:31 collapse

Embracer can suck my dick.