All the Games Reportedly Set for Release on Nintendo Switch 2 - IGN (
from to on 14 Jan 14:40


threaded - newest on 14 Jan 15:38 next collapse

Master Chief, Solid Snake and Mario all on one system. on 14 Jan 15:50 next collapse

Now add Master Chief to Smash Bros. on 14 Jan 20:16 collapse

And yet again Waluigi gets passed by again. on 14 Jan 15:51 collapse

Steam Deck? on 14 Jan 16:01 collapse

You have Mario on steam deck!? Hello, FBI, yes this comment right here. on 14 Jan 16:58 next collapse

Not legally, but yes. on 14 Jan 23:25 collapse

Emulation can be legal though on 14 Jan 17:07 next collapse

nintendo lawyers sharpening their “enhanced interrogation” tools on 14 Jan 20:36 collapse

Technically possible to do legally if you plug a USB floppy drive and install the DOS version of Mario is Missing. on 14 Jan 16:03 next collapse

Heavy speculation and a lot of “if the console is able to run them well enough.” on 14 Jan 19:13 next collapse

I hope it’s all compatible with the old one. I don’t really want to upgrade. on 14 Jan 20:15 next collapse

If you don’t upgrade, why’s it matter if it’s backwards compatible? Its not like switch 2 games will work on switch. on 14 Jan 23:05 collapse

If two platforms share compatibility then developers can choose to target the weaker system and release on both.

For some games this might involve a bit of compromise and cause resentment with the owners of the more powerful system, but for other (simple) games it might not involve any compromise at all.

Either way there are a lot of Switch consoles in the wild and there will be some publisher support for the Switch for a few years yet.

As an example from the other side of the fence ps4 is still getting titles: on 14 Jan 22:05 collapse

You might get one dual console launch game like twilight princess or BotW but that’s it. If switch 1 could run elden ring or FF7R they’d have had ports years ago on 14 Jan 20:09 next collapse

I literally could not care less. Thanks to their relentless pursuit of emulator developers and fans who mod their games, Nintendo is dead to me. I’ll never understand why they choose to sue their biggest, most dedicated fans into oblivion. It’s pure evil. on 14 Jan 22:18 next collapse

I’m not saying they’re doing the right thing but this is always such an overreaction. Among all the evil in the world today nintendo’s actions are relatively minor, and widespread piracy gives them a plausible legal basis for doing it on 16 Jan 07:00 collapse

You don’t think corporate greed is evil? Not as evil as the shit going down in Israel and the current state of US politics (amongst so many other things), but still evil nonetheless. on 15 Jan 14:10 next collapse

I could in some ways understand their pursuit of emulators when they’re monetizing those same games currently (even if I disagree with their pricing structure on them). What really got my goat was when they went after Garry’s Mod animations, a medium that has promoted their visibility and never conflicted with their software sales in the slightest. on 16 Jan 12:29 collapse

Emulators are legal. Using a pirated copy of a game isn’t. So they take on the legal part to get to pirates. Which is extremely uncool. on 15 Jan 15:54 next collapse

Yeah, they’re jerks who happen to produce good games from time to time and build consoles out of parts that are 4 years old at launch.

I believe Nintendo went after Switch emulators because the new Switch shares enough with the original to make it a cake walk to emulate Switch 2 games with better performance. on 16 Jan 01:11 collapse

That’s what pisses me off so much. Instead of releasing a console with decent performance, they rather sue their fans into oblivion, just because they want to run their games @ 4K 120Hz. I wouldn’t need a Switch emulator if their god damn console wasn’t so weak. It can’t even handle 30 FPS in many titles, let alone 120+. It’s not like these are demanding titles, either. I’ve played mobile games with better graphics. There’s no excuse. on 16 Jan 05:05 next collapse

Totally agree. It’s silly how much better ToTK is at 60fps.

If you hack your Switch and overclock it up to the stock Nvidia shield speeds most games run a lot better. on 16 Jan 11:37 collapse

Nintendo has had such terrible quality control when it comes to performance on Switch. First party Nintendo games even suffer from unacceptable framerate drops. So many Switch games struggle to perform well on the Switch; we need a Switch 2 just to get all the Switch 1 games to play at the intended performance level. on 15 Jan 18:41 collapse

Because Nintendrones will still buy it on 15 Jan 15:52 next collapse

I would have cared but they went after Palworld. on 16 Jan 07:58 collapse

Seeing Master Chief rumored to be arriving on switch makes me wish Sony would give Little Big Planet a port on Switch. My Steam Deck can already do LBP on the go (somewhat) but i can’t help but feel like LBP and the Switch would be a perfect match