Niantic: Pokémon Go healthy and growing as it approaches its next decade (
from to on 30 Mar 2024 18:16


threaded - newest on 30 Mar 2024 18:35 next collapse

Pokémon go isn’t a fun game, it’s just a fomo wealth extractor. I got up to level 42 and finally cut it off on 30 Mar 2024 18:39 next collapse

Wealth in what way? I think I gave them five pounds but that’s was it. I’ve gotten a lot more out of it than that. on 30 Mar 2024 21:23 collapse

Once you get to a certain point the only way to get new pokemon is to grind eggs and they set the drop rates for some so low it takes dozens and dozens of eggs to get them. Then you have the regional pokemon that are normally impossible to get without travel that will become available for special events if you shell out for 10+ bucks. Its manipulative on 31 Mar 2024 00:45 collapse

I think I have all the ones from eggs which are possible, I’d need to check though. Regional Pokémon haven’t been limited for a while, you can get them in 7km eggs which you get from others. on 30 Mar 2024 19:20 next collapse

While likely true nothing is making you give them money to enjoy it.

I’ve been playing off and on since it came out and have never given them a damn cent, and have really enjoyed it. on 30 Mar 2024 20:46 collapse

Year 1 I went hard on pokemon go, I committed to the original 150 (I don’t recognize anything past red and blue) that were available and in my region then peaced out. There wasn’t anything there past my nostalgia. on 30 Mar 2024 18:38 next collapse

It’s boring. All you do is collect digital bottlecaps. on 30 Mar 2024 18:51 next collapse

There’s more to it than that. on 30 Mar 2024 19:12 collapse

I tried it way back when it launched, and before that, the whatever previous non-pokemon game they made. I didn’t stick to it, and today I wouldn’t touch a location tracking game with a long pole, but there was more fun in it than just collecting fake creatures or whatever. Going out for a walk and making my way to places marked on the game map was cool. I found some interesting landmarks that I had no idea about before. on 30 Mar 2024 18:45 next collapse

I had fun with Go when it launched, but haven’t played in years. What I love about it though is how many"non- traditional" gamers play it. I’ve had more than one 50+ coworker I’ve known tell me they play it often, and do no other gaming besides it. Two of my sisters also play, and they don’t play any other games. I think that’s awesome. on 30 Mar 2024 18:56 next collapse

I liked it when I was pandered to. Pokémon Go to the Polls on 30 Mar 2024 19:07 next collapse

I haven’t played in the last year or so but the game did age very well. I played it like everyone else when it first came out and the novelty quickly wore off and the game had very little depth. I revisited it many years later on a whim and was surprised with how much content had been added. I ended up playing regularly for a few years after that with my wife. The game is definitely dependent on where you live and now that I’m in a more rural area I don’t play very much but even in a medium population city it’s was very enjoyable. I joined a local discord and we attended many community days and it was a great deal of fun and very social. Fond memories, and I hope to revisit the game again on 30 Mar 2024 19:08 next collapse

Ah Pokémon Go, aka we are selling shinies for cash. on 30 Mar 2024 19:17 next collapse

I haven’t played in a while but a ton of my friends are into it, including people who normally wouldn’t be into gaming or Pokemon. I don’t totally get it but they’re doing something right on 30 Mar 2024 20:28 next collapse

Any game that makes people actually move is good in my book. on 30 Mar 2024 20:41 next collapse

It would be a lot less boring if not the same pokemon spawned over and over again in fases. There are so many pokemon but you keep finding a couple. on 30 Mar 2024 22:16 next collapse

Okay but we have this article from, Pokémon GO’s yearly revenue slumps to 2017’s levels!. So where’s truth? on 31 Mar 2024 02:09 next collapse

I played when it first came out, then again around 2018. Felt like a huge waste of potential to me. Unless there’s some legal reason, I absolutely cannot comprehend why a normal pokemon battling system wasn’t included.

Unless doing something besides just reskinning their other game (Ingress?) was too much work. on 31 Mar 2024 04:37 next collapse

I’m not surprised that something carrying the Pokémon brand is somehow both extremely lucrative but also unwilling to dedicate the minimal effort necessary to add obvious features on 01 Apr 2024 18:00 collapse

I absolutely cannot comprehend why a normal pokemon battling system wasn’t included.

Because it doesn’t fit the design of the game.

Pokemon Go is meant to be played while walking around outside. This means you can’t have a lot of text because glare from the sun will make it too hard to read. The real battle system also requires more congnitive load than most people can handle while walking and takes too long which will lead to people stopping for extended periods of time at which point you’re no longer playing a pedometer game. on 01 Apr 2024 13:24 next collapse

I liked it when it was first a thing and you’d see huge crowds of people in their early twenties out in parks and things … but I don’t think I ever really liked the game itself. on 01 Apr 2024 20:55 collapse

Most recent update took away buddy features on my and my son’s phones. Between that, the lack of content, and no real reason to progress, I think I’ll be giving it up.