How Hidden Nazi Symbols Were the Tip of a Toxic Iceberg at Life Is Strange Developer Deck Nine - IGN (
from to on 05 Apr 2024 15:19


threaded - newest on 05 Apr 2024 15:34 next collapse

“We can say that, during his time at Telltale, Zak was one of the most talented, balanced and inclusive game directors we have ever worked with, and that is evident in the games he has delivered.”

That statement doesn’t read as the defense they think it reads as.

It reads as “all of our other game directors are somehow actually worse.” on 05 Apr 2024 18:03 collapse

Yeah, I read the IGN article earlier today and telltales statement actually put me off them if I’m being honest. None of the devs/publishers come out of this looking good. on 05 Apr 2024 16:29 next collapse

Oh so this was a company who made the sequels?

The original was great, glad to hear it wasn’t the same creators. on 05 Apr 2024 18:07 collapse

You’re a bit mixed up. Don’t nod the original creators made life is strange 2. Deck nine made a prequel to the original and a new entry with a returning character in it called true colours. True colours isn’t a direct sequel and neither is 2. on 05 Apr 2024 17:21 next collapse

How is it that gaming as both an industry and as a hobby so consistently manages to attract the worst people you can imagine? on 05 Apr 2024 20:01 next collapse

It’s an escapist thing. People just trying to escape the reality of their lives. on 05 Apr 2024 20:22 collapse

I definitely play games for the escapism (have you fucking seen this shit that’s going on?) but I manage to not be a bigoted conservative sociopath just fine. I don’t think that’s the cause on 05 Apr 2024 21:09 next collapse

You asked why it attracts them. Which is escapism. Not everyone looks for escapism for the same reason. And it explains why GTA VI has so much outrage around it. on 05 Apr 2024 23:24 collapse

You know there are mods to remove/replace all the pride flags around the map in Spider-Man (2018)? on 05 Apr 2024 23:29 next collapse

I didn’t but that does not surprise me at all. Apparently reich-wing chuds even made a mod to remove the ability to choose “they” as a pronoun in Starfield – I guess the fragile little flowers felt that they were being forced to accept the existence of us queers? on 06 Apr 2024 02:18 collapse

Harvestella let me play identifying as They and even though I identify as They on a different spectrum it’s still kinda nice. on 06 Apr 2024 13:08 collapse

Mods are a different beast and not representative of the game, devs, or player base. Mods like this often get removed from big modding sites like Nexus, forcing them to be mostly in their own spaces. (There is/was a bg3 mod overhaul that makes every black npc white, some lesbian npcs into men so they are straight couples, the ability to change your gender and lock it to the body types. Etc and so on. But you can’t find it on Nexus. I remember the white Wyll mod but it got removed within 3 days)

It’s another matter entirely when a developer bakes this kind of shit into the game. Not every game has mod support and not everyone mods. on 07 Apr 2024 07:03 collapse

It doesn’t, but go ahead and delude yourself. on 07 Apr 2024 07:27 collapse

I have a sneaking suspicion that if I were to look at your past comments you’d prove my point for me. You might do it right in this thread for that matter on 05 Apr 2024 20:21 next collapse

Oh for fucks sake. I really enjoyed Deck Nine’s LiS work. This is extremely disappointing. on 05 Apr 2024 20:52 next collapse

Wow I’m not even to the Nazi shit yet but I’m already hating Square London liaison and Deck Nine leadership. What a toxic situation on 05 Apr 2024 20:58 next collapse

Any one see any pictures arise from this yet? I played the game on launch then again half a year ago and don’t recall seeing any of these. on 05 Apr 2024 21:47 collapse

Presumably they removed it all before launch. What I don’t get is how they didn’t figure out who did this (unless it’s mentioned later on in the article, I gave up after it got rambly), don’t they use version control? on 05 Apr 2024 22:44 collapse

If it was someone with certain rights he could theoretically remove trace of this from the history. In git you can do it by rewriting history and force pushing on 05 Apr 2024 23:32 collapse

Which is something typically only the maintainer/admin has rights to. on 07 Apr 2024 06:44 collapse

Which in most companies is actually everyone because they don’t want to pay someone to work on all the permissions and controls. on 05 Apr 2024 22:27 next collapse

It’s not like someone can sneak stuff into a game without trace. I have a hard time buying that a big studio is not using perforce or something simillar to make the games. It takes 1 minute to check revisions and give when those things were added and who added them. on 06 Apr 2024 00:42 collapse

It most definitely takes a lot longer than one minute to check asset files for changes. That’s like saying you can just pop open 200 revisions of a 300MiB PSD file in notepad and see what change it happened in quickly. I don’t imagine somebody will write in their changelist description “submitting Nazi flag, lol” either.

Definitely a long arduous process to determine it. on 06 Apr 2024 03:02 collapse

I mean 1 minute as in “start the level tools, select the content, note the name, find it in the revision tracking software, have a talk with the person that submitted it”

It does not take a lot of time. on 06 Apr 2024 15:03 next collapse

It’s not that simple. Let’s say you have 100 revisions of an asset and the change happens on revision 42. Multiple people work on the same assets. If the engine in question (I admittedly don’t know what they use) stores each asset on a per-file basis, it’s a little easier. If not and the environment itself is stored in a monolithic file, it’s far worse.

You’ll need to (at best) binary search for the asset. You pull latest, see the bad content is there, try again with revision 50. See it’s there, try again with 25. It’s not there, okay, 37. Etc etc.

Not only that, it’s very often not as simple as just pulling that revision. “Oh. The asset format changed slightly on revision 40?” Time to pull the entire codebase down. “Asset A is referenced by this asset and won’t work because it differs?” Time to sync the entire codebase & assets back.

Etc, etc. on 06 Apr 2024 15:03 collapse

Yea I agree there must have been at least some interference because this verification process should not take long and I imagine they use some sort of asset tracking system that tells you who works on what. on 05 Apr 2024 23:50 next collapse

Ugh, that pull quote.

Even in our press guides, we were not to say anything about Alex’s sexuality, period, at all.

Considering the response to the first game and its prequel, I don’t know who the hell SQEX Europe thought their audience was.

[deleted] on 06 Apr 2024 12:20 collapse

. on 06 Apr 2024 15:01 next collapse

what ? drama ? have you read the article ?

[deleted] on 06 Apr 2024 17:40 collapse

. on 07 Apr 2024 07:20 collapse

Yes, actual gamers do care about this. I suppose casuals and other Nazis don’t, so your notion is flipped.