The System Shock 2: 25th Anniversary Remaster pages are on GOG & Steam (
from to on 27 Feb 04:21

As someone who wasn’t alive for System Shock (the original), and who didn’t expect to love the Remaster of it as much as she did…this sequel has me very excited.

A key for the game will also be free for those who pre-ordered the first remaster.

And for System Shock 2, while mods like Rebirth do exist for SS2’s original game, there IS some issues with some ‘choices’ they made!

The Steam page is also here, for anyone wanting Steam over GOG

Anyone else excited for this one?


threaded - newest on 27 Feb 04:28 next collapse

Oh yeah.

The night dive remake of System Shock was awesome.

I played the original as a kid and it was just too hard. I also played SS2 and completed that: my gods that was a terrifying game.

I can’t wait. on 27 Feb 14:43 collapse

Lol right? I bounced off ss2 a couple times because it was too scary for younger me. A few years later I got the itch to give it another go, but I had to downgrade my graphics drivers to get it to run on my system so I forced myself to finish it that time lol on 27 Feb 18:48 collapse

Those damned monkeys…

You’re creeping around in the dark, already on a knife edge… oooh oooh aaah. on 27 Feb 04:39 next collapse

One of my all time favorites. This looks like a real remaster rather than SS1’s remake. Either way looking forward to revisiting the Von Braun and the Rickenbacker. on 27 Feb 04:50 next collapse

Definitely. Immersive sim is a scant genre with some of my favorite games. We need more of them, so its good that the OGs have been getting so much love.

Thanks for sharing this, wishlisted.

The remake of SS1 was so masterfully done i had hoped SS2 would get the same treatment… But this heavy remaster looks like itll do just fine. Thank god itll have controller support. on 27 Feb 05:11 collapse

I really enjoyed playing the first one on a flight, on my Steam Deck. So I’m hoping this next will play just as well! on 27 Feb 05:56 collapse

Oh yeah they are perfect games for the deck! Im sure the sequel will run great too. on 27 Feb 05:55 next collapse

Speaking of… anyone played the remake? Thinking of picking it up. on 27 Feb 05:58 next collapse

Of the first? Yes! Its incredible. They did such a good job keeping the original game there with lovely new textures.

I haven’t the nostalgia of playing the original at release (or ever), but I really enjoyed System Shock Remake. You won’t regret it! It goes pretty cheap quite regularly on GOG, also on 27 Feb 06:01 collapse

Thanks! I played the original on PC, but now due to lack of a rig, I’m on ps. It’s been just long enough that I’ve forgotten the details, but remember it was a good time. It’ll be like playing it for the first time all over again. on 27 Feb 06:12 collapse

Let us know how you find it! I’d love to hear what you think, after such a long time between play-throughs! on 27 Feb 18:58 next collapse

Yeah, the remake was really good, but I’ll warn you, it’s pretty hard. Like, frustratingly hard. And if I remember you can’t change the difficulty mid-game, so you may just want to play it on easier difficulty. on 28 Feb 01:30 collapse

I think the only hard part is trying to figure out what you need to do next, which a walkthrough can help with, if you’re stuck. The combat and puzzles are challenging, but it wasn’t overly difficult, IMO. on 27 Feb 19:59 next collapse

I really enjoyed it. First game in a while that could scratch that Prey-itch. on 28 Feb 03:22 collapse

I feel so heartbroken that I never got a sequel to Prey on 28 Feb 07:37 collapse

One day we will get a spiritual successor. on 28 Feb 00:58 collapse

Yup! I thought it was a really fun game. I didn’t play the original so I cannot comment on adherence to the source. But as a standalone game I really enjoyed my time with it. on 27 Feb 11:08 next collapse

After the System Shock 1 Remake getting such rave reviews I was hoping the second game would get the same treatment. Are they not remaking the sequel? on 28 Feb 00:56 next collapse

Guess not. I really liked the remake of the first game. Was a lot of fun. on 28 Feb 01:27 collapse

I was hoping this, too. I know the SS1 Remake had a long history of scope creep, so maybe they didn’t have the appetite to tackle the same thing with SS2.

But, even if they took what they had with the SS1 engine and build the same thing with SS2, it would have been much much better, and not take nearly as long as the SS1 remake. They already have most of the assets and interfaces built. on 27 Feb 14:35 next collapse

Sweet, I grabbed system shock 2 free like a decade ago … We’ll get this as an update right…?

Edit: guess not. Wishlisted… on 27 Feb 19:00 next collapse

One of the best ever made. I remember a SS2 remaster/remake being in the works a few years ago, but it got cancelled. on 28 Feb 00:55 collapse

There is a SS1 remake. I really enjoyed it. on 27 Feb 19:13 collapse

Nice! Is this basically SS2 with QoL and graphical enhancements mods? Or are these changes being created in-house?