DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Coming 2025 (
from to on 09 Jun 17:08

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threaded - newest on 09 Jun 17:25 next collapse

Aside from the gameplay of the recent Doom games being top tier I really enjoyed how they tied the original story into things. Was really cool to come to learn the tie in as I progressed through the game. This looks great I’m ready to rip and tear on 09 Jun 17:57 next collapse

Meh. I was really hoping they’d go back to the sci-fi aesthetic of 2016 but instead they’ve doubled down on the weird high fantasy with guns thing.

It’s like they actually wanted to reboot Heretic/Hexen but they couldn’t get the license for it so they’ve just shoehorned it into Doom instead. on 09 Jun 18:18 next collapse

Sorry it’s not going in the direction you hoped. I’m personally super into this vibe. Feels bizarre and different. Hopefully they capitalize on the theme and do something cool with it. If the “dragon” flight part is as tight and fun as recent Doom mechanics, it could be really fun. on 09 Jun 20:02 collapse

Agreed. I am not a fantasy fan for games really at all (with very few exceptions) but this looks so rad. The combination of tech and fantasy looks like a wild ride. on 10 Jun 10:14 collapse

I cast non-magic missile on 09 Jun 20:55 next collapse

To me it feels like they’re leaning into more of a Quake 1 aesthetic, which I really like.

Funnily enough I never really liked that the quake sequels doubled down on the sci-fi so hard. on 09 Jun 21:19 next collapse

Yeah honestly Eternal should’ve been a Quake reboot using the new engine rather than a Doom sequel. Everything about it felt like Quake. on 10 Jun 11:23 collapse

Yeah i really prefer the lovecraft aesthetic of Quake 1 over the tech, body horror of the sequels. Science coming into contact with something that defies science and reason is one of my favorite genres of fiction. The Myst, Event Horizon, Doom (especially Doom 3,) and the newest Rimworld dlc all really scratch that itch of coming into contact with something outside of reality, outside of reason and understanding. Really wish for more of that. on 09 Jun 23:16 next collapse

Yeah, I kind of agree. I wish they’d make a new Quake or something, Doom is cool and all but this barely resembles it. Eternal was fun, but too goofy and campy, Doom 2016 did it perfectly. on 10 Jun 05:47 next collapse

Damn, rebooted Heretic or Hexen would be cool as hell. on 10 Jun 09:56 next collapse

Isn’t that basically Dusk? on 10 Jun 10:44 collapse

Amid Evil totally scratched that itch, plus it’s a huge game so there’s hours of quality content too. on 10 Jun 17:04 collapse

sure, go ahead and remake hexen but pretend its doom to appease the copyright overlords on 09 Jun 18:00 next collapse

Ooooof I’m fuckin in. on 09 Jun 18:23 next collapse

Looks fucking sick

Edit: sick as in awesome on 09 Jun 18:24 next collapse

That skull crushing weapon is so satisfying to watch.

Judging from the trailer it looks like we will see more open arenas. Good to see they won’t try to make a repeat of Eternal and instead try new ideas. Looking forward to see how it plays out. on 09 Jun 18:26 collapse

Speaking of not repeating Eternal, I didn’t see the chainsaw or any colorful pickups dropping from enemies, which is nice. on 09 Jun 18:29 collapse

Technically the shield is a chainsaw on 09 Jun 18:27 next collapse


Was expecting this to be Xbox/PC exclusive but looks like it’s getting a PS5 release too. on 09 Jun 22:07 collapse

wasn’t being crossplatform one of the things Microsoft promised during all its buying up of the games industry? on 09 Jun 23:30 collapse

It thought those pledges were just for Activison / blizzard stuff. The Bethesda purchase was before regulators started taking an interest. The new Indiana Jones is an Xbox exclusive Bethesda game for example. on 09 Jun 18:42 next collapse

Goddamnit I’m loving this third era of DOOM. on 09 Jun 21:18 collapse

I have only played the 2016 game, would you say previous titles have aged well? on 09 Jun 22:23 next collapse

Definitely not Doom 3, lol. on 09 Jun 23:34 collapse

Doom 3 is good if you don’t regard it as a Doom game. It’s also an absolute blast in VR thanks to the slower running speed. on 10 Jun 02:04 next collapse

Doom 3 is fun on its own, but it’s more like Resident Evil than Doom, maybe. More plot, more scare-horror, less run-and-gun.

It definitely needs the duct tape mod, though. I know what they were going for, but it just doesn’t work. on 10 Jun 13:31 collapse

I love doom 3, but I also have a vivid memory of a sleepover at a buddy’s house in high school where we made a friend play it then we scared the bejesus out of him during one of the early locker scares that we saw coming and he didn’t.

Good times. on 10 Jun 02:11 collapse

I liked it (well, after the Duct Tape mod, anyway) and enjoyed having more lore and info. It definitely doesn't feel like a normal doom game, though, so I'll give it that. on 09 Jun 22:29 collapse

Play the OG games if you want. There are a lot of mods that make it more tolerable by modern standards. If you haven’t played Eternal yet, though, you definitely should if you enjoyed 2016. on 10 Jun 00:39 next collapse

If you haven’t played Eternal yet, though, you definitely should if you enjoyed 2016.

I haven’t :/

I am planning to get into it though. on 10 Jun 01:48 collapse

Doom RTX is very impressive too, if you have yourself a raytracing card I’d give that a shot too if you’re replaying.

First time? Do it proper. Crunchy crunchy pixels. Mmmm on 09 Jun 19:04 next collapse

I’m hoping they move away from requiring specific weapons or mods to counter specific enemies. Stoked to learn more about Sentinel Prime. on 09 Jun 21:14 collapse

This wasn’t a requirement in eternal. Using the correct damage type (not specifically one weapon) would make certain weak points break faster but if you wanted you could use anything it would just take longer. It made you think and change while playing on 09 Jun 21:55 next collapse

It was huge in the Ancient Gods 1 and 2. That one ghost enemy that would possess and power up others you had to hit with the microwave beam for example. on 09 Jun 22:02 collapse

There’s the stone imps who can only be damaged with the full auto mod (or super weapons). on 10 Jun 02:07 collapse

You can also use micro missiles on 09 Jun 20:39 next collapse

🤘 on 09 Jun 21:16 next collapse

For sure Mick Gordon esque music but definitely not him, it’s missing his specific touch on 10 Jun 08:08 next collapse

Definitely will wait for the full soundtrack to release before checking out the game. That trailer music sounded pretty weak. on 10 Jun 14:29 collapse

The difference in music between Eternal and Ancient Gods was too big for me. I didn’t feel compelled to play the Ancient Gods at all, instead just replayed Eternal. on 10 Jun 16:49 collapse

Tag1 was really good and is worth a shot if you want some really difficult doom. Tag2 suffered hugely from being developed during the pandemic. on 09 Jun 21:21 next collapse

Once it started showing off the shield, it stopped looking like Doom and started looking like a first-person Rygar game.

I liked the gun that crushes up and shoots skulls tho. That’s metal as fuck. But God damn do I wish they would truly go back to the roots of Doom with the labrynthine map design instead of the linear arenas. on 09 Jun 21:38 next collapse

And no monster piñatas. And no trap rooms. And no pointless upgrades. And no nausea-inducing jumping puzzles.

Classic doom, pretty graphics, crazy weapons, new monsters, and steal music from 90s hard rock and heavy metal again. on 09 Jun 21:41 next collapse

And no nausea-inducing jumping puzzles

I take it you’re not a Rise of the Triad fan. 😆 on 10 Jun 14:18 collapse

They’ll bury you in a lunch box!

[deleted] on 10 Jun 01:08 next collapse

. on 10 Jun 02:31 collapse

You’d probably like Prodeus, it’s certainly scratched that itch for me. on 10 Jun 11:17 collapse

Something that I think doom 2016 and doom eternal failed spectacularly in for me is enemy counts. I wanna open a closet and be greeted by 40 revenants, 30 Chaingunners and 30 Barons. Gimme that Plutonia experience. on 10 Jun 22:52 collapse

Have you tried nuts.wad? on 11 Jun 09:40 collapse

I have! Nuts, Nuts2 and Nuts3 on 09 Jun 21:38 next collapse

Any chance for Heretic/Hexen easter eggs? on 09 Jun 22:07 next collapse

Anyone remember when Doomguy was a Space Marine? on 09 Jun 23:29 next collapse

Yeah, the gameplay looks awesome. But the story seems dumb. But then again Doom did come from a dungeons and dragons campaign.

In the end the gameplay has always been the more important part of the Doom games. on 10 Jun 02:12 collapse

Yes but also: this looks cool as hell on 10 Jun 02:46 next collapse

Well, I mean he still resembles some Space Marines I know of. on 10 Jun 03:22 next collapse

Reboot Doomguy hasn’t been a space marine for almost a decade now. He’s always been a Titan sent by gods. on 10 Jun 11:01 next collapse

That explains it. I grew up with the old stuff where he was just angry on 10 Jun 12:03 collapse

Honestly that’s a way better story on 10 Jun 13:56 collapse

There’s at least one audiolog in Eternal that suggests he is, against all odds, mostly human. I don’t know if they might be retconning that. on 10 Jun 09:54 collapse

He still is, but as he’s become a kind of mythical figure in gaming history he has also become so in universe. on 09 Jun 22:12 next collapse

Fuck yeah. Absolutely loved the first 2, absolutely gonna love this. Time for another Eternal playthrough on 09 Jun 22:21 collapse

The first 2? You don’t mean Doom and Doom 2, do you? Fuck, I’m old. on 09 Jun 23:07 collapse

I actually meant Doom: The Board Game and the Doom movie starring Dwayne Johnson on 10 Jun 11:24 collapse

SEMPER FI! MOTHER FUCKER! -Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. on 09 Jun 22:25 next collapse

I’d venture to say that ID has not yet released a bad DOOM game, however they did almost make Call of DOOM. Under Microsoft’s leadership I’d say they’re at risk of making the worst DOOM game ever, but we’ll have to wait and see on 09 Jun 23:11 next collapse

Coming to Nintendo Switch - 2028 on 10 Jun 00:11 next collapse

Aww fuckyeah! on 10 Jun 03:58 next collapse

Poor Bob. That looked like it hurt.

He obviously got over it though. on 10 Jun 04:09 next collapse

Looks like we need him again. on 10 Jun 04:23 next collapse

I’m going to upset someone and I apologize. This game feels cheap to me. Like someone took too many liberties with the game style. I like the doom games so I hope this doesn’t fall on its face. on 10 Jun 05:12 collapse

You sound like me talking about Eternal, just wasn’t the Doom for me. on 10 Jun 04:49 next collapse

While I don’t really like to play newer Doom games (still would rather play original Doom or Doom 2), they really look great and metal as fuck. on 10 Jun 08:57 next collapse

Looks like more doom which is all right in my book. Now If they can keep out the always online and live service bullshit out of this one and focus on single player it might turn out to be yet another good doom game. Not sure about the dragon and mecha though, I would rather not have any vehicles, mounts and anything like that in Doom games. on 10 Jun 09:30 next collapse

I trust ID to make a fun game, I do not trust Microsoft however so we’ll see how hands off they’ve been. Hopefully it was too far along for Microsoft to meddle with anything. on 10 Jun 14:34 collapse

Probably gonna have a season pass and battle royale mode on 10 Jun 14:37 collapse

Doom 2016 and Eternal had multiplayer season stuff, but it could easily be ignored. on 10 Jun 13:43 next collapse

Looks like we’re finally able to use the mech! on 10 Jun 16:23 next collapse

I’ll just keep my excitement at bay until Micrisoft proves they didn’t fuck it up by something like requiring a constant online connection for the single player campaign like Black Ops 6. on 10 Jun 17:06 next collapse

I really liked the first reboot, but felt Eternal overcomplicated it and made it like a memory game of working out which gun was best for each enemy, which isn’t really what I wanted from it. Too much finicky precision (like shooting the goddamn turrets off things), and not enough wanton carnage.

It took the story way too seriously as well, and the most enjoyable thing from the first game’s story was somebody starting some exposition, followed by Doomguy smashing the radio.

Just wasn’t feeling it as much as I was with the first. It was only the soundtrack that got me through it tbh, and with Mick Gordon very much not on speaking terms with id Software, I’ll keep my expectations lowered for this. on 10 Jun 21:28 collapse

I don’t think we need transformers and flying in doom tbh, but it looks like we’ll have to deal with it now.

Otherwise this joke on a hexen reboot is the ultimate meme of the reboot. And is much more intriguing than doing “doom eternal plutonia experiment”.

The ancient holy wars part of the lore that you read in sentinel prime is the most intriguing part of the doom guy’s story. Links back to seraphim too. Walking through sentinel prime and reading all those things I really felt like I’d like to have seen those days. Oh boy, here we come!