Alan Wake, Control developer agrees €15m convertible loan from Tencent (
from to on 27 Sep 15:06


threaded - newest on 27 Sep 15:17 next collapse

Not only is that headline’s grammar exceptional(ly bad), for a moment I thought the developer of Control was named Alan Wake. Like, how did they manage to butcher that so badly? on 27 Sep 16:11 next collapse

That’s a perfectly normal headline composition. on 27 Sep 16:44 collapse

That doesn’t mean it’s good. on 27 Sep 18:41 collapse

Sure, but “good” is subjective. I had no confusion from the headline and like that it was direct and to the point. on 27 Sep 16:29 next collapse

I can tell you weren’t on newspaper staff on 27 Sep 17:51 collapse

News headlines aren’t limited by space on physical paper anymore. If your headline is confusing because of traditions based on outdated limitations it’s not a good headline imo. on 27 Sep 18:00 collapse

Your opinion doesn’t outweigh decades of an entire industry on 27 Sep 18:10 next collapse

K. Nor do industry traditions invalidate my opinion. on 27 Sep 19:18 collapse

Your opinion has no bearing on the industry standard. Kick rocks, kid. on 27 Sep 19:39 collapse

That headline would have been rejected decades ago. on 27 Sep 16:31 next collapse

No, it doesn’t say “Control developer Alan Wake …” on 27 Sep 20:10 collapse

If that’s what they meant, there would have been a comma after “Control developer” I believe. on 28 Sep 05:11 collapse

This is not the place for commas. This calls for a slash.

Alan Wake / Control developer agrees on 27 Sep 16:15 next collapse

That’s too bad. on 27 Sep 16:20 next collapse

Tencent will grow to become the anti-Steam, mark my words. They already have their grubby mitts all over devs worldwide, and every single one will live to regret it (or their players, at the very least). on 27 Sep 16:44 next collapse

You say that like they don’t own a sizeable chunk of Epic. on 27 Sep 17:11 collapse

exactly they are already doing it. on 27 Sep 16:46 next collapse

Not just games, movies too. And anything that gets Tencent money ends up with subtle pro-China propaganda. on 27 Sep 17:34 next collapse

they own WeChat too, China’s biggest chat app, also used for bill payment and government tracking. on 27 Sep 18:55 next collapse

I haven’t played in a few years, have they done any of that in EvE Online? on 27 Sep 19:59 collapse

I’m not saying there isn’t, but do you have some examples of pro china propaganda in games and movies? I heard something about the live-action mulan movie being filmed in xinyang, but besides that i haven’t personally noticed anything. on 27 Sep 21:39 collapse

It’s more about the scripts being given a passover of approval from the CCP. Want your movie in China? Usually, there’s some adaptation for the region, no big deal. However, I remember articles coming out about how the movie adaptation may not be accepted if the U.S. version doesn’t fit the standard, meaning the U.S. version would have changes made at the suggestion of the CCP.

Sorry for the NYT link, but it has some examples on 28 Sep 07:06 collapse

It’s okay. The Fediverse assured me again and again it won’t matter how much Tencent owns of your company so as long as you “don’t think about them (Tencent)”. Whatever that means. on 27 Sep 19:51 collapse

Yeah I feel there is a weird history between steam and remedy media. Like I remember when you could one day buy Alan Wake like really cheap since it was being taken off steam. Then the Epic deal making Alan Wake 2 exclusive basically meant they excluded a lot of customers immediately on steam.