Sega Leaker Says Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi Games Will Be Live Service (
from to on 21 Feb 2024 14:15

Jet Set Radio Reboot (Live Service)

Jet Set Radio Remake (Not Live Service)

Crazy Taxi Reboot (Live Service)

Crazy Taxi Remake (Not Live Service)

Let’s just hope the remakes real and are good.


threaded - newest on 21 Feb 2024 14:32 next collapse

“I wish we could get a new versions of the good sega Dreamcast games”

Monkey’s paw curls on 21 Feb 2024 15:07 next collapse

Im just happy for new entries/remakes. I still play the originals. on 21 Feb 2024 15:16 next collapse

NOW BRING BACK THE CHAOS YOU COCKS on 21 Feb 2024 15:49 next collapse

This feels like Sega is running a science experiment to conclusively determine how much more money can be made from the live service format, with a control group and everything. on 21 Feb 2024 16:01 collapse

Im frequently been surprised by their choices for years, since at least 2005. Like some companies, you KNOW what they’re like. They do consistent impressive work like FromSoft, Nintendo, Valve. Some companies do consistent work that can be hit/miss, like Capcom. And others just do consistent work that gets a lot of shitty management decisions, like Ubisoft.

Sega doesn’t fit any of those buckets. No consistency except that they’re not consistent. You don’t know what a Sega title will bring. Like they rotate management every week. on 21 Feb 2024 16:52 collapse

Sega doesn’t fit any of those buckets. No consistency except that they’re not consistent. You don’t know what a Sega title will bring. Like they rotate management every week.

Yeah this is a result of Sega’s management strategy where all the employees line up outside in the morning along one of the business obstacle courses. Whoever can run through the course fastest and collect the most coins gets to be CEO for the day. Is it chaotic and ableist? Yeah sure, but it does ensure that if a bear attacked the office that Sega employees would be well trained to deal with the emergency. Also, it isn’t THAT much less efficient than having utterly useless out of touch CEOs running the company who don’t give a shit about their customers or the artistic merit of what they are making. At least with this system sometimes the good thing happens amid all the chaos.

Does Sega spend inordinate amounts of money on building elaborate obstacle courses that have nothing to do with their core products? Yes, but remember all that money and more would just be going to CEO bonuses and stock buybacks for investors at a normal large company, building obstacle courses is comparatively a much more efficient and equitable way to allocate profits (not to mention there is a much smaller carbon footprint to building obstacle courses vs. yachts). on 21 Feb 2024 18:12 next collapse

Do they have large red and yellow springs instead of elevators? on 21 Feb 2024 19:00 collapse

Well there are elevators but they purposefully aren’t turned on until 10:30am after the morning upper management selection process has concluded for the day. on 21 Feb 2024 19:33 collapse

Sounds fun. on 22 Feb 2024 18:41 next collapse

D: on 26 Feb 2024 03:04 collapse

Goddamn I hate live service games. Surely someone at these companies has a backbone to tell the suits this isn’t what gamers want or need