PlayStation laying off 900 workers, closing PlayStation Studios London (
from to on 27 Feb 2024 14:22

According to Kotaku, we’re well over last years head count in layoffs.


threaded - newest on 27 Feb 2024 14:35 next collapse

It really is a bloodbath in the tech sector. I don’t understand where these thousands of people are even going to go considering major companies are on hiring freeze on 27 Feb 2024 14:44 collapse

My pipe dream is a bunch of new indie studios forming out of all these layoffs and kicking publisher‘s asses on sales with new competent and passionate games.

…But I guess they‘d then probably sell to those publishers again and repeat… on 27 Feb 2024 14:56 collapse

The largest factor is lack of capital, which is something everyone is enduring due to the SVB collapse. This is a giant recession of the entire sector and I don’t see how it corrects any time soon. on 27 Feb 2024 16:00 collapse

Some are saying it’ll correct this year, but I’m not holding my breath… on 27 Feb 2024 18:08 collapse

While breathing is cool, I have some hope that it will start correcting this year or next.

The big thing is that the raised interest rates have helped to prevent a real recession. So the real question is when can they come back down. I hope it starts this year even though it’ll likely take years to go back to what they were pre-pandemic, if the go that low again. on 27 Feb 2024 16:19 next collapse

Wait, this Sony?

Sony’s profits up thanks to rising sales of music, games, movies and sensors.…/ar-BB1ifEUl on 27 Feb 2024 16:34 next collapse

Yeah but as the shareholders get used to companies laying off workers to “cut costs”, any company not doing it sees their shares tank. Which is Not Ok™️, so they keep firing people so the execs can pay themselves bigger and bigger bonuses over high stock prices. on 27 Feb 2024 16:34 next collapse

And when they again need people, they'll whine about how no one wants to work for them. Or how workers are "taking advantage." on 27 Feb 2024 16:35 collapse

No war but the class war on 28 Feb 2024 19:27 collapse

For those who will be leaving SIE: You are leaving this company with our deepest respect and appreciation for all your efforts during your tenure.

Now get the fuck outta here, you’re fired.