Respawn's Star Wars FPS Is Canceled, But Work on Next Jedi Game, Black Panther and Iron Man Will Continue (
from to on 29 Feb 2024 12:52


threaded - newest on 29 Feb 2024 13:06 next collapse

Lololol on 29 Feb 2024 13:18 next collapse

The madalorian one that I grumped about a few weeks ago ? on 29 Feb 2024 13:36 next collapse

Fucking EA. Let’s hope the Ubisoft one is good. And gets finished. on 29 Feb 2024 14:03 collapse

It’s going to be Assassin’s Creed with lightsabers, probably. Potentially Far Cry with scifi weapons, like Blood Dragon.

Can’t say that I mind that. on 29 Feb 2024 17:53 collapse

Maybe a Ghost Recon / Rainbow 6 in star wars? Aka Republic Commando successor. on 29 Feb 2024 17:54 collapse

Republic Commando fucking rocked, that would kick ass. on 29 Feb 2024 13:40 next collapse

Damn I really wanted to play the FPS. on 29 Feb 2024 14:04 next collapse

Remember when spawn made games with soul? Good times. on 29 Feb 2024 14:47 next collapse

Remember when the entire video game industry had soul?

It’s been years.

:( on 29 Feb 2024 14:54 collapse

Literally last year everyone was raving about Baldur’s Gate 3 because it had so much soul. on 29 Feb 2024 14:57 next collapse

Yeah and right now we’re all raving that Helldivers 2 is great.

The point is that on average these massive conglomerates of corporate shareholder-driven studios are not soulful because they have the soul beat out of them. Devs have tons of soul, but if it ends up in the final product is ultimately a decision of the management, and they have had the souls sucked out of them.

There are still soulful games, but on average the industry is soulless. on 29 Feb 2024 15:00 collapse

This has always been true, since the very first decade of video games. People just forget because only the good games are worth remembering. on 29 Feb 2024 15:32 next collapse

As is the case with all media. Nobody remembers Populous or Bill Lambeer’s Combat Basketball on the SNES cuz they were horrible games, but I still hear about Zelda: ALTTP and Super Mario World. on 29 Feb 2024 16:39 collapse

Yes for example the video game crash of 1983 that saw video game sales drop by about 97% in 2 years because the market got flooded with crap.

Atari even tried to make an E.T game that was supposed to be a console seller but was programmed in 6 weeks and was hot garbage. on 29 Feb 2024 20:13 collapse

And we’re looking at a similar collapse for at least AAA vendors because they’re flooding the market with half-baked crap. on 29 Feb 2024 16:55 collapse

I get what you’re saying, but “the entire video game industry” didn’t make Baldur’s Gate 3. I’m not jaded enough to claim the entire industry is soulless (indies and AA still exist), but the AAA industry is pretty much there, with the rare exception. on 29 Feb 2024 17:55 collapse

It always has been though. Remember licensed games from the ps2 era? on 29 Feb 2024 19:25 next collapse

Does no one remember ET? on 29 Feb 2024 20:59 collapse

Some were fun. I enjoyed the Harry Potter games and the James Bond games. on 29 Feb 2024 21:16 collapse

Pepperridge farm remembers on 29 Feb 2024 17:27 next collapse

I’m wondering if the low sales on Immortals of Aveum caused them to make this decision.

So we’re apparently meant to accept bad writing to convince them to keep making singleplayer games. on 29 Feb 2024 18:55 next collapse

Damn, that was the game I was most excited for. Respawn FPS games are my favorite (TF1/Apex) and I was really interested to see what they’d do with star wars on 29 Feb 2024 20:12 collapse

Was this the rumored Mandalorian game? A shame because Respawn’s pedigree for single player FPSes is short but incredible.