Steam Deck / Gaming News #3
from to on 04 Mar 01:24

First Things’ First:

Maybe you’re used to all of this now, but my attempt is to share an older style of gaming news post. Something maybe a lil bit like the old gaming blogs / news sites that the internet used to have. Casual, opinion-based, image-heavy and maybe-filled-with-things-you-already-spotted.

My last post (News #2) is here via this link, if you wanted to read over it before I share some more things I have spotted :)

This might lean towards a more Steam Deck-oriented post, but of course I’ll inevitably deviate and ramble on and most likely cover everything but the Steam Deck. So let’s begin!



Another Nintendo Switch emulator - NxEmu, which saw some focus and activity some time ago before seemingly disappearing into abandonment - has come back with a post sharing the dev will be refocusing on the project.

Personally, I recommend everyone focuses on the more reputable Switch emulator called Ryubing / Ryujinx. It is made with one of the original devs of Ryujinx itself, and the updates actually have substance - and you can see by the GitHub: work is consistent and constant on this one.

But back to the point of this, the NxEmu dev states: “the plan is to be able to run pre-decrypted games, so if people want to run a game it will have to be decrypted first with some other tool.

RCPS3 on Android

If you don’t recognize the emulator name, it’s an emulator for the PS3. This was announced, build and released (the alpha test build, at least) in less than a week. This is not perfect, and at the moment I’m going to look at it as more of a proof of concept than something you should really install, but it’s still incredibly interesting news.

The original devs of RPCS3 stated around December that they wouldn’t be entering the Android emulation scene because the fandom is toxic as heck, demanding as heck, and rather unpleasant. However, just a few months after that we see DH (a member) take the lead and release this for Android gamers.

Following though, is an image showing Dragon Ball Burst Limit demo booting in emulation:

Games News


Do you remember the 1996 run-and-gun DOS game called Abuse? I sure don’t, since I wasn’t alive, but if you did and do, and want to re-play the game, a developer has cleverly removed the notorious 15 FPS lock on the game, and released it as an AppImage, DEB , RPM and tar.gz

Heroic Games Launcher update

Heroic, “…a Free and Open Source Epic, GOG and Amazon Prime Games launcher for Linux, Windows and macOS. Also available on the SteamDeck!” has just released an update.

This is one of their biggest releases so far, and a lot of work has gone into this, especially considering the dev team’s busy life and commitments outside of Heroic.

Some changes include:

The full list and detailed explanation of all their changes is here on GitHub, via this link if you want to read all they have done!

Xbox Game Pass games leaving:

I personally both own a Series X console, and use the XBPlay program to play my Xbox games, and the Xbox Game Pass library. I use XBPlay on my Steam Deck. Their site can give you an idea of what they do, but the benefit to me (buying on Steam for a once-off $5 USD payment) is that it allows higher resolution upscaling that is possible just by streaming the games directly from a browser.

Anyway, back on topic, some big games are leaving the Game Pass library this month:


DREGDE is my favorite game of a couple years back. Maybe in the top 3 of all time for me. It’s the perfect combination of cozy and creepy - beautifully stylized graphics and art style, story and Lovecraftian horror.

The dev team (Black Salt Games, based in New Zealand) released their Android and iOS port of the game a couple of days ago. It’s not a simple straight forward port process, they’ve gone to a lot of custom work on making the game perfect for the ‘small screen’.

Here’s a lovely review on Forbes, if you want to read more about their game on mobile, and the process it took to get it there!

One Gamer Plays Epic’s Free Games Each Week:

I’ve discovered one user on the Epic Games (unofficial) sub-reddit who came up with a plan to help them clear their backlog of games, and stop them buying more games.

Simply, they’re going to play and review one of the games Epic gives away for free, each and every week. This was their New Years’ Resolution:

“I need to branch out my video game taste, and I’m going to have quite a lot of free time next semester. However, there’s a big problem. I’m a broke college student.

So I’ve resolved that for the first four months of 2025, I will play every free weekly Epic game to completion before the next one launches. That should be 17 games in 17 weeks. I’ll make a post on this subreddit after finishing every game detailing my thoughts. I don’t expect very many people to read, but this is mostly to keep myself accountable.”

I find this amazing. And it’s been fascinating (and helpful) to read someone’s review of the games so far, meaning if they’re terrible…I won’t bother.

The link to their initial post (on Reddit) is here, and you can find their weekly posts by clicking on their profile, and filtering by posts

Quick Fire Interesting - Dot Points:


Steam Deck Power Button:

This one is a specific and super amazing little one I found. An acquaintance on Mastodon shared with me this little creation they made for the Steam Deck’s power button:

The user is on Mastodon.

(thanks for being able to share this!

Steam Giving a User $4,000 of Free Games:

A user named “Sonix” discovered a bug in Steam’s refund system that mistakenly refunded his money but let him keep the games. He reported the issue to Valve, and instead of punishing him, they thanked him for his honesty!

His profile on Steam can be seen here

Sonic Unleashed:

I wrote a guide (which you can find here, with this link!) for running (installing) and playing the new recompiled PC port of Sonic Unleashed. If you’re interested, take a look!


I hope you enjoy this. My plan is to just…post these when I get the urge to, with no fixed schedule (I know they’ve been far too regularly rapid lately. If you can think of any improvements you want me to make on them, or want to tell me off for formatting or some error in the post…do feel free!

And, you can reach me elsewhere:




threaded - newest on 04 Mar 02:06 next collapse

this is awesome and I appreciate you taking the time. on 04 Mar 04:45 collapse

I really appreciate that! Thank you :)

I love this kind of thing, so as long as others will put up with it, I’ll share them :) on 04 Mar 04:02 next collapse

This was very fun to read! on 04 Mar 05:30 next collapse

This was a very nice read. Thank you! on 04 Mar 05:53 next collapse

Hell yeah, I really appreciate the effort it took to complete this post! It definitely reminds me of a simpler time.

Has anyone tried out the mobile port of Dredge? Some friends have recommended the original game to me, but I’m wondering if I’d be more willing to play it on my phone. on 05 Mar 00:11 collapse

I’ll install, and report back on how it is! <3 on 04 Mar 06:17 next collapse

This is a great. I somehow missed your first two but went back and read it.

I like the format, if you can, you should keep this going. on 04 Mar 08:01 collapse

I do plan to!

I get impatient, because I adore writing these, but I plan to write these weekly :)

Thank you! on 04 Mar 08:21 collapse

Looking forward to them! on 04 Mar 07:33 next collapse

Liking this post series. Looking forward to the next one! on 04 Mar 07:42 next collapse

I need to fix the desktop side of my switch so I can install decky and all the other cool add-ons. Dunno what happened but the password set on the konsole doesn’t work and I have to reset something. on 04 Mar 08:31 next collapse

high-fps abuse looks GREAT! I honestly thought the SDL sourceport (?) that’s existed for years already had that, but apparently not.

Might have to revisit the game at some point on 04 Mar 14:50 next collapse

First of all, thank you for doing these, more original content is always welcome and appreciated! I really like your writing style and that the subjects you cover are just things you find interesting, whether they're related or not. Like you said, it's more of a old gaming blog style, which is cool.

I also played the shit out of Abuse back in the day but never finished it, so thanks for the excuse to give it another go. Although I did find the 15 fps limit added to the charm of the game, so to speak. But I'll try this new version. on 04 Mar 15:19 next collapse

Great post. Thanks for the info on Sonic unleashed. These decomp games are great! I’ve got ‘ship of harkinian’ running as well. on 04 Mar 16:24 next collapse

Just FYI. Make sure that any link to GitHub is saved locally OR there is a mirror available. GH is going after emulators quite a bit, especially forks! This is coming from one that helps out from time to time in the software.

If only there was some sort of berg of code that happenes to have the forks available. Too bad there isnt such a website ;)

Thanks again making these posts! I learned quite a few new projects to throw on my SD. on 04 Mar 23:23 collapse

The irony, after you posted this we’ve seen Nintendo send out a DMCA notice for a ton of Ryujinx forks! Link here is to my post on it! on 04 Mar 23:30 collapse

Sounds about right. In the retro gaming communities it’s being treated like torrents now. on 04 Mar 16:28 next collapse

Great post ! Thanks for sharing on 04 Mar 16:51 collapse

Fuck epic on 05 Mar 00:11 collapse