GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles (
from to on 05 Dec 2023 09:19

I’m confused why Kotaku mentioning next gen in the title when Rockstar only commented on current generation PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.


threaded - newest on 05 Dec 2023 09:24 next collapse

I’ll wait anyway. And I’m most definitly not gonna preorder after the mega fail that was the GTA Trillogy. on 05 Dec 2023 10:39 next collapse

Personally, I might be done with the series at this point.

Did they not just put a lot of the vehicles behind a paywall in GTA V this year? If you previously had them, you were fine. You would be SOL if you didn’t buy them in the game before the update, though. IIRC some of cars were even stuck behind the GTA+ subscription.

I don’t want to buy a game, and then have to buy some of the exact same content again years later. They should have also told people that they would be paywalling the cars a decent amount of time before they went through with it, imo.

It’s not the end of the world or anything, but I’m concerned that this might be an attempt at starting a new type of profiting. This is worse than the horse armour from Oblivion. At least that gave you new models and textures.

“We’ll just sell them a game, then we’ll sell them the same assets in the same game years later!”

Just wait until it spreads to more game companies. I wish that there was a stronger push back when it happened. People are going to completely forget about it until it happens again.

With their current track record, maybe I’ll buy it after a decade haha on 05 Dec 2023 11:20 next collapse

I just wanna play a good offline story mode. Hopefully GTA+ won’t impact it. on 05 Dec 2023 12:03 collapse

I just wanna play a good offline story mode

Me every time they shove mandatory online “features” into single player modes 🤬 on 05 Dec 2023 20:22 collapse

Aside from R* Social Club being finiky if you’re offline, GTAV and RDR2 didn’t flaunt with the line between SP and MP, in my experience. Each felt separate and optional to the other. on 05 Dec 2023 20:25 next collapse

Never played much GTAV (4 was the last good one as far as I’m concerned, at least so far) but yeah, I loved how RDR2 and RDR Online don’t force one into the other! on 05 Dec 2023 22:59 collapse

I tried RDR:O since I got free stuff from Prime.
It was so desynchronized and laggy I just closed the game and went back to SP. on 05 Dec 2023 11:50 collapse

Turns out that people WOULD download a car and megacorps are profiteering on that too 😮‍💨 on 05 Dec 2023 14:48 collapse

GTA trilogy wasn’t developed by rockstar iirc. That being said, pre-ordering games is a dumb move anyway since games aren’t finished when they are being released nowadays on 05 Dec 2023 22:57 collapse

And it’s almost like they cant run out of binary code + a license key to distribute.
And the preload period is stupid anyway since you will most likely need a day 1 patch anyway. on 05 Dec 2023 09:49 next collapse

Oh no

Anyway on 05 Dec 2023 10:09 next collapse

I’ve never played any of the GTA games I was considering this one but it’s not at the top of my list especially now on 05 Dec 2023 10:10 next collapse

I think I got GTA5 for 5 bucks. I think I’ll wait for GTA6 for 6 bucks on 05 Dec 2023 10:14 next collapse

I got it for free from Epic.

With that being said, I did purchase it for Xbox one when it first launched. on 05 Dec 2023 19:12 next collapse

Getting it for free on Epic was how I played it. And honestly, it’s a fine game, but from the time it came out to when I got it, so many good open world games had come and gone it maybe didn’t land for me as well as it might have ten years ago. on 05 Dec 2023 22:16 collapse

I 100% know what you mean. The game feels old, but that’s because it’s a 360 title. It’s hard to remember that at times. on 06 Dec 2023 15:23 collapse

GTA V didn’t first launch on Xbox One, it launched on the 360. on 06 Dec 2023 22:18 collapse

Yeah, when it first launched on Xbox one.

[deleted] on 05 Dec 2023 12:16 next collapse

. on 06 Dec 2023 08:28 collapse

Lol this is how I do everything now. Starfield looked okay, but I won’t touch it unless it goes below $30. I do not feel like I’m missing absolutely anything. on 05 Dec 2023 20:19 next collapse

I’ll never be able to afford GTA 100. on 06 Dec 2023 06:12 collapse

You’ll also be quite dead before that ever happens, especially at the rate they’re releasing them now on 06 Dec 2023 06:10 collapse

Damn that 20% inflation on 05 Dec 2023 10:15 next collapse

I’m not buying a console for this game. Pc gaming has gotten a lot bigger, I’d be surprised if they skipped it. on 05 Dec 2023 12:29 next collapse

And unlike when GTA5 came out, now the XBox and PlayStation have the same CPU architecture as PC.

Still I wont be surprised since they’ve delayed PC since GTA3, but its still annoying on 05 Dec 2023 13:29 next collapse

Yeah RDR2 was released on PC later even though PS4 and XBO were thr same architecture so I am not hopeful. on 05 Dec 2023 15:39 collapse

it’s not necessarily the architecture that’s the problem it’s just optimizations as you only have set hardware to optimize for on console as compared to pc on 05 Dec 2023 12:35 collapse

In the past first party exclusives were the incentive for me to get a console regardless of Rockstar titles, and they just don’t have the draw they used to with them getting ported to the PC so I’m passing on console this Gen. So can’t even double dip like they want me too because I wouldn’t drop hundreds to play one game. on 05 Dec 2023 11:44 next collapse

Too many games exist to be played in one lifetime now, who gives a shit, the series stopped being good after GTA 2 anyway on 05 Dec 2023 11:45 next collapse

The fuck? on 05 Dec 2023 11:46 next collapse

Gta is still kind of a great game. But i wouldn't touch it with a stick because of the people playing it. I swear dota is a jolly old time compared to playing some gta online. So i could not care less about the game anyway. on 05 Dec 2023 11:58 next collapse

What? GTA 1 and 2 are terrible. on 05 Dec 2023 12:17 next collapse

What? Those games were fun for their time on 05 Dec 2023 13:51 next collapse

Terribly awesome!! on 05 Dec 2023 14:48 collapse

Suckmyrocket on 05 Dec 2023 15:41 collapse

lol pick the worst of all of them on 05 Dec 2023 11:59 next collapse

They’ve done it with every generation of GTA recently. It will probably not come out at launch, people will buy the console version, and then suddenly it comes out on pc a year later. We’ve seen the tactic before on 05 Dec 2023 15:09 next collapse

Capcom cuntrags get me with monster hunter every time… They do the same bullshit and I hate it. on 05 Dec 2023 17:38 collapse

I got bullied into buying World on release, and then another time on PC :| on 05 Dec 2023 19:59 next collapse

GTA V was 2 years later and it even came out after the next-gen release. But I waited patiently, I skipped any spoilers for 2 years and it was well worth it. Also, GTA has such a long lifespan that the wait really doesn’t matter on 05 Dec 2023 22:56 collapse

RDR2 with almost 2 years.
I can wait. Still have plenty of backlog.
Or I could play GTA5 and try to reach 1.5k playtime of loading screen :p on 05 Dec 2023 12:14 next collapse

I know when the PS5/Xbox Series X/S came out they were referred to as “next generation” while the previous consoles were “current generation” when talking about games that were released on both consoles, for example NBA 2K.

I can see why you’re confused and I agree that enough time has passed that we can start calling the PS5/ Xbox series X/S current generation. on 05 Dec 2023 12:59 collapse

I think that calling them next gen was okay up to the point that they became readily available. on 05 Dec 2023 12:43 next collapse

I’m confused why Kotaku mentioning next gen in the title when Rockstar only commented on current generation PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

Because they’re still referring to PS5 and XSX as “next gen”, which is ridiculous this far into a generation. I’m glad even their own commenters are calling that out. on 05 Dec 2023 12:51 next collapse

It almost seems like a bait and I fell for it 🫣

The only reason I clicked on the article is because I thought next gen launching late 2025 with GTA6. Ps5 came out over 3 years ago so 4 year generation sounds about right.

It’s not the first time either. Time to pop Kotaku into the block list. on 05 Dec 2023 13:24 next collapse

The last few console generations have been around 6-7 years, and this gen may be longer:…/Home_video_game_console_genera… on 05 Dec 2023 14:26 next collapse

Yeah, we’ve not had a generation run short for 20 years. Even then most last 6 years historically and I think people’s perception is skewed because Microsoft rushed out the 360 quicker than normal.

What would new consoles even be at this stage? They’re still fast, can do 4k, some ray tracing etc. and yeah they compromise on things but you need to spend more on a graphics card alone to get more on PC. The cost vs benefit isn’t there yet not to mention (anecdotally) the “general public” talk about current consoles as if they’re new, so I don’t think there’s an apatite or need. on 05 Dec 2023 14:43 next collapse

The general public didn’t have access to them for almost 2 years. Ps5 and Series are functionally 1 year (maybe year and a half) into wide adoption. on 05 Dec 2023 15:21 collapse

A lot of games are still doing dual releases on last gen and current gen. on 05 Dec 2023 14:56 next collapse

I’m not saying it’s necessary but “some raytracing“ is very little, the next hardware refresh will be a lot more raytracing. on 05 Dec 2023 18:13 next collapse

apatite is a mineral on 07 Dec 2023 07:57 collapse

They’ll run longer for sure. We will get slim versions here in a couple years or pro versions like with the PS4 pro.

Next gen won’t happen until ray tracing is truly established and AMD has a solution to ray tracing and frame generation technologies. on 06 Dec 2023 12:22 collapse

I think this gen is good for a while yet.

We’ve only just got to the point where games don’t run on PS4 any more.

Current gen has good SSDs, 16GB RAM, fast CPUs and 4K (or at least scale to 4K acceptably) graphics. Most stuff runs at 60fps (with an option to turn on the graphical wankery and drop to 30-40), and when it doesn’t there’s VRR to paper over the cracks.

The only area it’s really lacking is RT performance, and only nVidia are there right now. The pricing for cards capable of dropping old lighting paths entirely (e.g. for Cyberpunk Overdrive mode) is obscene. Frame generation is a red herring. It won’t make games feel more responsive. Only real frames can do that. We’re a long way from dropping traditional lighting. on 05 Dec 2023 15:14 collapse

4 years is the typical halfway upgrade, not a new gen. Gens are usually 7-8 years. on 05 Dec 2023 16:26 collapse

Nah there’s not rules for “gens” it’s all bullshit that could be anywhere between 3 to 7 years looking at wiki release tables. Now especially new generation is super easy to release as consoles are just PCs. on 05 Dec 2023 17:05 collapse

I didn’t say there was a rule for it.

Four years isn’t enough time for technology to develop and make a significantly more powerful console, that would be like buying a new 1100 dollar phone because they made the camera slightly better and the battery not as shit.

Consoles aren’t just PC’s, their physical architecture is completely different. Even if it was the same, I wouldn’t go out and build a completely new PC every four years because that would be a waste of money. I wouldn’t even notice a difference on most games. on 06 Dec 2023 04:13 collapse

We have no idea what kind of hardware will be released, tech can go through all kinds of spikes even if seems to have leveled out. So while I agree the next generation or even future generations for awhile after that won’t significantly improve in 4 years, I disagree with the sentiment. Also:

Consoles aren’t just PC’s, their physical architecture is completely different.

Lol, no.

[deleted] on 05 Dec 2023 14:52 next collapse

. on 05 Dec 2023 18:28 collapse

Not at all, there is no PS6 or… whatever Microsoft decides to call the next Xbox on 05 Dec 2023 20:20 collapse

XBOX 1NE Series X mark II on 05 Dec 2023 22:51 collapse

They should switch to pokemon gen naming scheme aka 5th gen consoles. on 05 Dec 2023 13:46 next collapse

Yeah if I ever were to play this game, it’d probably be a long time after release and the inevitable slew of bug fixes etc on 05 Dec 2023 13:51 next collapse

Why would you buy GTA 6 after 5 became a live service game? Fuck rockstar. on 05 Dec 2023 14:10 next collapse

I mean, if the single player is still good, which 5's was too imo on 05 Dec 2023 14:58 next collapse

I am afraid they will make the whole game subscription based. You won’t even be allowed to own the single player experience on 05 Dec 2023 22:52 collapse

Source? on 07 Dec 2023 03:03 collapse

I don’t think he needs a source - it is a fear. And not an entirely unreasonable one. Hell, car companies are chasing subscription payments for seat warmers in actual cars… the guy is a bastion of sanity. on 05 Dec 2023 15:09 collapse

Support bullshit and you'll eventually get what you supported.

When GTA loses its single player or riddles it with more mtx and live service crap, you'll only have yourself to blame for continuing to buy their crap. on 05 Dec 2023 15:20 next collapse

So, in order to maybe not want to play future GTA titles in some theoretical future, you shouldn’t play current GTA titles in order to discourage Rockstar from releasing these theoretical games?

The logic doesn’t add up here, haha. on 05 Dec 2023 15:31 collapse

All titles. Not just GTA.

Every live service game that makes money helps establish an industry standard. I'd rather Rockstar go out of business and have no GTA games if it means sending that message. on 05 Dec 2023 15:47 collapse

“Live service” games have existed almost as long as gaming has been around, so I doubt that message is going to be sent anytime soon. on 05 Dec 2023 15:48 collapse

So long as people like you keep on buying their games, the trend will continue. on 06 Dec 2023 04:21 collapse

the trend will continue because people like live service games on 05 Dec 2023 22:54 collapse

If you buy a SP game and they add MTX after thr fact, did you support the implementation of MTX?
If we get a SP campaign and don’t play MP it will certainly be reflected in their data.
And believe: They will abso-fucking-lutely track the telemetry data out of it. on 05 Dec 2023 14:59 next collapse

GTA V’s single player was worth $60 even if it never got any DLC. I don’t touch GTA online. on 05 Dec 2023 15:03 next collapse

If it hadn’t been for reddit, I wouldn’t have been aware that there was an online mode. on 05 Dec 2023 19:04 collapse

The amount of work and passion Rockstar brings into their single player experiences is by far worth the money. Bethesda needs to take a lesson from them.

Yes, they milk the multiplayer online experience for as much as they can get, but they are still working on new games in the meantime. on 05 Dec 2023 15:37 collapse

honestly not a lot of people care game is still fun on 05 Dec 2023 14:37 next collapse

Now imagine people wrote an article every time a game came out on PC but not consoles. on 05 Dec 2023 14:52 next collapse

some game matters more than others on 05 Dec 2023 15:12 collapse

Only in personal opinions. Some people only play EVE or flight simulator on 06 Dec 2023 12:19 collapse

PC is typically easier to develop for because of the lack of strict (and frequently silly) platform requirements. Which typically makes game development more expensive and slow than it needs to be when just targeting PC. If that barrier to entry was reduced to that of PC, you’d see a lot more games on there from smaller developers.

With current gen consoles, pretty much every game starts as a PC game already, because thats where the development and testing happens.

Rockstar here is the exception in that they are intentionally skipping PC - something that should be well within reach of a company their size while clearly being capable of doing so.

If another AAA game comes out with only PC support I’ll be right there with you - but most game developers with the capability release for all major platforms now. But not the small console indie studio called Rockstar Games it seems. on 05 Dec 2023 14:58 next collapse

The PC version will come out with the PS6/Xbox whatever ports come out. Rockstar has figured out exactly how to milk the most sales out of their games on 05 Dec 2023 18:16 next collapse

Xbox 2 maybe on 05 Dec 2023 20:17 collapse

The fifth Xbox being called Xbox Two is such a Microsoft move on 06 Dec 2023 05:56 collapse

My prediction is Xbox Series 360 or they might skip that and call it the Xbox Series One. on 06 Dec 2023 06:33 next collapse

Not just sales. Rockstar is getting paid to launch exclusively on consoles. on 06 Dec 2023 14:39 next collapse

Unless it’s either PS5 or Xbox exclusive (not both), I don’t think that’s true. Sony and Microsoft wouldn’t collude to prevent launch on PC. That’s extremely illegal, even for companies that are masters of dodging antitrust laws.

The most realistic explanation (IMO) is that Rockstar did their research and found that most PC players also own a console, and will very likely buy the game twice in the long run.

Or if we’re being charitable, maybe the game needs more optimization work before it can run well on the Steam deck, and they want that working before launching on PC. on 07 Dec 2023 09:02 collapse

By both consoles? How would that make any sense? on 06 Dec 2023 09:25 next collapse

With GTAV, the original release was 2013, the next gen was 2014 and PC 2015 so I forsee it being the same and being even later.

The upside was that the PC port was really good at release and I’m pretty indifferent to if I pick this game up in 2030 when it’s actually a good value on PC. on 07 Dec 2023 08:01 collapse

Yeah I’ll take a delayed PC port over a broken one. It sucks but I’d rather wait on 07 Dec 2023 09:01 collapse

According to the Microsoft leaks, that would be 2028. on 05 Dec 2023 15:03 next collapse

It looks pretty mid anyway, unless they announce dedi servers and rp support I really don’t care about rockstars played out boomer ass writing on 05 Dec 2023 15:07 collapse

I just can't get excited for gta anymore. I know some people are very excited and can't wait, but can they keep the train going for two years (or probably 4) on 05 Dec 2023 15:09 next collapse

I bet its because console players are far more likely to dump their life savings into Shark Cards 2.0 in massive fits of hysterical FOMO, than PC players are.

[deleted] on 05 Dec 2023 15:15 next collapse

. on 05 Dec 2023 18:34 next collapse

Some PC sales are better than none. on 05 Dec 2023 18:36 collapse

What does PC piracy have to do with console sales? on 05 Dec 2023 22:51 collapse

They want a year of solid sales on consoles before they release on PC on 05 Dec 2023 15:26 next collapse

Is this type of comment helpful for you? Are people supposed to follow-up with some comment about PC players are sheep and will be buy the game for consoles and then buy it PC when it releases there?

This platform war nonsense is tiring. on 05 Dec 2023 15:56 next collapse

GTA5 PC players usually play on modded servers that don’t use shark cards. I think that’s what they meant. on 05 Dec 2023 16:27 collapse

Yeah, I’m unconvinced that PC players don’t purchase micro-transactions. on 05 Dec 2023 16:54 next collapse

Good thing no one said that on 05 Dec 2023 17:29 collapse

Yes, my post was hyperbole, I should have been more accurate.

You didn’t address the topic though, are you just here to score points? on 05 Dec 2023 17:39 collapse

"Hyperbole" is just a euphemism for strawman. No one said PC players don't buy shark cards. You made their argument look ridiculous by misrepresenting what they said. That isn't a good faith argument to begin with. on 05 Dec 2023 17:52 collapse

I bet its because console players are far more likely to dump their life savings into Shark Cards 2.0 in massive fits of hysterical FOMO.

…isn’t an example what I would consider a “good faith argument” to begin with, but I do apologize if my responses come off as blunt. on 05 Dec 2023 19:06 next collapse

I never said they didnt. But PC can be modded and exploited much easier than consoles can, Which can impact their sales of blatant bullshit ripoff micro transactions. on 05 Dec 2023 19:15 collapse

Can impact, but likely not a huge one. Just like how most people playing Skyrim are playing without mods, most people playing GTA games aren’t going to bother with mods and modded servers. on 05 Dec 2023 22:50 next collapse

I’d rather mod myself game money than spend on MTX with T2.
And the majority of minimal tech literate gamers are nearly the same. on 07 Dec 2023 07:21 collapse

Just like how most people playing Skyrim are playing without mods


Edit to expand: I honestly don’t think I would’ve played it if it wasn’t for mods. The interface is so blatantly consoley and clunky that every action takes way more effort than it needs to. on 05 Dec 2023 22:49 collapse

The likelyhood of a console player buying MTX and a pc player buying MTX is IMO more likely biased towards console.
There certainly are whales on all platforms but mobile doesnt count right now. on 06 Dec 2023 04:40 collapse

mobile doesnt count right now.

Why not? It’s the biggest market. on 06 Dec 2023 07:05 collapse

In this argument…
Mobile eclipses probably all platforms combined. on 05 Dec 2023 19:05 collapse

my friend, you need to have a nice refreshing bowl of chill the fuck out.

Cause you are literally just inventing narratives to be pissed about. on 05 Dec 2023 19:12 collapse

Just calling out nonsense when I see it. on 05 Dec 2023 19:26 collapse

Think of your family and calm down and stop getting irrationally angry at your own imagination on 05 Dec 2023 19:41 collapse

It’s OK if someone disagrees with you on the internet, you know. Your world isn’t going to end, haha. on 05 Dec 2023 19:48 collapse

Says the guy raging and inventing narratives to be angry at. on 05 Dec 2023 20:11 collapse

You seem just as angry as I am? Why else would you still be responding? Just downvote me and move on. on 05 Dec 2023 18:35 collapse

Lol, every pc gamer I’ve ever encountered has to have the latest video card due to FOMO. The thought of only getting 59 FPS keeps them up at night, keeps them from playing the games they’ve already paid for. on 05 Dec 2023 19:07 collapse

Wow, I’m amazed that you’ve met literally every PC gamer on the planet.

how many years did that take? on 05 Dec 2023 19:23 collapse

actually all it took was one discord call. they all answered on 05 Dec 2023 19:50 collapse

Obviously not, since I have no recallection of this, and have zero interest in the latest overpriced bullshit video cards. on 05 Dec 2023 20:50 collapse

well, we didnt talk to random idiots so maybe thats why on 06 Dec 2023 07:54 collapse

we didnt talk to random idiots

every gamer on the planet

So what’s the truth on 06 Dec 2023 08:45 collapse

his username. look at it on 07 Dec 2023 01:59 collapse

I’m aware, I just couldn’t miss the chance to call gamers idiots. Because we are. on 05 Dec 2023 16:08 next collapse

PC gamers are the biggest Pirates in the game industry and then get mad when studios don’t care to release a PC version. on 05 Dec 2023 16:11 collapse

Hey. I found a brain dead take. on 05 Dec 2023 18:30 collapse

PC gamers do indeed pirate more, they’re also unpleasable, so why bother on 06 Dec 2023 04:04 collapse

Hey look, I found another one! on 05 Dec 2023 16:32 next collapse

Looks very Florida. on 05 Dec 2023 18:27 collapse

Almost as if Vice City is based on a very large city in Florida. on 05 Dec 2023 17:22 next collapse

I’m actually ok with this. It will keep online hacker free for at least a year. on 05 Dec 2023 17:49 next collapse

Honestly I do understand why PC gamers are upset. But this isn’t exactly news. They’ve done this with every PC port. And given the clusterfuck that was GTA IV on PC I’m fine waiting another year for a GOOD PC port.

Again I get it. But I personally bought a Series X when PC gaming was too expensive to get into so I take it that’s who they’re gonna go for as well. on 05 Dec 2023 17:57 collapse

I doubt waiting any amount of time would warrant the port to be good. See: GTA:SA on 05 Dec 2023 18:31 next collapse

The new one was amazing. on 05 Dec 2023 18:36 next collapse

That was almost 20 years ago. on 05 Dec 2023 19:10 collapse

I obviously meant the recent remaster. on 06 Dec 2023 11:57 collapse

that is not obvious since most of us don’t count it. on 06 Dec 2023 12:04 collapse

Hah, good point. on 05 Dec 2023 18:58 collapse

With mods it’s workable on 06 Dec 2023 14:38 collapse

You mean the Hot Coffee mod right? on 06 Dec 2023 18:35 collapse

Heh. Maybe on 05 Dec 2023 18:35 next collapse

Almost every AAA release has pulled the same trick for at least the last 10 years if not longer. Don’t announce the PC release until after the console release, that way some people buy the game twice. on 05 Dec 2023 18:35 next collapse

I don’t think anyone with more than 5 braincells thought this was coming out on PS4 and Xbone. on 05 Dec 2023 22:47 collapse

Welllll…It’s T2 we are talking about. on 05 Dec 2023 19:55 next collapse

So? Who gives a shit lol on 05 Dec 2023 19:59 next collapse

Is there PC gamers who don’t own consoles?? on 05 Dec 2023 20:13 next collapse

Why would I pay $600 to play the same games but worse on 07 Dec 2023 02:44 collapse

My most recent non-handeld was an xbox 360 from before I got into computers. Why would I buy a console if I already have something to play games on? on 05 Dec 2023 21:07 next collapse

The continued use of Next Gen for what is definitely the current console generation does make me pretty annoyed on 05 Dec 2023 22:46 next collapse

Likely? It’s almost a certified R* moment to forget about PC for 1-2 years and then release the (better) version there later on. on 06 Dec 2023 07:03 collapse

They know they can play on some people’s (poor) patience and double-dip getting people to cave in, get it on console, and then on PC a couple of years later. on 06 Dec 2023 07:06 next collapse

This too. on 06 Dec 2023 14:37 collapse

Well the joke is on them because I don’t have any of the “next gen” or last gen consoles and I’m not going to buy one. If they release it for PC then I may buy it after it goes on sale, but I won’t put more effort than that to get GTA6 on 06 Dec 2023 14:50 collapse

That’s exactly what I did for GTA 5. Patient gamers… unite!

Less bugs, all the improvements, and at the best price too. on 06 Dec 2023 04:22 next collapse

PC is always current gen. When will they learn? on 07 Dec 2023 02:28 next collapse

they did a long time ago the game will be online only without a story on 07 Dec 2023 02:51 collapse

PS is always “millions of iterations of current, next, last, the previous, the one before that and the one after that” gen. I believe they have learned. on 06 Dec 2023 04:53 next collapse

Cool. Then I’ll pirate it at lauch. on 06 Dec 2023 04:55 next collapse

I think the bigger issue is that the franchise is stuck in the USA, at the same locations, in the same gangsta American dream plot. I was hoping by they would branch out as there as so many other interesting places outside of the USA that are car focused that are dying to be explored. When I watched the trailer, I felt like I already played this game. on 06 Dec 2023 07:06 next collapse

Far Cry covers the impoverished/autocratic nations. on 06 Dec 2023 20:03 next collapse

Including Montana. on 07 Dec 2023 05:09 collapse

I was thinking more Singapore, Tokyo or for something very different like Ho Chi Minh(Saigon) or similar. GTA, but in a radically different type of city not just jungle and villages. on 30 Jan 2024 14:13 collapse

I’d like to suggest Sleeping Dogs 👍 on 06 Dec 2023 07:30 collapse

GTA is satire about American society. Because of Hollywood, TV, and English being the lingua franca of the world, this way they can reach a far bigger audience. You couldn’t do exactly the same game set in Helsinki because the world knows far less about Finnish stereotypes. Ninja Edit: Random thought about satirical games set in Finland: My Summer Car is kind of that game.

But they have explored London before. I think the UK would probably the best setting if you would. on 06 Dec 2023 13:49 next collapse

I agree, London would be awesome. Anyone ever play The Getaway back on PS2? I genuinely enjoyed that game a lot. GTA but with cockney accents/Guy Richie, the game. on 06 Dec 2023 14:12 collapse

There are plenty of over-the-top British stereotypes they could do that the rest of the world would also appreciate. Royalty, Jacob Rees-Mogg/Boris Johnson style politicians, Brexit craziness, chavs, Geordie Shore, empire nostalgia. on 07 Dec 2023 02:53 collapse

London is the only city from their game history they haven’t revisited. Granted, it is the only real location they have used so likely that is a big reason they never will. But a UK-based game would be awesome. on 07 Dec 2023 11:30 collapse

They probably shouldn’t have named it London in hindsight. But back then of course they probably didn’t know they were going to revisit Liberty City/Vice City/San Andreas a couple of times. on 06 Dec 2023 07:28 next collapse

Naturally. Rockstar likes to resell their titles no less than Bethesda. They will sell it to you on PS5 and series x/s, then again on PS6 and whatever Xbox will be around. Then probably Nintendo platform, finally PC.

This way they maximize the amount of times some people will buy the same game, each time with minimal quality upgrade.

Same as their previous titles. It’s not that they didn’t learn. They have the numbers and know very well what they’re doing. on 06 Dec 2023 07:41 next collapse

And pc always last because they can only sell it to them once and they’ll have it until steam/epic dies. on 06 Dec 2023 08:07 collapse

imo buying a copy for one platform should entitle to play on every platform it is released on. The crucial aspects of the work are the same. adapting to different hardwares and making controls for gamepads and mouse and keyboard only plays a small part in the total effort. Also you can play with a controller on pc in most cross platform games. on 06 Dec 2023 09:22 next collapse

When I buy a new set of tires for my truck, I don’t get a free set of tires for my car as well. on 06 Dec 2023 09:41 next collapse

no but if you wanted you could put your tires on your car on 06 Dec 2023 10:38 collapse

Yes, all tires are interchangeable, I forgot. on 06 Dec 2023 11:37 collapse

Maybe with the help of an angle grinder, but sure you could get those wheels on there if you wanted to.

[deleted] on 06 Dec 2023 14:49 collapse

. on 06 Dec 2023 14:29 collapse

Tires cost materials and labor to manufacture, but digital games cost nothing to copy. on 06 Dec 2023 15:08 collapse

True, but you create a game for system A, it’s not going to work with system B or C, without additional work required. on 06 Dec 2023 15:29 next collapse

Sure, but GTA 6 is 100% already working on PC. Not just because they develop the game on PC, or because they’re building on top of the RDR2 engine (which is already ported to PC), but because they planned to support PC from the beginning, and that type of engine work usually gets ironed out early during development or in pre-production.

I was just pointing out the flaw in your tire analogy though. TBH I’m not saying they should give free copies to people who bought it on other platforms. That’s unprecedented for giant publishers like this. But I am pissed that they’re delaying the PC version since you can be sure it’s a calculated plan to ensure PC gamers buy the game twice. They collected enough analytics and surveys to know that a significant amount of GTA5 PC gamers also own a next-gen console. It’s all very nefarious. on 07 Dec 2023 02:47 collapse

GTA 6 is 100% already working on PC

It runs on their specific hardware under specific situations, not any PC. I am just pointing out the flaw in your en-tire logic. on 07 Dec 2023 08:00 next collapse

That’s not how game development using an engine works… RAGE likely compiles code for at minimum a majority of modern computer hardware with next to no tweaking, and probably the same with Xbox & PlayStation consoles.

Most game engines used on large projects generally are made to handle as much of a variety of hardware as possible with little to no changes in the code – if you make a game using Unreal Engine or Unity for example it will almost certainly be able to work on Xbox, Playstation, and most PCs just fine. Most of the performance optimization for different hardware can then be offloaded to the engine. It’s likely the same with RAGE. on 07 Dec 2023 13:15 collapse

I actually have experience porting games and engines to consoles. If it runs on a development PC (likely Windows), they have the build system and platform layer implemented, which is the hardest part. Porting the content is also an important step, but really only for consoles, which usually have limited memory and power.

Typically the only problem with “PC ports” today is when the game wasn’t designed around mouse/keyboard, or when the devs didn’t make an effort to optimize it on consumer specs (although nowadays console architecture isn’t too different from PCs so there are more optimizations that work across platforms). Another potential problem is when the game gets a lot of last minute hacks to fix bugs in order to ship on a console and those hacks don’t survive a platform transition, then the publisher just tells them to ship as is since there’s no certification process on PC. Basically, the problems are almost always logistical/business decisions due to a lazy/cheap publisher.

None of that is going to apply to this game. Rockstar has always intended to ship and fully support PC from the beginning. They had the technology, the talent, the incentive, and the time to do it. The most realistic explanation (IMO) for the PC delay is that they’re trying to double-dip. on 07 Dec 2023 02:40 collapse

Valve’s steamplay already gives you access to win/mac/linux versions with one purchase so its not like its unheard of. on 06 Dec 2023 15:30 next collapse

As much as I theoretically agree, I can immediately think of two problems:

  1. The storefronts would have to communicate

It’s against their own interest to do this. Imagine you buy all your games on Steam because of the sales (although the creators of the game of course decide the prices, but still) and then play them on your Xbox. No profit at all for Microsoft, yet they’re the ones providing all the additional services like the actual game hosting, friends system, etc. It’s not much by any means, but it does add up. The money all goes to Valve. You could even buy the games via the Steam mobile app if you don’t even own a PC. Also, even if they were theoretically fine with this, even coordinating it would be a pain. Since you could put a game on the Google Play Store, the App Store, hell maybe even F-Droid, Epic Games, GoG, Steam, the Xbox Store, and the Play Station store, and I am absolutely certain I forgot multiple other options, all of them would need to be able to communicate and decide on if you actually own the game. This would be a logistical and technical nightmare.

  1. Companies would just sell mildly different versions and claim it’s a new game

You know how for example Undertale has a slightly special Nintendo Switch version where there’s… I can’t even remember, but I think it’s an additional boss. That’s just something small and cute, but let’s go with the GTA example. I have played about five hours of 5 and dropped it, so excuse me if this isn’t the best theoretical example, but let’s say the PS5 and Series X/S get the base game. Then the PS6 and new Xbox get maybe five additional cars and the game they’re selling is GTA 6 Expanded. Afterwards on switch (although by that time Nintendo’s new console would’ve released) you get blue and red weapon skins or whatever and it’s GTA 6 Switched Up. And then finally on PC you get the GTA 6 Ultimate Edition with expanded settings, better graphics, and maybe five more cars on top of those from GTA 6 Expanded. These are all technically not the same game, so you would not be able to claim them. Sure, you could argue they’re similar, but where is the exact line? That’s quite impossible to figure out - is it a cheated rehash or a mediocre remaster? Who knows on 07 Dec 2023 06:59 collapse

Also you can play with a controller on pc in most cross platform games.

Yeah, but why would you want to? If you’re going to play with a controller, why not just play on console? on 07 Dec 2023 07:29 next collapse

Because a PC can do everything a console can do, but way better, plus way more, lol

Consoles are completely redundant, you can get a better performing PC for the same price or lower if you wait for sales (especially when you consider the $60-120/year premium you have to pay to play console games online, Microsoft & Sony sell consoles at a loss because they know they’ll suck way more money out of you from subscriptions & other “fees” you experience from console)

Consoles are just shit value, you can’t use them for anything other than what, gaming and TV? And their specs are worth less than just buying similar parts separately and putting them together. So why would I spend up to $500 plus $80 every year on a shitty console just to play a new game because of artificial exclusives that will come to PC anyways? Assuming you use your PS5 or Xbox Series X or whatever for 6-7 years, that’s $1000 down the drain. And then after that you’ll still have to spend a few hundred on a laptop or PC or whatever to, you know, do your job or uni or whatever, because your console that costs over $500 can’t do any of that. on 07 Dec 2023 07:44 next collapse

The one thing consoles have had for a long time over PC is physical disks. Fuck what I wouldnt do to have non-steam required disks. Btw I know itd be slow I dont care. on 07 Dec 2023 08:05 collapse

I’m sure you could burn a game onto a CD/DVD, although I’m not sure there’s any benefit to doing that compared to just storing it on an HDD… on 07 Dec 2023 08:18 collapse

Sure, but itd still be nice to have the option ya know. on 07 Dec 2023 23:28 collapse

I didn’t know console games had subscription costs in ways the PC equivalents don’t. I’m a PC gamer myself, and wouldn’t buy a console precisely because it’s a unitasker. But the one task it does do well is couch gaming with a controller, and that’s not how I’d use a PC. Fair, if that’s someone’s thing, but I would just think a console was better for that usecase. on 08 Dec 2023 00:07 collapse

There’s not really anything that makes using your PC in the same way inconvenient, you can connect it to your TV and wirelessly connect controllers, even more conveniently. Although switching between games or using different apps while doing so means you’d have to have a m&kb beside you I think, so if you’re playing with friends it might be less convenient (personally I only use controller on games that are unplayable on M&KB though, mainly emulated games) on 07 Dec 2023 07:31 collapse

Because you would need to buy an extra console. on 07 Dec 2023 23:25 collapse

If you only play that particular game with a controller, sure. My point was that if you’re a controller player, I’d think you’d have a better time on a console, since they and their games are made for it. Mouse and keyboard controls with key remapping are the biggest reason I play on PC. on 08 Dec 2023 04:32 collapse

There is also hybrids.

Some people i used to play battlefield with played infantry and ground vehicles with mouse and keyboard but used a controller for planes and helicopters.

I could also see controllers to be nicer for racing games and simiiar considerations. At the end of the day even a pure controller player still needs a PC for non gaming. So might as well have one device for everything. on 06 Dec 2023 08:27 next collapse

Well, that’s shitty. I’ll never understand why some of these companies are so dated in their thinking. on 06 Dec 2023 10:58 next collapse

Money on 06 Dec 2023 18:53 next collapse

Less QA work needed upfront, with the added benefit of selling the game twice to a lot of people when PC finally releases.

It’s not dated thinking, it’s profit focused. on 07 Dec 2023 02:45 collapse

I am not entirely sure that is “profit focused”. It’s profit on a real world situation, you said it yourself - less QA work which makes it able to release faster. They are only taking advantage of that fact. They would have to focus on not profit for it to happen any other way. on 07 Dec 2023 16:46 collapse

Why not just double the amount of QA testers and devs to make it in the same amount of time then?

They’re going for the double dip. on 06 Dec 2023 22:48 next collapse

Because they know most PC gamers have at least one console as well, and they’ll buy it on release at full price, and then again on PC for the better gaming experience. on 07 Dec 2023 06:33 collapse

Cause idiots literally go out and buy a console , then get the game there, then get it again on their PC in 18 months and literally foam at the mouth all the while.

Remember these publishers are in an ouroboros style circle jerk with console makers. They move without giving a tug, and never move without getting a tug. They go console exclusive to boost console sales in the first year, use that time to continue to improve the half baked game, then release on PC with higher specs to reap the PC fans marveling at the higher graphics. on 06 Dec 2023 08:29 next collapse

I could not care less. They seem to focus primarily on improving the graphics with every part of the series, while imo gameplay is much more important than graphics. Also, for the ridiculous price of one AAA title, one can buy a whole bunch of great indie games. on 06 Dec 2023 09:25 next collapse

Mark my words as the real JC Denton, this game will be bad on 06 Dec 2023 11:48 collapse

Except for the online.

That will be bad and full of microtransactions on 06 Dec 2023 13:59 collapse

I’m sure they spent the last ten years figuring out how to put mtx into gta singleplayer. It wouldn’t be that hard. on 06 Dec 2023 09:43 next collapse

YO-HO, YO-HO on 06 Dec 2023 11:04 next collapse

Whatever I still haven’t played 5 🤷‍♀️ on 06 Dec 2023 14:48 collapse

It has a fantastic Single Player story line that is fairly worth the play through even today. I think I tried the online game mode once and didnt see a point. My experience is with the PS3 launch version, but I’m assuming you can still just play it offline for story. Please let me know if I’m wrong. on 06 Dec 2023 11:10 next collapse

As someone who games solely on pc nowaday simply because having other things to do, I don’t mind waiting even more so the chance I will get it on launch day is null.

Remember fellas vote with your wallet, do not get blinded by hypetrain. on 06 Dec 2023 14:38 next collapse

Yep. I never buy on launch. Just wait a few months and the price comes down, especially if near a holiday you’ll get a sale. Also the bitchfest about the game bEiNg LiTeRaLly UnpLaYAblE!!1!1 because of problems has died down after a few patches. on 06 Dec 2023 15:01 next collapse

Vote with your wallet. This shit right here dawg. That saying has lost its weight for some reason. Given there are a lot of ways that can be difficult or even impossible, but it’s still our best hope next to pitch forks and torches. on 06 Dec 2023 22:41 next collapse

Cos people are consumerists. They buy things they don’t need and out of impulse to activate their dopamine and serotonin in their brain. on 07 Dec 2023 01:00 collapse

This is the apparent problem that mostly not most of the victim (consumerism) aware, especially those who have large amount of expendable fund, or someone who bored enough that they dont have alternative time consuming activity other than gaming. on 07 Dec 2023 00:02 collapse

Don’t even have an SeXbox or a Playstation… so… on 06 Dec 2023 22:47 next collapse

The reality is that even if you are patient, this is complete bullshit. on 07 Dec 2023 00:02 collapse

cries in RDR1 PC fan on 07 Dec 2023 00:57 collapse

As someone who once was console player (ps1 - ps2), I can say console exclusive game have their own merit, however lots of thing happen, ranging from the source code is lost, to higher up management are fucking boomer (me as SMT fans waiting for PC port is miraculous, even Persona spin off released on steam is something, yet they milked it off right away).

Heck even if you had something like Hideo Kojima (starting from MGS V) or Toshiro Nagoshi (former RGG Studio head who made decision to bring some of SEGA games into PC and into the West, and the one who revived Yakuza popularity in the west), they released their game on PC too because they cared for their fans but somehow higherup may blocking those (Japanese back then did not view PC gaming as main gaming entertainment, only niche stuff fill these in for example Simracing, Self publish game, H-game VN).

Back to the topic, It depends on each of their own view, but for me I just game whatever I had and what I want to be fun. I don’t need to get pushed by someone forced opinion (e.g hype) to enjoy a game rather I just enjoy a media based on interest. (source: me who tried to enjoy NFS Payback, as much as the fanbase shunned it because its controversy and radical change, I did find some fun here and there, from my own playthrough I find the game is flawed and noticed that the Ghost Game simply did NFS by the book (or perhaps pressured by EA for profit) and thats why they could not flawlessly release NFS Heat).

Just wanted to give an opinion in the morning. on 07 Dec 2023 00:13 collapse

I’m blinded by the hype train, but with 2 kids and sole income my wallets to empty to pay for an 80$ game on release. on 06 Dec 2023 11:20 next collapse

So? I play on console anyway.

Maybe by skipping PC, the loading will be nice and fast. Actually take advantage of superior console tech. on 06 Dec 2023 11:49 next collapse

Hope it will be good, the game will have to last 3 console generations anyway. on 06 Dec 2023 22:59 collapse

I’m waiting for the PS7 release. on 06 Dec 2023 12:05 next collapse

I’m confused why Kotaku mentioning next gen in the title when Rockstar only commented on current generation PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

Haven’t they been calling these the “next Gen” consoles for awhile? I also don’t agree with changing the title to not match the article. on 06 Dec 2023 12:31 next collapse

The original title sucks and doesn’t deserve to be repeated. on 06 Dec 2023 23:36 collapse

Yeah, it’s been a while so it’s time to drop it. I don’t think you can even buy a new ps4 at a major retailer anymore even. on 06 Dec 2023 12:18 next collapse

Can’t wait for an extremely polished game where it’s impossible to step one step in the direction you want to go. on 06 Dec 2023 14:03 next collapse

Here’s to hoping this game doesn’t make you feel like you’re walking drunk. I would have played Grand theft Auto v if the movement didn’t feel clunky on 06 Dec 2023 14:36 next collapse

yeah movement sucks ass in gtav (it’s fine while aiming tho) on 06 Dec 2023 15:00 collapse

93A1A71EABD6B6CD658458CC1F4 on 06 Dec 2023 16:15 collapse

If there were physics in GTA V then they were portrayed very poorly on 06 Dec 2023 18:53 next collapse

Well, yet another game that doesn’t exist. on 06 Dec 2023 22:58 collapse

It will exist in 2026. on 07 Dec 2023 03:48 collapse

Time to save my pocket change… It will probably be an $80 game, yeah? on 07 Dec 2023 05:54 collapse

Ugh, I hope it’s not more than $70. on 06 Dec 2023 22:46 next collapse

This is stupid because they literally developed the damn game on PC. The only reason to do a console priority release is artificial scarcity. They know a certain subset of PC gamers will buy the game twice. Once on console for FOMO. And again on PC for the proper experience. on 07 Dec 2023 01:34 next collapse

As much as I understand the disappointment, from development point I tolerate them as Rockstar ever since they had their own in house Game Engine, they does not shoehorn the game into a mess of unplayablility (see common AAA studios). Not to mention those jack of all trade engine (e.g UE, Unity, CryEngine) while you can make the project multiplatform, the optimization that need to be done is far more time consuming (reading the docs of the SDK) compared to an Engine you build your own, an example of this on recent release is Yakuza Ishin, Ishin use Unreal Engine and run worse compared to every Yakuza games they released prior (which they did use their in-house game Engine).

Rockstar made it clear focus on to deliver console optimization on front ever since GTA III released (technical standpoint see GTA San Andreas on PS2, GTA V on PS3 and X360, Max Payne 3 on console).

Even though from PS4/XONE we have x86 arch console, the uniformity of console specs leads the easy to work on optimization rather than plethora of hardwares that available on Personal Computer space.

Maybe I am sounded defending Rockstar but I gave my opinion from my past experience as game modder so knowing those SDK a bit. If you want to blame, you can blame the higher up on T2 since those parties the one tied up the Rockstar (R* owned by T2). I do have a share of disappointment when they took down the Reverse Engineered code of 3D era gta codes, but that incident also have grey area as some says that some portion of the code are part of original code. on 07 Dec 2023 02:40 collapse

Thanks for the drop of sanity here. There are reasons this happens and this right here is why. Console is ready faster…that’s it. Rockstar is just making the natural business decisions given the situation. Does Rockstar also get that double dip? Yes. Do they get incentives from the various console companies vying for exclusivity? Yes. Villainize that all you want but the other option is choosing to not make money on a finished game by making it unavailable for literally no reason.

Inversely, for those complaining, demanding Rockstar to not release a finished game on any platform until it is available on the device you prefer sounds pretty stupid. on 07 Dec 2023 05:08 next collapse


  1. The VAST majority of people play this kind of game on console.

  2. PC has infinite configurations and therefore is harder to test for.

That’s it. It’s way more work for way less users. When they release for Xbox and PS5, they are basically testing against two fixed PC builds, and that’s it. The other stuff is a factor, but a minor factor at most. Those are the two big reasons, everything else is an afterthought, and there is no big conspiracy at play.

Plus, literally every Rockstar game in modern history has been released on console first and then PC, if it gets a PC release at all. Why would this be any different?

This is coming from someone who never played RDR1 because at the time I refused to play anything not on PC, so I understand wanting it. But you can want/hope that it happens and still accept the reality without inventing a conspiracy as to why they chose not to target it. on 07 Dec 2023 12:16 collapse

To put it simply, people nowaday spoiled with choices while they wanted needlessly to be served what they want.

Back in earlier gaming era (90s and 00s), console exclusive and PC exclusive is a thing and no one even complain, people back then accept the fact that mostly game are only available on Consoles, and those that released on Computer are mostly Online/LAN games or MMOs, This trend continue until late 00s where some of console games get ported to PC because there is demand.

Pushing through 10s, PC is relevant as the cost of the system is almost same (or even cheaper) compared to the console, back then you can build gaming pc out of dell optiplex and slap a 750 or 750 Ti and you’ll get something similar to PS4/XONE performance. Once it gets to late 10s where entry price of PC is a bit high (you can thank Intel for keeping re-releasing 14nm up to 6 generations and then Ryzen came) if you want to have more FPS and prettier graphics on PC.

Now in the 20s, we have tons of hardware variation that can play a game ranging from components from 2014 that still holding up although struggling to get 30/60fps, to something workspace component that can run games 144 FPS+ on casual games. Heck you can even run game without owning the hardware by streaming them (GeForce Now)

In my opinion these people probably those who back then owned consoles and jump ship to PC and expecting same treatment as console player. And of course you cannot guarantee A PC (without specify its components) to run games as much as I encountered some kids tried to run AAA games on their school laptops that had Intel Celeron with dinky 4GB of RAM, while on console it is definite to run as it was mean to run games. on 07 Dec 2023 11:56 collapse

Yeah, to put it constructive criticism, seeing Rockstar re-releasing GTA V three times that makes people mad is understandable, but to be fair people who owned PS4/PS5 that want to play GTA V/Online back then no way they would patch backward compatibility themselves specifically on PS4, the difference was “night and day” compared on PS3. While I did not have newer console upward from PS2, I would treat those improvement and the online availability as service that runs by R* and legally they able to charge you (but the end decision was on each own right?).

Simply to be put, if someone want to blame whom, blame the system and the people. These entities follows business rule and they serve from the demand, as funny as it sounds the demand is from each individual, that’s why vote with your wallet is make sense for consumable product, similar to (underaged) children who play games and spending their parents CC, the parent is to put the blame because they could not control their kid or even bother to parenting. on 07 Dec 2023 02:54 next collapse

Console gamers will buy the game on each following generation console as well for the next couple decades and when I’m on my death bed we will get a release announcement for the trailer of GTA 7 for PS? and Xbox xXx series xXx ex/se on 07 Dec 2023 06:15 next collapse

suspect pc is last priority due to the higher rate of piracy and lower rate of in-app-purchases. oh and the mod scene - for some reason rock* doesn’t want people extending the lives of their products even for single player play. weeeeeak.

[deleted] on 07 Dec 2023 07:40 collapse

. on 06 Dec 2023 23:04 next collapse

Honestly, based on current gaming trends, I’m fine either way. Everything is releasing in an almost important state for the first 6 months to a year anyway. on 07 Dec 2023 00:00 next collapse

This was the first entry I was actually excited about!

But Rockstar once again hates PC gamers…

Seriously… sexy ladies in a modern AAA games… no “stoic flat chested tomboys”

My jaw dropped when I saw that shit

Yes please. Tired of that woke shit on 07 Dec 2023 03:50 collapse

your hands are tired for jerking off at that woke shit huh? Need a break cause the sores are too much to bear?

JFK get ahold of yourself. Its fucking Rockstar. Like its not going to have Tits and Ass everywhere. Did you even fucking watch the preview video? on 07 Dec 2023 21:19 collapse

I did, and I think you misunderstand, I am glad that it had tits and ass everywhere, Rockstar aren’t the rock stars they used to be. Did you see that Grand Theft Auto remastered?

I am actually glad Grand Theft Auto VI has decided that women are allowed to look feminine, what a novel fucking concept am I right? Female characters looking like they’re actually female.

Yes I understand that it’s a cartoon exaggeration of what a woman looks like, I don’t care, Grand Theft Auto is supposed to be a violent cartoon, let it be one. Fuck on 07 Dec 2023 06:19 next collapse

Eh they’ll make a PC version at some point on 07 Dec 2023 06:51 collapse

Exactly. Maybe in only 10 years, who knows? on 07 Dec 2023 08:36 collapse

Wouldn’t mind tbh. There’s no shortage of great games to play, and GTA was never story driven so there’s no need to worry about spoilers. on 07 Dec 2023 06:29 next collapse

Who cares? Rockstar is a joke. Play it years from now, it’ll be carried for 10+ years on 07 Dec 2023 07:54 next collapse

PC releasing at the same time might just rob consoles of sales they could have. While I don’t support what they do, this is what I think the most logical reason on 07 Dec 2023 09:21 collapse

In my view this is short sighted. A game with this many systems in it may actually need time to be decently optimised for keyboard and mouse inputs. When GTAV finally released it also carried a bunch of improvements. R* doesn’t want to sell games consoles. They don’t make any. on 07 Dec 2023 11:03 collapse

It needs to be “optimized” for controller input in exactly the same way. They could’ve chosen to budget for this “optimization” (whatever that even means) pre-launch.

I think the most likely explanations are 1) larger player base on consoles, 2) Rockstar wants to get the release cash injection ASAP, and 3) staggering platform releases like this prolongs buzz and even leads to a bunch of people buying the game twice. on 07 Dec 2023 09:02 collapse

Reasons I never buy any of their games.

  • Shitty studio practices
  • Ignoring PC the first year