Capcom announces Monster Hunter Wilds, coming 2025 (
from to on 08 Dec 2023 04:42


threaded - newest on 08 Dec 2023 04:50 next collapse

I am beyond excited for this. I’ve been playing MH games since MH2 and they just get better every time. If this caught your eye and you’ve never tried the series, World and Rise are both great and totally worth checking out during the wait until 2025. on 08 Dec 2023 08:56 collapse

My friends brought me kicking and screaming into Unite, then world… it wasn’t until Rise that it finally clicked for me and became fun. Then I went back to world and was blown away. on 08 Dec 2023 04:56 next collapse

I’m definitely pumped for this. I never had time to get into a Rise despite playing a ton of Monster Hunter World. Will be interesting to see what, if any, changes are made to the formula. on 08 Dec 2023 06:53 collapse

MH series always does one big (console) one small (mobile) in that order. Last gen World was the big and Rise was the small.

This is probably gonna be the big one :) on 08 Dec 2023 23:29 collapse

Rise/Sunbreak is no small game. The World game was the first built from the spin-off team, but you’re right that Rise/Sunbreak is from the “Portable” team. I love World dearly for so many reasons, but honestly Rise keeps the old school spirit going that World was a little lacking in. The flare shot or friends only multiplayer system (lack of lobbies list) sort of stiffles the community. This might sound lame to some people, but if you’ve ever made long term friends with strangers you met playing a game, you’re about 10x more likely to do that in Rise than in World imo. It’s just funner and more often has a sillier vibe when grouping up with others, and easier to regroup with them on play sessions days later. on 09 Dec 2023 00:15 collapse

When I said small I was referring to portable (kinda forgot the word), as hunts can be completed in 15min or less. I think I would still prefer World though, probably because I did 300 Narwa hunts in one week before they fixed the “loot drop tables” bug. on 08 Dec 2023 05:47 next collapse

Haven’t played Iceborne and Rise, maybe it’s time to upgrade my PC to get at both. 🤔 on 08 Dec 2023 10:44 collapse

Hopefully this wont be full of microtransactions even of the cosmetic kind. Monster hunter world was amazing but Capcom has become more and more greedy for the past few years.

It’s probably really tempting for them to convert Monster Hunter franchise in to a modern live service with bunch of premium cosmetics, battle passes and Fomo traps. Exoprimal and Street Fighter VI are already suffering from these.