The Balatro Timeline — LocalThunk Blog (
from to on 07 Mar 12:21


threaded - newest on 07 Mar 16:51 next collapse

This is so cool to read localthunk’s thoughts and process! on 07 Mar 19:01 next collapse

Interesting read, mostly accessible for someone who has not and will never play Balatro. (Roguelikes just are not my thing, and for an irrational reason I cannot pin down, card games are a really quick turnoff.) on 07 Mar 20:20 collapse

Ever Tried Factorio? on 08 Mar 00:44 collapse

Yes, but not sure where this question is coming from. on 07 Mar 21:25 next collapse

Awesome read. I bought the game few weeks ago and the tutorial was a huge letdown. I’m glad I took time and played the game instead of trying to understand the tutorial which made the game look so complicated and confusing. I hope they remake it someday and summarize it instead of overexplaining.

Been playing for ten hours now and hoping to win with each deck. So much fun! on 07 Mar 23:06 collapse

I didn’t even realize there was a tutorial on 08 Mar 14:32 collapse

Great read! So much honesty…