Life is Strange: Double Exposure - Announce Trailer (
from to on 09 Jun 18:00


threaded - newest on 09 Jun 22:16 next collapse

They’re bringing back Max huh? Desperate? on 10 Jun 05:26 collapse

This isn’t Dontnod doing this, but Deck Nine (Dontnod no longer owns the rights to the LiS name). So after how well True Colors worked, no, I don’t think it’s that. Was my first thought too though. 😅 on 09 Jun 22:19 next collapse

I knew a new Life is Strange was coming from Deck Nine, but I wasn’t expecting a Max sequel. So that’s exciting, even if the recent news about the studio was quite ugly. on 10 Jun 00:00 collapse

What recent news? on 10 Jun 03:10 collapse

How Hidden Nazi Symbols Were the Tip of a Toxic Iceberg at Life Is Strange Developer Deck Nine on 10 Jun 05:27 next collapse

Ah yeah I remember that. Did we ever hear whether it was actually one dev and they caught them and got rid of them, or whether that was the cover story? on 10 Jun 05:53 collapse

Haven’t seen any follow-up, but if I’m being honest, what Square Enix Europe did bothers me just as much as the dev. That’s gotta be systemic over there. on 10 Jun 10:36 collapse

Jesus christ on 10 Jun 03:53 next collapse

are the games from this studio any good? I only played the original which was a different one i think. on 10 Jun 05:25 next collapse

IMO, the ex-DLC developers Deck Nine (who are doing this) do a far better job with LiS True Colors evoking the feelings and moods of LiS1 than the actual devs did with LiS2 or Tell Me Why.

So to me, this is maximum hype. on 10 Jun 23:06 collapse

that’s good to hear. all of the existing ones are already in my backlog for if things at work ever go as planned ever again. I own #2 and can play the rest via family share… ‘family’ on 10 Jun 05:49 collapse

I had a good time with Before the Storm and True Colors. The Expanse was less exciting (despite it being based on one of my favorite properties ever), mostly because the episodes were too short. That doesn’t look like it’ll be an issue here since it sounds like it’s a one-time release again like True Colors.

I didn’t like them as much as the first LiS but I see that game as lightning in a bottle in a lot of ways, especially for someone like me that used to live in that part of Oregon. on 10 Jun 05:58 next collapse

I’m not sure what to feel about this. I’m a huge fan of the series, but I’ll wait for real reviews from real players. on 10 Jun 08:57 collapse

Wow, pay extra 30 EUR to play 2 weeks earlier and avoid spoilers. I might just as well pirate it.

<img alt="" src=""> on 10 Jun 11:59 collapse

I’m surprised at how hard seeing Max again hit me. I don’t have much interest in playing a new LiS game, but I still got unreasonably emotional dredging up memories of the first game.