Baldur’s Gate 3 Is Getting Official Modding Support (
from to on 03 Jun 2024 12:19

It’s the gift that keeps on giving.


threaded - newest on 03 Jun 2024 13:02 next collapse

Well this is the best news ever. I hope they’ll offer tools for creating new maps too as I’d love to see modders add their own quest lines. on 03 Jun 2024 13:07 next collapse

That would be a really smart move by Larian, effectively creates an infinite market for the game. Say what you will about Skyrim and Bethesda but that game still shits money on 03 Jun 2024 14:17 collapse

It would be a smart move by larian, but there is worry that wizards of the coast/hasbro, owners of Dnd, would not allow that. Currently they are pushing their micro transaction subscription “Dnd beyond” tabletop game. While not quite the same thing as BG3, I wouldn’t be the most suprised if some core coop features from the base game aren’t fully Implemented.

[deleted] on 03 Jun 2024 16:56 collapse

. on 03 Jun 2024 18:25 collapse

How do you know the terms of Larian’s licensing contract with Wizards of the Coast? I’d be extremely surprised if they haven’t retained the right to have final say over anything Larian does with it.

[deleted] on 03 Jun 2024 19:16 collapse

. on 03 Jun 2024 20:33 collapse

That doesn’t mean Larian has authorization from Wizards of the Coast to release modding tools allowing for custom content to be created easily.

[deleted] on 04 Jun 15:30 collapse

. on 05 Jun 13:18 collapse

Without scripting changes the “custom content” you will be able to add to the game is extremely limited. That is specifically limiting your ability to create something like a custom quest line, which was the topic of this comment thread.

If you think licensed games are created with no oversight from the IP owner, especially when it comes to something that would potentially compete with another product they are trying to sell, you are extremely naive.

[deleted] on 05 Jun 13:27 collapse

. on 05 Jun 13:46 collapse

You skipped the part where it specifically says you’ll be able to create script mods with their modding tools

Yeah I must have, can you please show me where it says that?

[deleted] on 05 Jun 14:10 collapse

. on 05 Jun 14:31 collapse is not their modding tools. You are conflating the two. The modding tools will allow you to create the mods, is for packaging, sharing, and loading mods. The only references to actually making scripting changes on the pages are talking about the Script Extender, which is an open source community made tool and NOT part of their mod tools.

There is nowhere on that page that “specifically says you’ll be able to create script mods with their modding tools”. If anything it says the opposite. on 03 Jun 2024 13:31 next collapse

I would have to say that’s a given, even if you just use out of map. on 03 Jun 2024 17:50 next collapse

Make mods sandboxed and add ability to create meta mods for tooling. Idk if that could be done securely but would extend the life of bg3 to forever basically on 03 Jun 2024 18:30 collapse

For cross-platform support, direct level editing and changes to core game elements (like story, cinematics, dialogues, quests, and local gameplay adjustments) can’t be facilitated due to technical constraints and platform-specific guidelines.

Damn that doesn’t sound promising but they don’t specify if adding new areas will be supported. on 03 Jun 2024 13:03 next collapse

This game desperately needs and deserves a full Neverwinter Nights style toolkit. I hope we get there one day. on 03 Jun 2024 16:04 collapse

I think they said a while ago that it won't be getting that unfortunately. It's a shame because the engine really would be perfect for full blown custom campaigns and whatnot, or even non linear open world modules. on 03 Jun 2024 21:16 collapse

I always suspected it’s not because they won’t, but they can’t due to the licensing issues.

In the end Larian is a subcontractor of Hasbro, who’s preparing their own ‘virtual tabletop’ for a while now. on 03 Jun 2024 21:23 next collapse

Possible. DnD as a whole is kinda held back majorly by all the licensing bullshit imo. Hasbro is missing out a lot due to their tight grip on it. Same with Magic. on 03 Jun 2024 22:13 collapse

In the end Larian is a subcontractor of Hasbro

That’s not at all how it works, no. They have a licensing deal with Hasbro to be allowed to make a game with Hasbro’s IP. Hasbro didn’t hire them to make the game.

who’s preparing their own ‘virtual tabletop’ for a while now.

D&D Beyond is not a video game. It’s not even a toolset for a video game. There’s no clash there.

I always suspected it’s not because they won’t, but they can’t due to the licensing issues

This is probably still true, though: according to the release, you won’t be allowed to publish NSFW mods made in the toolset (because apparently that’s legally too close to Larian making D&D porn) even though you’ll still be allowed to do so NOT using the toolset like people have been doing for months.

I’m guessing that not letting people make or change maps and quests is either the same thing or simply just a much bigger undertaking to make a toolset capable of right now 🤷 on 03 Jun 2024 14:44 next collapse

I just hope we get cross play before everyone gets tired of the game. on 03 Jun 2024 16:08 collapse

Cross play would be sick – had a friend go ps5 instead of build a PC due to limited budget. Tried my best to say saving for PC will be way better in long run but here we are. on 03 Jun 2024 14:53 next collapse

Boobs everywhere! on 03 Jun 2024 16:00 next collapse

Back boobs, side boobs, thigh boobs, tent boobs, beholder boobs, bulette boobs, Elder Boob. on 03 Jun 2024 17:10 collapse

Y’know what, given some of the things I’ve beat meat to in the past I’d be down with the Emperor getting a royal rack. on 03 Jun 2024 21:03 collapse

I too am an Ilithussy enjoyer. on 04 Jun 18:39 collapse

Y’all motherfuckers need Torm. on 03 Jun 2024 18:42 next collapse

I want immersive boobs and dialogue that screams “she waved her boobs boobily” on 04 Jun 2024 00:29 collapse

New spells like Morgana’s Mighty Mammary Malice on 04 Jun 19:20 collapse

Just image the things we can add boobs to now! I should pick the game back up. on 03 Jun 2024 16:10 next collapse

I knew waiting to play this game would be the right move, it just keeps getting better over time on 03 Jun 2024 16:27 collapse

I just want 6 player multi like older Baldur’s Gate games