The Division 2: Year 6 Season 1 - First Rogue Official Launch Trailer (
from to on 10 Jun 19:16


threaded - newest on 10 Jun 20:11 collapse

I might be missing something since I’m not completely dialed in with TD lore but didn’t we kill Keener? Are they bringing him back or will this just be more of his usual gloating through audio logs? I’m not sure how I feel about either of those options.

Guess I’ll wait for a full detail breakdown before thinking about coming back. on 10 Jun 20:20 collapse

I don’t play, but watched a vid on this. Apparently we never killed hin or Theo Parnell - they both somehow faked their deaths (Theo was the one with all the decoy shit) and are back at it. on 10 Jun 20:42 collapse

Yeah, I just watched the Ubisoft Forward stream with some additional details on the new update. Can’t say I’m a fan but whatever - guess they still can’t let go of their obsession with him.