From Outer Wilds to Core Keeper and a new Shantae, here’s everything announced at Indie World - Polygon (
from to on 14 Nov 2023 19:53


threaded - newest on 14 Nov 2023 20:41 collapse

Outer Wilds is so good. A perfect game for Switch. And the DLC included too, which was also superb.

Pity they can’t release a way to erase the game from my memory so I can play it afresh. Half the point of the game (and DLC) is just figuring out what the game is. Because I already know what to do I’d just complete it in about 10 minutes so it’s sadly not worth me picking it up again.

But anyone who hasn’t played it, please give it a go. It’s just wonderful. on 14 Nov 2023 20:54 next collapse

Pity they can’t release a way to erase the game from my memory so I can play it afresh.

This, so much this… on 14 Nov 2023 21:09 next collapse

I played about 3 hours of it and didn’t like it. Everyone talks about how great it is and how it’s a once in a lifetime game, but it just wasn’t that enjoyable to me. I might revisit it one day, but we’ll see. on 14 Nov 2023 22:13 next collapse

It's not like many (any?) other games, not in the mainstream sphere anyway.
I made the mistake of trying to play with mouse and keyboard but once I got flying with a controller I was set. on 15 Nov 2023 10:00 collapse

I still played with mouse and keyboard just fine. I wish they had finer thrust control for that one part, but it just made more sense to me as a first-person and space sim game. on 14 Nov 2023 23:26 next collapse

It’s not for everyone. You have to actually learn what the game is telling you from text, little physics interactions, and more. Nothing is completely spelled out for you, and everything you accomplish is a result of diligent understanding on your part. on 15 Nov 2023 09:48 collapse

Also if you have certain phobias I can definitely see this game being an issue. on 14 Nov 2023 23:58 collapse

A shame, but that’s cool. Not every game works for everyone. I can’t stand the Dark Souls games and it seems I’m in a minority on that one. on 14 Nov 2023 22:33 next collapse

Oh my god, I don’t have a headset anymore, but there was a VR mod for it that I absolutely fucking loved. It was one of the things that the Index was made for. I spent so much time crashing into planets in VR. on 15 Nov 2023 01:20 next collapse

I’ve been hesitant to play it because I heard it’s existentially depressing and I don’t think my mental state is in a good place to deal with that. Otherwise I’d probably give it a go. I loved Return of the Obra Dinn and many people who love one of those games seem to also love the other. on 15 Nov 2023 02:26 next collapse

I don’t know, slight spoilers for the general mood, but, outer wilds is that, but it’s more like… wistful, or melancholic, or bittersweet. It’s sad, but it’s a good sad. It’s emotional, and emotions feel good.

I feel like, if I were in a bad place when playing that, I don’t think it would have made it worse. It might have made it more meaningful, and be kinda… nice, in a sense. But I also feel like art like that help me a lot when I am in bad places. It’s kinda like seeing beauty in sadness, right?

But I am not you so, y’know, YMMV on 15 Nov 2023 13:16 collapse

It’s hard because it depends on the type of melancholy. I get what you mean about wistful melancholy and “good sad” if the stories are on the smaller scale. Human tragedy, personal failure, doomed relationships, lost love, that sort of stuff.

I have a harder time dealing with elaborations on an existential level: the ultimate end of all things, the futility of existence, the meaninglessness of life etc. I’m hesitant because I’ve gotten the impression this is the sphere Outer Wilds operates in. on 15 Nov 2023 14:36 collapse

It is some of the things you’ve mentioned. But it is not nihilistic. on 15 Nov 2023 15:28 collapse

It’s a kind of hopeful nihilism, a sort of sense that no matter how far apart you are in space or time, everyone and everything is ultimately connected, and looking up at the same stars. on 15 Nov 2023 02:18 next collapse

You should try the talos principle 2. They’re not apples to apples, but I’d guess that most who loved outer wilds would like it. The first talos principle is also good, but far less refined than the second.

The outerwilds dlc does add a fair bit of content. Although, I really don’t like jump scares so the dlc was not my favorite. on 15 Nov 2023 07:20 next collapse

Massively overrated game. I thought it’d be an adventure game, but it turned out to be a timed puzzle game where you end up just rushing back to the same spot over and over again because the game kills you when times up. and you don’t even know if what you’re doing is correct. By the time you figure out this isn’t an adventure game it’s too late to return it for a refund. on 15 Nov 2023 07:40 next collapse

Of course it’s an adventure game, but it’s not lineal, everything is already unfolded. on 15 Nov 2023 08:36 collapse

That’s not really a problem with the game, but with your expectations. If I watch the film Alien expecting a comedy but it’s actually a horror I wouldn’t complain the film is overrated and not funny. on 15 Nov 2023 09:57 next collapse

Pity they can’t release a way to erase the game from my memory so I can play it afresh.

That’s why people watch playthroughs to see somebody else go through the game for the first time. There’s an “Interloper” Discord server for people who are looking for VODs or live playthroughs.

Here’s one I really enjoyed recently. on 15 Nov 2023 18:13 collapse

Ah interesting option, thanks! I’ve occasionally watched a few speedruns of it but I didn’t realise there’s whole first time playthroughs. on 15 Nov 2023 15:02 collapse

While I haven’t played Outer Wilds, I with I could erase Witcher 3 from my mind. Going back for a second play through is a bit more tedious as I already know the storyline. Only completing secondary quests is somewhat fulfilling, but they end quickly. And after a point you’ve leveled up so much pretty much all combat becomes a bore.