Introducing the new Godot Development Fund (
from to on 13 Sep 2023 03:19

We are excited to introduce a major improvement in terms of funding the development efforts of the Godot Engine.


threaded - newest on 13 Sep 2023 03:32 next collapse

Guess I’ll cancel my patreon and switch out. Love this engine way too much on 13 Sep 2023 05:59 next collapse

Godot? Sounds like it’s just what we’ve been waiting for! on 13 Sep 2023 06:13 next collapse

Excellent time to do this while Unity is becoming a absolute shit show. on 13 Sep 2023 09:09 next collapse

I've seen worse timing than this from swiss watches on 13 Sep 2023 12:05 next collapse


This new platform lets us significantly reduce platform fees, and as a non-profit we do not charge VAT on donations, unlike a platform like Patreon does. So your contributions go directly towards the development and improvement of the Godot Engine itself.

If you are currently supporting us through Patreon, we encourage you to switch to the Godot Development Fund to increase the effectiveness of your donations.

Unity starts charging devs per install, while Godot (a nonprofit) takes advantage of the news to convert already donating Patron customers and hopefully bring in a few more. Perhaps you only read the headline? on 13 Sep 2023 12:10 collapse

Swiss watches are famous for their reliability, style and precision on 14 Sep 2023 02:08 collapse

Yea I read it backwards. Doh on 13 Sep 2023 12:06 next collapse

Or did I get whoosh’d… on 13 Sep 2023 17:27 collapse

I think he meant that Swiss watches have near perfect timing, so the timing of this is more than perfect because the shit Unity is pulling. on 13 Sep 2023 19:49 collapse

This is a really interesting way to phrase a compliment on their timing… if that’s what’s happening here. on 13 Sep 2023 13:30 collapse

How hard is it to convert a project to Godot? I’m about a year in on one in unity but getting cold feet over their pricing changes. on 13 Sep 2023 14:06 next collapse

It really depends on how you’re using unity. If you’re dependent on a lot of the built in components or asset store plugins or the rendering pipeline you’re going to have a hard time. on 13 Sep 2023 21:26 collapse

There’s a tool that can almost directly convert your scenes and resources to Godot.

Unidot Importer on GitHub