James Bond Game by IO-Interactive
from MITM0@lemmy.world to games@lemmy.world on 04 Feb 15:06

I’m pretty sure you already know it, but I’ll post it here anyways, IO-Interactive (The creators of the Hitman franchise) are working on a new game, which will be a James Bond 007 game

I’m excited, are you ?


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ampersandrew@lemmy.world on 04 Feb 15:17 next collapse

I can’t get excited about it until they stop their weird online requirements. Otherwise I’d be very excited.

Bezier@suppo.fi on 04 Feb 17:32 collapse

Or only selling the game in pieces but in such way that those pieces can only be bought in packs that force you to pay for the same pieces multiple times.

Fuck that scheme.

SmoothOperator@lemmy.world on 05 Feb 14:32 collapse

I’ve bought each of the three latest Hitman titles on Steam exactly once at regular video game price and gotten all the content of each game, plus freely received the collection of all that content in the “World of Assassination” consolidation. Plus the free and amazing rogue-like expansion taking place across all maps from all games.

Seems like a really good deal to me.

slazer2au@lemmy.world on 04 Feb 15:27 next collapse

I’m excited, are you ?

No. Missing a lot of info like game genre, play style, online requirements, forced gambling I mean loot boxes damn it. I mean surprise game mechanics

caut_R@lemmy.world on 04 Feb 18:21 next collapse

I loved their last three HITMAN games, easily in my top 10 favorite games ever (the actual story portion of it, not the liveservice), so yeah, I‘m very excited.

I also wished they would‘ve not gone the liveservice route with their last HITMAN title and kept making proper entries. Have there even been new maps since the story ended? Last time I checked all they did was throw out new targets with a shallow story on - at best modified - existing maps.

That being said, I‘m so ready and excited for actual new content from them. Exploring their maps has always been so fun for me.

And I think them working on a James Bond game has been known for so long, it shouldn‘t be much longer until we see it.

ObsidianZed@lemmy.world on 05 Feb 14:16 collapse

I loved the first three Hitman games but I couldn’t tell your which were the last three because it’s so incredibly confusing.

Katana314@lemmy.world on 05 Feb 13:12 collapse

I’ve known about this for a while, but assumed it was still deep in development.